Showing posts with label Thorold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thorold. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ontario Trails News - News from trails all around Ontario

Trail News - OTC Supports Trails

Each week the OTC office or a volunteer helps make trails in Ontario better. The OTC is currently involved in many trail projects, lending a hand.
Your membership supports this work. 
Over the past few months we have helped the:
i) Niagara Trails Committee - The OTC has been active in Niagara region, working with the Niagara trails committee, the region, and the individual cities of Port Colborne, Welland, and Thorold. The situation had progressed to the point where the three cities in the Seaway are prepared to negotiate a lease with the trails committee to manage the section of trail the region and Welland suspended their portion of the lease. The OTC has connected its lawyer with the committee to completing Corporation. The date for negotiations we forwarded by the committee to the OTC. They are very grateful for help.
II) Toronto Trails Committee - met with counselor Denzil Minnan-Wong, offered staff support to the committee. Met with Scott Laver and Karen Sun with Toronto parks and forestry, they are supportive and a draft terms of reference is being reviewed. Work continues with cycle Toronto and their trail committee to synchronize projects and the relationship between cyclists and the city. Working with the Cycle Toronto Trails Committee to look at a Toronto Trails Committee meeting and trail issues at the 401 and Yonge Under Pass
iii) Ontario Place Revitalization: have participated in one face-to-face and two conference calls regarding the provinces revitalization of Ontario Place. Have made comment on access, management, use, design, nimby, relationship the neighborhood, relationship to the exhibition, trail naming process and presentation material content.

Expect a call from an OTC Board Member - we want you back and we want your feedback! 

iv)  Akwasasnae, Renfrew, North Dumfries – RFP’s: working with some groups the OTC office has lent my personal and OTC support to projects in Akwasasnae, me Renfrew and North Dumfries. The Renfrew RFP has been posted to Google drive us reference.
v)  Hamilton Burlington Trails Committee: have participated in one face-to-face meeting and two conference calls, and will be in a face-to-face meeting with this committee on January 29. New relationships with Royal Botanical Gardens in the city of Hamilton are very, very promising, hoping for new memberships in. This committee and McMaster University have applied to host trailhead 2014 (as back-up) or Trailhead 2015. Work continues to facilitate trails connectivity between waterfront, Pan-Am games, the City and Key points.
vi) Website: have worked to secure contractors, manage contractors, manage outcomes, of the various elements of the website refresh. These people will be doing a run through as part of the January 28 board meeting. Website refresh to be live soon. Our website is ranked in hte top 3% of websites worldwide, and gets about 1,000,000 UNIQUE visitors a year.
vii) Horse Help Canada: wrote a grant with the HEAL program out of Campbellcroft Ontario, for November 1 Ontario Trillium Foundation funding - site visit by OTF moved to February 5th. OTC will be on site to assist this community program.
viii) Georgian Bay Coastal Trail: developed an on-line strategic assessment document for this trail committee. Collated and analysed survey results, presented a one day Board Staff think tank, produced an outcome report and have managed to guide staff and board with input since completion assisting them with their organizational development.
Your Membership funds our travel, expertise and guidance.

viii) Communications - each week's newsletter is produced on Thursday, Trailwise, each is circulated to about 850 people. This also includes amendments to the e-mail distribution list as people request to be added or removed. We cover a wide rage of topics about trails.
ix) Daily work - Each day there's daily work on the website, Trailhead Ontario pages, Facebook, Twitter and blog accounts. Every day people recirculate information we distribute.
x) Ontario Trails Strategy - the OTC attended all meetings of the Ontario trails strategy including the aboriginal sessions. Our commentary included discussion about the occupiers liability act (and follow-up conference call), liability, white paper or trails master plan for the province, the reassessment the nature of trail conflict, when it's really about a lack of capacity and competition for available space - i.e. fund for development; a project inventory; regulation easement; tax breaks; and ongoing meeting process; and management process for the 51 challenges were what we called for.

xi) Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee meeting - the meeting was held in Toronto on December 12, document attached on the Google drive for reference - the focus of the meeting was the outcome report they provided from the consultations. Attached the Google drive for reference, importantly the ministry has developed a management structure, seeing three pillars of engagement with the community to tackle the 51 challenges. I could not be more pleased as this reflects the 4 committee structure, OTC recommended to the Ministry in 2005. The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee will be smaller, and function similar to the way the OTC Board of Directors functions. Members of the trails community will be called in at committee level on specific issues. This is happening already with the OLA conference calls and the Ontario Place Revitalization Project. Next meeting is to be held in the spring.
We also manage the education program, youth program funding and are looking at our advocacy, communication and supports every day! Thank You.
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ontario Trails news - Trail News from all around Ontario's trails

Ontario Trails Council Membership Annual Dues - Due Now

Be A Friend of Trails
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Weekly e-bulletins Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$25.75 + $3.38 = $29.13 (includes 13% HST)
  • Weekly editions of the OTC newsletter 
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  * must provide student verification

$20.60 + $2.67 = $23.27(includes 13% HST)

Organizational Members - 180+
Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks, trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units and other trail-related supporting organizations. See the list!

Benefits - too numerous to list see our webpage for more info!
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92
We Welcome Our New Members!Port Colborne

Two trails terminate in Port Colborne, both of which form part of the Greater Niagara Circle Route. These are excellent, paved, multi-used trails passing by some of the best scenery in southern Niagara, including the historic Welland Canal. Great for walking, cycling, skating, or wheeling. Click on the name of each trail to view their respective web-pages. More trails on website.

Greater Niagara Circle RouteThe Greater Niagara Circle Route
The Greater Niagara Circle Route is a paved, multi-use trail that connects Port Colborne, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Niagara on the Lake, St. Catharines, Thorold, and Welland in a 140 km circuit. It is made up of several different trails. In Port Colborne, the Welland Canals Parkway, which runs on a north/south axis from Welland, and the Friendship Trail, which runs on an east/west axis from Fort Erie, both meet at Seaway Park. A spur of the trail runs along the Port Promenade, parallel to Historic West Street, and terminates at scenic HH Knoll Park. 
We Thank Our Renewing Members!

Georgian Bay Coast Trail

Haldimand County
Thistlemoor Park Pathway CaledoniaWithin the limits of Thistlemoor Park in the south end of Caledonia.
Kinsmen Park Walkway CaledoniaPaved and lit throughout Kinsmen Park on the north side of the Grand River.
Patterson Walkway CaledoniaPaved and lit on the east side of Argyle Street between the Grand River and Forfar Street.
Ramsay Walkway CaledoniaPaved and lit trail on the west side of Argyle Street between the Grand River and Forfar Street destined for the Caledonia Old Mill.
Rotary Riverside Trail Caledonia to YorkDesignated as part of the Trans Canada Trail System, this trail is approximately six kilometres of scenic Grand River country, which is suitable for nature walks, hiking and cycling.
Rail Park Pathway DunnvilleA short scenic pathway between Cedar Street and George Street.
Thompson Creek Restoration DunnvilleNatural regenerated area reforested with Carolinian trees and frequented by various wildlife.
Townsend Recreation Trail TownsendThirteen kilometres of paved and lit walkway winding through beautiful Townsend over the Nanticoke Creek. Available for walking, biking and roller-blading.

Township of Cavan-Monaghan

Parks and TrailsMap All Trails Click Photo!
Cedar Valley Park
Located on the Cedar Valley Rd., Cedar Valley Park is a community green-space with play equipment and a half court basketball court for children to enjoy.
Map It
Edgewood Park
Located near the Hamlet of Mount Pleasant, Edgewood Park is a small green-space with a swing set and playground that serves the residents of the Edgewood Park subdivision.
Map It
Ontario Equestrian Federation
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ontario Trail News - information about meeting commentary, TRCA and Black Creek contest and more from Ontario's Trails

OTC Attends Meetings makes comment

Over the past two weeks the OTC President, Jack De Wit has attended, sometimes with staff, sometimes with other Board Members, each of the 7 consultations on the Ontario Trails Strategy. We thank all the organizations that came out in response, and especially all the groups that have asked for permanent support for the operations of the Ontario Trails Council office.

The next meeting of the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is December 12th, and there is report of finding to be presented at that time. Additionally the OTC continues to support trails all over Ontario  - this past week alone we assisted by phone or in person; 
  • in Niagara, with progress being made on the Niagara Trails Committee moving to trail management with the Region on a section of trail from Port Colborne to Thorold. Discussions continue.
  • Prince Edward County is moving forward with over 12 supporters and staff involvement in the creation of a PEC Trails Committee to better manage the Millennium trail
  • Leamington is moving to develop trails, OTC supporting Essex and Chatham Kent resources to lend support
  • Huron County held meetings on the Guelph to Goderich Greenway
  • Saugeen Shores moved ahead with OTC support on its road access issues
  • In Toronto the OTC attended the Ontario Place Revitalization stakeholder advisory committee meeting as a member and we made comment on plans for park development and trail design and access considerations.
  • In Nippissing and Mattawa the local clubs are investing in trails. The OTC sent a note of encouragement!
Madwaska Event

TRCA Black Creek Contest
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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ontario Trail News - all sorts of news on Ontario trails!

OTC Attends Meetings makes comment

Over the past two weeks the OTC President, Jack De Wit has attended, sometimes with staff, sometimes with other Board Members, each of the 7 consultations on the Ontario Trails Strategy. We thank all the organizations that came out in response, and especially all the groups that have asked for permanent support for the operations of the Ontario Trails Council office.

The next meeting of the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is December 12th, and there is report of finding to be presented at that time.

Additionally the OTC continues to support trails all over Ontario  - this past week alone we assisted by phone or in person; 
  • in Niagara, with progress being made on the Niagara Trails Committee moving to trail management with the Region on a section of trail from Port Colborne to Thorold. Discussions continue.
  • Prince Edward County is moving forward with over 12 supporters and staff involvement in the creation of a PEC Trails Committee to better manage the Millennium trail
  • Leamington is moving to develop trails, OTC supporting Essex and Chatham Kent resources to lend support
  • Huron County held meetings on the Guelph to Goderich Greenway
  • Saugeen Shores moved ahead with OTC support on its road access issues
  • In Toronto the OTC attended the Ontario Place Revitalization stakeholder advisory committee meeting as a member and we made comment on plans for park development and trail design and access considerations.
  • In Nippissing and Mattawa the local clubs are investing in trails. The OTC sent a note of encouragement!
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Track Building, Trail Development and Bike Month Updates

Bicycle tourism is the wave of the future, businesses told
Windsor Star
For the first time, the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure is bringing about 200 bike enthusiasts from the U.S., Ontario, Quebec and Alberta to the area in August to ride along Lake Erie. The supported cycling tour starts in Lakeshore and runs through ...
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Thorold Wins Award from the Share the Road Cycling Coalition
What's On Thorold
Back row, left to right - Judy Socha (member TATAC, Dale Robinson, Chair, TATAC; Gloria Leahey and Beate Wolf, TATAC members. Front row, left to right: Sean Dunsmore, Engineer—City of Thorold; Mayor Ted Luciani, and Justin Jones of the Share the ...
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Local skier eyes World Cup
The North Bay Nugget
Local cross-country skier and Chippewa High School student, Liam Patterson, 17, ... Earlier this year he was named to the Ontario ski team.


Urban expert calls walking key feature
London Free Press
He's the author of Walking Home: the Life and Lessons of a City Builder, and helped redesign the Regent Park neighbourhood in Toronto that's made it a thriving example of the kind of mixed use every city wants. Where the North American dream was once a ...
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Media Advisory - Lace Up for the TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes 2013
Wall Street Journal (press release)
TORONTO, June 5, 2013 /CNW/ - This year marks the largest fundraising goal ever of reaching $8 million in total donations and pledges supporting the TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes. It is expected that more than 45,000 people across Canada in over 70 ...
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DIY cycle shop rolls out
The full volunteer crew of the Firebird D.I.Y. Community Cycle bike repair shop celebrated its grand opening at the corner of Toronto and Simcoe streets June 1. The organization, which originated at Barrie Central Collegiate, moved to the green space ...
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Community bike ride at St. James Park on Saturday
Toronto cyclists are being invited to take part in a ride to push for protected bike lanes along Richmond and Adelaide streets. Cycle Toronto is holding a community ride starting and ending at St. James Park at the corner of Jarvis and Adelaide.
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Like shoes, a bike has got to fit
TORONTO — Pain induced by cycling can be a roadblock for many in hopping on a bike, and Andrew McGregor wants to alleviate the problem — one he once lived with himself. Having raced when he was younger, McGregor said he quit because it hurt too ...
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June is Bike Month in Durham Region
The Welcome Cyclists Network is a program certifying and promoting bicycle-friendly businesses and cycle tourism across Ontario. These designated businesses ensure they offer basic amenities to accommodate cyclists, such as secure bike storage, healthy ...
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BREAKING NEWS: Ontario Municipal Board dismisses Canadian Motor ...
Bullet News Niagara
FORT ERIE – The Ontario Municipal Board has dismissed an appeal by a conservation group of an earlier decision in favour of the $400-million Canadian Motor Speedway project. The decision, a copy of which was sent to the Town of Fort Erie this morning, ...
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