Friday, July 31, 2015

Ontario Trail News - Hamilton Burlington Trail Count Volunteers Wanted

"Volunteers needed to help out with an exciting project! A trail use survey is being conducted to gather information on the Who, How, Where and Why of local trail use. Ultimately, this data will be used assist in the development and planning of an effectively designed regional trail network.

New volunteers are welcome to join any time until the project finishes in July 2016. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer application form available here:

 Volunteers will complete headcounts of trail users as well as approach trail users to complete trail use surveys. Thirteen locations across Hamilton and Burlington have been selected as survey locations. A map of these locations is available here:

The trail survey is a joint project between the Hamilton-Burlington Trails Council and McMaster University. The HBTC is a non-profit organization which aims to serve as a trail alliance for a well-connected trail system in the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington, while promoting the health benefits of recreational trail use to residents and visitors and conserving our valuable natural ecosystems.

For more information on the project, please contact the Survey Coordinator, Alex Farquharson, at

For more information on the Hamilton Burlington Trails Council, please visit”
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