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Showing posts with label Shenzhen. Show all posts

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of September 4, 2014
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Ontario Trails Council AGM

Hamilton is host to the OTC 2014 OTC AGM. We wish to thank McMaster University for acting as host.

Trails Education News
We have completed the complete program curriculum for the Algonquin College supported Ontario Trails Council Trail Skills and Education Program.

Over the summer we have added the three final modules: These three modules have been added to the already comprehensive program of Trail PlanningTrail Stewardship, and Trail Management.

NEXT COURSE - Sept. 2014
Oct. 2014

Be sure to sign up for one of these stimulating and challenging courses. Whether a staff or a volunteer you'll be surprised at what you learn, and how your trail knowledge will be enhanced.
Projects Updates - National Trails Coalition (ON)

This program was announced at the end of June. In total the OTC had 93 enquiries for funding. Snowmobile had 89 projects come forward and ORV 19, for a total of 201 expressions of interest.

This led to 59 applications being received by non-motorized. 13 of these are mixed use, either non-motorized/snowmobile, snowmobile/ORV, non-motorized/ORV, or all 3.

The total value of work on these 59 projects (without single snowmobile, or single ORV) is over $21,000,000. The project costs alone are $17,600,000. The dollars raised by the communities applying is over $10,000,000 of this and the NTC contribution is of course maxed at $2.1 million.

The Ontario Review Committee has met on one occasion to reconcile receipt and acknowledgements. We are working towards September approvals and communications.

The NTC also hired a National Program Facilitator - his name is Roger Pelletier. He can be reached by email at:

In the same time frame as we are working on all this we got an acknowledgement that the Ontario Government is not going to support the OTC. 
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