Showing posts with label PR Newswire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PR Newswire. Show all posts

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ontario Trails News - hiking, waking, biking, camping - information from Ontario's 2600 trails!

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OFAH Applauds Launch of National Conservation Plan
PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO -- (Marketwired) -- 05/15/14 -- The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) applauds the launch of the ...
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CTV News
Great Lakes recreation route aims to boost tourism
The Great Lakes Coastal Trail Conference takes place Thursday and Friday in ... eight U.S. states and the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario.
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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ontario Trails News - 1,000's of trails, news and events from all over Ontario Trails

Support for council's bike lanes standChatham Daily News
As Councilor Gilbert correctly pointed out, bike lanes just merge with regular traffic at major intersections. According to the Ontario Medical Association, 2/3 of all ...
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Sea to Sea Cycling Tour makes stop in CornwallSeaway News
CORNWALL, Ontario - The back lawn at NAV CENTRE has been turned into an impromptu campsite for 135 cyclists who are biking from coast to coast to end ...
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OPA Annual General Members Meeting Notices
Call for Board of Director wannabe's - Due to some changes that will be taking place with Board members moving to new positions within our Board we are looking for some new blood to join our awesomely wonderful and fun group. We are looking for two new members to add as Directors to our Board. If you have a passion for parks, and a sense of humour, or if you know someone who fits these qualifications and you would like to nominate them for a position as a Director on our Board, please email me at If you would like further information on the requirements of a Director please email me and I will give you the skinny on what would be required of this type of superhero.

Proposed revision to Bylaws - At present our Bylaws require us to hold an Annual General Meeting AND an Annual General Members Meeting each year. Our Board will be putting forward a motion at our Annual General Members Meeting to change this item in our Bylaws so that we will be required to hold just one meeting per year - an Annual General Meeting.


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