Showing posts with label McMaster University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McMaster University. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015

Ontario Trail News - Hamilton Burlington Trail Count Volunteers Wanted

"Volunteers needed to help out with an exciting project! A trail use survey is being conducted to gather information on the Who, How, Where and Why of local trail use. Ultimately, this data will be used assist in the development and planning of an effectively designed regional trail network.

New volunteers are welcome to join any time until the project finishes in July 2016. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer application form available here:

 Volunteers will complete headcounts of trail users as well as approach trail users to complete trail use surveys. Thirteen locations across Hamilton and Burlington have been selected as survey locations. A map of these locations is available here:

The trail survey is a joint project between the Hamilton-Burlington Trails Council and McMaster University. The HBTC is a non-profit organization which aims to serve as a trail alliance for a well-connected trail system in the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington, while promoting the health benefits of recreational trail use to residents and visitors and conserving our valuable natural ecosystems.

For more information on the project, please contact the Survey Coordinator, Alex Farquharson, at

For more information on the Hamilton Burlington Trails Council, please visit”
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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ontario Trails News - Summer Fun Guide and more!

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On Our Calendar

Stakeholder Day
Are you a group with an interest in trails? Many recent announcements on the Ontario Trails Act, trail openings, Bill C-31 and other developments have led the OTC to convene a trails stakeholder day.

September 23rd, in Toronto. location to TBD. Watch this space for details.

We are planning for Thursday September 24th, 1100 -1200 am at McMaster University.

We have worked with the Ministry of Employment, Economic Development and Infrastructure "Enabling Change" Program to create awareness about accessibility and trail organization communications. Download the guide, complete our survey.

Trail HerosKnow somebody that works hard on trails? If so nominate them to be an Ontario Trails "Trail Hero!" We'd be happy to review your recommendations and acknowledge in a small way their contribution to trails in your community.


Trail Blog

Every day trails are news! Every day we blog about trails. In communities all over Ontario trails are big news, for cyclists, runners, canoe or horses, every day we capture in one spot all the trail news - local, provincial or national! Join today!

ontario trail blog

Trail Leaders!

Join Ontario's first ever series of 13 online trail education courses in the development and management of trails. Designed for both volunteers and professionals. Course locations and seats available - Trail Management. Register today - registration is open 24/7  

courses placeholder

Join OTC

The Ontario Trails Council is a nonprofit charitable organization, established in 1988, that promotes the development, preservation, management and use of recreational trails. With over 130 organizational members and 25 individual supporters the OTC continues to grow! Support trails in Ontario - join the OTC.

Learn an Activity

Our website contains information on over 2,600 trails, and a description for nearly 2,000. Learn about the places where you can bike, cross country ski, climb or any of another 15 activities. We are linked to over 130 organizations and a variety of provincial groups that can help you learn an activity or become better at one you already love!

ontario water trails

Add Your Event

We post trail or outdoor events on trail specific facebook pages, the main OTC facebook page, and the event section of the OTC website. You can send us your event and we'll post it to these extensive networks. Each week we reach over 20,000 people, so if you want your event known, a bit better, send us the information.

Add/Edit Trails

An important part of the Refreshed OTC Web site will be a dynamic page dedicated to each trail. It is important that you give us as much information as possible - this will be the only source for creating your dedicated page on the OTC Web site. If we don't get the information from you, it won't make it onto the site. If you have any questions about the form, please contact Patrick at 613-484-1140. Thank you for taking the time to add or edit your trail on the Ontario Trails Council Web site.


Be a Friend of Trails

We invite all trail users to support the work of the Ontario Trails Council. As a registered charity we do our community work based on the support of member organizations, individuals and some government grants. We do the work, in the end for the individual families and folks that use the trails every day. Please consider supporting us as your thanks for your trails. Thank you.

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Ontario Trails News - the latest edition of Trailwise - sign up today.

Join our frequent e-news list - Trailwise

Trailwise - week of December 18, 2014

Trailhead 2015 is only a Hop Skip and a jump away. Take a look at what we have lined up. We will continually be updating the site with information on programs, events and more so check back often.  
The Ontario Trail Council “Trailhead Ontario 2015″ Committee is is pleased to announce the McMaster University as the location of our conferencing and trails education sessions. The 2015 conference is sure to feature innovative seminars on accessible trails, trail infrastructure, trail tourism and branding, and promoting trail use with youth, among various other topics. Please continue onto "Conference Information" to find out more on the conference and what is to come.

Have you been a past presenter?
Then you may want to re-visit with these folks in Hamilton June 7-10, 2015

Your Membership is VITAL to our work

It's that time of year - when we send out renewal notices to the membership. We rely on your support to sustain our work and operations!

The Board thanks Bonnie Simpson, Acting Treasurer for all her help to staff in completing this years membership renewal processes. We wish to thank these members for their prompt renewal.

Algonquin Highlands

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

Kinghorn Rail Trail Association

When complete the Kinghorn Rail Trail will provide recreational and tourism opportunities that will enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for travelers, residents, and local businesses in the communities connected by the Kinghorn Rail Trail.

Nickel Belt Conservation Area

The Friends of Lake Laurentian is a community based initiative working with the Nickel District Conservation Authority (NDCA) and the Nickel District Conservation Foundation (NDCF) to encourage, develop and promote various programs, as well as, to promote membership opportunities, increase public usage and enhance awareness of the Lake Laurentian Conservation Area.
In order to accomplish these goals, we need your help. Please click the Donate Now button to the left or download the pdf Membership form or byclicking on the image to your right.
Fill in the form (both French and English are on the same form) and mail it to us at:
Nickel District Conservation Authority
199 Larch Street, 4th Floor
Suite 401
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 5P9
Contact Us with any questions you might have email: 

Ontario Recreational Canoe and Kayak Association

Ontario Parks Association

Ontario Southwest Tourism Corporation

Simcoe County - MORE
These include the Bruce Trail and the Ganaraska Trail … the development of the Simcoe County Trails Strategy to guide investment and development of a County-wide trail network …
club offers many benefits including trail maps, trail updates, trailcondition information, invitation to club …
club offers many benefits including trail maps, trail updates, trailcondition information, invitation to club …
A local trails association, Huronia Trails and Greenways has an innovative trail program, called “Help Trails Grow …
Dogs must be under control or on a … All designated hiking trails are constructed and maintained by volunteers - please … Ganaraska HikingTrail Association Simcoe County Trails …
Hunting is permitted within the Simcoe County Forest to members of the Ontario Federation … are permitted to utilize ATV's on existingtrails throughout the County Forests as follows …
one of the largest employers in the region, The County of Simcoe provides a diverse and dynamic … golf courses, ski hills, snowmobile, hiking and biking trails and fresh water lakes …
County Archives Infinity Rolls Into Innisfil Date: October 29, 2013 … Another new, high-end automotive dealership is being built in the Barrie area … Local Real Estate Sales Up 15 …
Ardagh Bluffs Loop Trail Blueberry Plains Loop Trail Collingwood LoopTrail Earl Rowe Loop Trail Grants Wood Loop Trail Innisfil Beach Park Loop Trail Matchedash …

Voyageur Multi-Use Trail System

Off-road adventure awaits riders of everything from ATV's to horses on our first-class and truly multi-use venue. On more than 300 kilometers of trails, exceptional diversity, breathtaking vistas and points of interest that beg exploration are yours to experience.

Projects Update - National Trails Coalition (ON)

This program was announced at the end of June. In total the OTC had 93 enquiries for funding. Snowmobile had 89 projects come forward and ORV 19, for a total of 201 expressions of interest.

There have been several logistical issues to work out, namely find sharing on projects, file completions, and use of other funds. The NTC is finalizing approvals at this time. 

NOTE: the NTC is waiting for all jurisdictions to report in, and finalize all contracts before providing more specific information on grants in provinces or territories. We can therefore only go as fast as the slowest province. As they roll out you will be contacted. 

The NTC also hired a National Program Facilitator - his name is Roger Pelletier. He can be reached by email at:

Accessibility - A Guide for Accessible Web Design

In 2005, the government enacted the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. This act laid the framework for the development of province-wide mandatory standards on accessibility in all areas of daily life. Its goal is to make Ontario accessible for people with disabilities by 2025.

Ontario now has accessibility standards in five areas:
• Customer service
• Employment
• Information and communications
• Transportation
• Design of public spaces
In 2013, the Ontario Trails Council undertook a website redesign to improve services and information. As a sector industry association, we wanted to ensure the information on our website is available to all Ontarians, including people with disabilities.
Through the experience we learnt an accessible website is simply good design that improved how our site works for everyone. Since 85% of the visitors to the Ontario Trails Council website are referred to our member’s websites for more local and distinct information about a trail, we wanted to share our experience of creating an accessible website and encourage our members to consider accessibility for their website and other communication tools as a best practice.
That is why the Ontario Trails Council developed the "Ontario Trails Organizations Guide for Accessible Web Design" through an EnAbling Change Project with the Government of Ontario.
The Guide is free to anyone interested in designing more accessible and inclusive websites. Covering accessible website design, it offers ideas on how to design your website – what factors to consider, what questions to ask, and where to find more information. We also include some useful links for anyone interested in learning more about accessibility for trails.
To download the PDF of the Ontario Trails Organizations Guide for Accessible Web Design click here

More about the AODA

Did you know all private and non-profit organizations with 20+ employees must file an accessibility compliance report by December 31, 2014.
Your requirements will vary depending on the size of your organization.
Use the following link to learn what you need to do comply

Schedule a Webinar

The Ontario Trails Council is pleased to work with you on accessiblity, and accessible web design.
Why not learn more by joining a webinar on the topic?
January 14, 20151pm-2pm Join
January 28, 2015 1pm-2pmJoin
February 18, 20151pm-2pmJoin
March 11, 20151pm-2pmJoin
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of September 4, 2014
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• Community Trail News  • Trail Events
• Member Links • User News • Surveys and Feedback

Ontario Trails Council AGM

Hamilton is host to the OTC 2014 OTC AGM. We wish to thank McMaster University for acting as host.

Trails Education News
We have completed the complete program curriculum for the Algonquin College supported Ontario Trails Council Trail Skills and Education Program.

Over the summer we have added the three final modules: These three modules have been added to the already comprehensive program of Trail PlanningTrail Stewardship, and Trail Management.

NEXT COURSE - Sept. 2014
Oct. 2014

Be sure to sign up for one of these stimulating and challenging courses. Whether a staff or a volunteer you'll be surprised at what you learn, and how your trail knowledge will be enhanced.
Projects Updates - National Trails Coalition (ON)

This program was announced at the end of June. In total the OTC had 93 enquiries for funding. Snowmobile had 89 projects come forward and ORV 19, for a total of 201 expressions of interest.

This led to 59 applications being received by non-motorized. 13 of these are mixed use, either non-motorized/snowmobile, snowmobile/ORV, non-motorized/ORV, or all 3.

The total value of work on these 59 projects (without single snowmobile, or single ORV) is over $21,000,000. The project costs alone are $17,600,000. The dollars raised by the communities applying is over $10,000,000 of this and the NTC contribution is of course maxed at $2.1 million.

The Ontario Review Committee has met on one occasion to reconcile receipt and acknowledgements. We are working towards September approvals and communications.

The NTC also hired a National Program Facilitator - his name is Roger Pelletier. He can be reached by email at:

In the same time frame as we are working on all this we got an acknowledgement that the Ontario Government is not going to support the OTC. 
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ontario Trails News - News from trails all around Ontario

Trail News - OTC Supports Trails

Each week the OTC office or a volunteer helps make trails in Ontario better. The OTC is currently involved in many trail projects, lending a hand.
Your membership supports this work. 
Over the past few months we have helped the:
i) Niagara Trails Committee - The OTC has been active in Niagara region, working with the Niagara trails committee, the region, and the individual cities of Port Colborne, Welland, and Thorold. The situation had progressed to the point where the three cities in the Seaway are prepared to negotiate a lease with the trails committee to manage the section of trail the region and Welland suspended their portion of the lease. The OTC has connected its lawyer with the committee to completing Corporation. The date for negotiations we forwarded by the committee to the OTC. They are very grateful for help.
II) Toronto Trails Committee - met with counselor Denzil Minnan-Wong, offered staff support to the committee. Met with Scott Laver and Karen Sun with Toronto parks and forestry, they are supportive and a draft terms of reference is being reviewed. Work continues with cycle Toronto and their trail committee to synchronize projects and the relationship between cyclists and the city. Working with the Cycle Toronto Trails Committee to look at a Toronto Trails Committee meeting and trail issues at the 401 and Yonge Under Pass
iii) Ontario Place Revitalization: have participated in one face-to-face and two conference calls regarding the provinces revitalization of Ontario Place. Have made comment on access, management, use, design, nimby, relationship the neighborhood, relationship to the exhibition, trail naming process and presentation material content.

Expect a call from an OTC Board Member - we want you back and we want your feedback! 

iv)  Akwasasnae, Renfrew, North Dumfries – RFP’s: working with some groups the OTC office has lent my personal and OTC support to projects in Akwasasnae, me Renfrew and North Dumfries. The Renfrew RFP has been posted to Google drive us reference.
v)  Hamilton Burlington Trails Committee: have participated in one face-to-face meeting and two conference calls, and will be in a face-to-face meeting with this committee on January 29. New relationships with Royal Botanical Gardens in the city of Hamilton are very, very promising, hoping for new memberships in. This committee and McMaster University have applied to host trailhead 2014 (as back-up) or Trailhead 2015. Work continues to facilitate trails connectivity between waterfront, Pan-Am games, the City and Key points.
vi) Website: have worked to secure contractors, manage contractors, manage outcomes, of the various elements of the website refresh. These people will be doing a run through as part of the January 28 board meeting. Website refresh to be live soon. Our website is ranked in hte top 3% of websites worldwide, and gets about 1,000,000 UNIQUE visitors a year.
vii) Horse Help Canada: wrote a grant with the HEAL program out of Campbellcroft Ontario, for November 1 Ontario Trillium Foundation funding - site visit by OTF moved to February 5th. OTC will be on site to assist this community program.
viii) Georgian Bay Coastal Trail: developed an on-line strategic assessment document for this trail committee. Collated and analysed survey results, presented a one day Board Staff think tank, produced an outcome report and have managed to guide staff and board with input since completion assisting them with their organizational development.
Your Membership funds our travel, expertise and guidance.

viii) Communications - each week's newsletter is produced on Thursday, Trailwise, each is circulated to about 850 people. This also includes amendments to the e-mail distribution list as people request to be added or removed. We cover a wide rage of topics about trails.
ix) Daily work - Each day there's daily work on the website, Trailhead Ontario pages, Facebook, Twitter and blog accounts. Every day people recirculate information we distribute.
x) Ontario Trails Strategy - the OTC attended all meetings of the Ontario trails strategy including the aboriginal sessions. Our commentary included discussion about the occupiers liability act (and follow-up conference call), liability, white paper or trails master plan for the province, the reassessment the nature of trail conflict, when it's really about a lack of capacity and competition for available space - i.e. fund for development; a project inventory; regulation easement; tax breaks; and ongoing meeting process; and management process for the 51 challenges were what we called for.

xi) Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee meeting - the meeting was held in Toronto on December 12, document attached on the Google drive for reference - the focus of the meeting was the outcome report they provided from the consultations. Attached the Google drive for reference, importantly the ministry has developed a management structure, seeing three pillars of engagement with the community to tackle the 51 challenges. I could not be more pleased as this reflects the 4 committee structure, OTC recommended to the Ministry in 2005. The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee will be smaller, and function similar to the way the OTC Board of Directors functions. Members of the trails community will be called in at committee level on specific issues. This is happening already with the OLA conference calls and the Ontario Place Revitalization Project. Next meeting is to be held in the spring.
We also manage the education program, youth program funding and are looking at our advocacy, communication and supports every day! Thank You.
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92

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