Showing posts with label Board of directors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Board of directors. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ontario Trails News - 1,000's of trails, news and events from all over Ontario Trails

Support for council's bike lanes standChatham Daily News
As Councilor Gilbert correctly pointed out, bike lanes just merge with regular traffic at major intersections. According to the Ontario Medical Association, 2/3 of all ...
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Sea to Sea Cycling Tour makes stop in CornwallSeaway News
CORNWALL, Ontario - The back lawn at NAV CENTRE has been turned into an impromptu campsite for 135 cyclists who are biking from coast to coast to end ...
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OPA Annual General Members Meeting Notices
Call for Board of Director wannabe's - Due to some changes that will be taking place with Board members moving to new positions within our Board we are looking for some new blood to join our awesomely wonderful and fun group. We are looking for two new members to add as Directors to our Board. If you have a passion for parks, and a sense of humour, or if you know someone who fits these qualifications and you would like to nominate them for a position as a Director on our Board, please email me at If you would like further information on the requirements of a Director please email me and I will give you the skinny on what would be required of this type of superhero.

Proposed revision to Bylaws - At present our Bylaws require us to hold an Annual General Meeting AND an Annual General Members Meeting each year. Our Board will be putting forward a motion at our Annual General Members Meeting to change this item in our Bylaws so that we will be required to hold just one meeting per year - an Annual General Meeting.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Ontario Trails Council - Trailhead Ontario

Trailhead Ontario - Updates
trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails
NEW for 2013!

Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home.

Program Snapshotclick image for all

trailhead ontario
trailhead ontario
trailhead ontario
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ontario Trails - Our weekly Newsletter "Trailswise" - all about Ontario Outdoors on Ontario Trails

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of February 14, 2013
Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trails Council Program(s)It is difficult to synthesize into one conversation all the work the OTC does, everyday on behalf of trails in Ontario, any OTC Board member would be happy to talk to you further about why they support OTC, and why you would benefit from our work.
OTC membership is made up of volunteer groups, departments or staff of planning, economic development, regional tourism, health unit, roads, user federations, trail committees, individuals.

Some of our innovative work includes:
We have on-line trail education through Algonquin College, and offer 14 other in class education courses, on a rotating schedule.
algonquin college on-line courses trails education

ontario trails education
New Courses:
Trail Design with Daniel Scott - March 13,14, 2013 - Albion Hills Conservation
Trail Risk Management with Direct Bearing - April 9, 10, 2013 - Albion Hills Conservation

Weekly Newsletter Trailwise
ontario trails council newsletter trailwise

Social Media impressions beyond 6M a year - Facebook
Over 1 Million unique visitors to the OTC website and blog in 2012
= 4.41 Million trips planned.
ontario trails council website homepage

Our provincial trails conference - Trailhead Ontario
AGM - one member one vote
trailhead ontario badge

Our Plan for 2013 – "From Recreation to Tourism" There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.

our favorite place

Natural/ Historic Sites

When you’re entering the region from any direction the noticeable feature that differentiates Peterborough from other Cities or Counties in Ontario is the distinct rolling hills.  These hills, while beautiful when full with fall foliage, have a unique history behind them.  When the last ice age was receding, it left behind large pockets of sediment, which it picked up while proceeding to grow and freeze everything in its path.  These pockets of sediment are what create the rolling hill effect you see now.  The leftover hills are called Drumlins and Peterborough is home to one of the largest Drumlin fields in Canada.  The reason is unknown, however when travelling along the trails or the roads, makes sure you keep an eye out for the next hill and think about how it really was created.

Become a Trailhead Ontario Presenter - tell us about yourself!

Trail Count Program - trail use and monitoring system
ontario trail count program
Ever wondered who is using your trail and when? Looking for more than just a static count of trail activity? Tell others about what type of person is using your trail, what makes your trail a popular destination...and more

Trail Marketing - variety of media
ontrails twitter

Our mobile app voted one of 12 Must Have for Living in Rural Ontario by
ontario mobile app

Ontario Trail Projects - this page details our work in 32 areas of Ontario.
Ontario Trails Council liaise with the province, and through membership input we conduct a variety of surveys and create reports that guide decision makers at all levels - these include:
  • Trail Priorities
  • Accessibility
  • Land Use Planning
  • Ontario Cycling Route Commentary
  • Use of Maintenance Vehicles on Trails
  • Community Development
  • Event Planning for Trail Groups
  • Safe Trails Manual
  • Regional Tourism Trail Inventory RTO12
And more.

We can get you to a significant trails audience.
Inline image 1

Ontario Trail Council Membership
Membership renewals for 2013 started going out December 1st, 2012. Thanks to the 70+ organizations that have renewed so far!
We have renewals from -
Chatham Kent Trails Committee
Brant County

Bonnie Simpson
Sustainable Trails
Backroads Maps
Lanark Tourism
Port Hope
Ontario Equestrian Federation
Lambton County
Saugeen Shores
Upper Grand Trailway Association
Northumberland County
S. MacCartney
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
Ontario Trail Riders Association
Toronto Region Conservation Authority
Norfolk County
Chatham Kent County
French River
Algonquin Highlands
Fleming College
Upper Canada Horsemans Association
North Grenville
Bruce County
Conservation Halton
Trak Map Concepts
Ausauble Bayfield CA
Cambridge Trails Committee
Elk Lake Eco Centre
Hastings County Trail Committee
Menesetung Bridge Association
Waterfront Regeneration Trust Trail
Headwaters Community in Action
Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance
Bruce Trail Network of Bruce County (not Bruce Trail)
Ontario Parks Association (not Ontario Parks)
Conservation Ontario
Lake Simcoe Regional CA
Essex Region CA
East Gwillimbury
Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicle Clubs
Thunder Bay Nordic Club
Friends of Second Marsh
Eskakwa Eco-Adventure Company
Kolapore Trails
Ontario Recreational Canoe and Kayak Association
Huronia Trails and Greenways
Haldimand County
Our Favorite Place (RTO8)
Clearview Township
Renfrew County
Oxford Trails Committee

On behalf of OTC we thank you for your support. If there is a group you know that is not a member contact us and we'll send them a note on membership benefits.

THANKS! MERCI! join otc

Local Trails NewsAtikokan:
atikokan trail opening

Credit Valley Conservation:
credit valley conservation promotion



nastwgan trails

Norfolk County:
norfolk county horse meeeting

Ontario Recreational Canoe and Kayak Association Training:
orcka training

Outdoor Show, Toronto:
outdoor adventure show

Prince Edward County:

get out there


ontario snowmobile permit family day


welland trail meeting

Trail Management Guides

Ontario Trails Council - Regional Trail Development Guide: developed in partnership with the Trans Canada Trail, this guide helps communities develop trail stakeholder committees. Once formed these committees help to:
  • Mitigate Trail Use Conflict
  • Seek Funds
  • Encourage Use
  • Work to reduce Trespass
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC - 877-668-7245

Ontario Trails Council - Safe Trails Guide:developed with the support of the Ministry of Health Promotion, this guide includes recommended best practices on:
  • Code of Conduct
  • Permits
  • Trail Maintenance/Development
  • Qualifications to Develop Trail
  • Reporting
  • Trail Audits
  • Forms
  • Waivers/Assumption of Risk
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC - 877-668-7245 

Ontario Trails Council - Event Planning Guide -perfect for the trail group planning to develop trail or hold a fund raising event to support an activity or a trail project. Content includes:
  • Event Ideas
  • Attracting Volunteers
  • Promotion
  • Critical Path to the Event (6 month step by step, from idea to event!)
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC - 877-668-7245

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