Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ontario Trail News- why Rainbow Routes, supports and appreciates Ontario trails - thanks RRA!

Rainbow Routes Supports Call for Support

We appreciate Rainbow Routes supporting our call for stable government support funding for OTC. We now have over 200 members, and trails are growing. Even when we solve the 51 challenges in the Ontario Trails Strategy, there will be operational, maintenance and
emerging products to be communicated and managed in the sector.  If you would like a copy of the template to send to the government give us a call. 613-396-3226.
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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ontario Trail News - members services and where we are on Ontario trails

Member Requests

1) Algonquin College program on-line

algonquin college

2) OTC Mobile App - for iProducts and Windows

otc mobile app
3) Post Photos to Pinterest

ontario trails on pinterest

4) OTC on Foursquare

ontario trails on foursquare

5) Safe Trails Manual

6) OTC Youtube Channel
ontario trails youtube channel

7) Ontario Trails Maps
ontario trails maps

8) Enabling Change Program

9) OTC Board 2012-13
Ontario Equestrian Federation

Dan Andrews - Secretary/Treasurer     
TrailADE Consulting
Paul Ronan
Ontario Parks Association

Frieda Baldwin
Huronia Trails and Greenways

Wayne Daub
Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicle Clubs

Igor Hoogendoorn
International Mountain Biking Association
855-255-4094 ext.108

Tim West
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

irsten Spence
Northern Ontario Representative
Jeff Muzzi
Manager, Forestry Services, Renfrew County

Patrick Connor
Ex-officio - Executive Director

We currently have 2 vacancies on the OTC Board. If you are interested please e-mail Jack De Wit to discuss.

The ideas, opinions, re-posting of news, editorials and content contained in this newsletter are not necessarily the ideas or opinions of the OTC Board or staff. This news is intended for informational purposes only.

OTC Event Planning Guide
Call 877-668-7245


OTC Trail Committee Manual
Call 877-668-7245

ontario regional trail committee planner


Ontario Trails Membership

On behalf of OTC we thank you for your support. If there is a group you know that is not a member contact us and we'll send them a note on membership benefits. This past week we received a renewal from Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and Sault Ste. Marie Thank you very much for your support!

 join otc
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Friday, November 22, 2013

Ontario Trail News - about trail membership, trail services and snowmobling on Ontario Trails!

Ontario Trail Memberships - Annual Drive on Now

Once again its that time of year where we send out our membership invoices. We have made a modification for 2014.
  • Many groups have verbally committed to OTC for membership in 2013. If you did we are sending you an invoice that reflects this outstanding commitment.
  • Invoices are net 30, so we are sending earlier to avoid staff departure for the holidays, so they can be processed.
Recently we read an appeal by the Appalachian Trail to the community to help make its budget. They are $771,000 in need. In comparison the OTC needs your support - but collectively to make this years budget our goal is $24,000. Your act of renewal keeps us open and functioning. Across 140 members that is $171.42 per group. Please do your part and pay on time!

Benefits: real work through your membership support.
  • OTC Education Program - the trail strategy calls for sector training. Through OTC you have a mechanism
  • OTC Advocacy - the OTS consultations are the result of your Board at work
  • Trail Projects - from Georgian Bay to North Shore of Superior to the Guelph to Goderich Greenway we are assisting communities to have the trails they want.
  • Saving Trail - in Welland and Niagara we are saving the trail that was closed
  • Building Trail - we have assisted in the hands on building of trail in Eastern Ontario
  • Trails By Type - through our efforts use groups are better organized and this has led to the development of horse trails in Norfolk County for example
  • Trail Master Planning - because of our provincial conference the Oxford County is engaged in a trail planning exercise, and we have commented on that.
  • Weekly News Bulletins - Trailwise tells the rest of the trail community about what you are doing on your trails
  • Justifying your Trails - through the Trail Counts Program you can tell your community who uses your trail and how much they use it.

Snowmobile Week Riding - November 24-30, 2013

(Barrie, ONNovember 22, 2013) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) and its member clubs are celebrating the coming sledding season during Get Ready to Go Snowmobiling Ontario Week, November 24 to 30. The celebration starts as club volunteers are hard at work clearing, preparing and signing over 30,000 kilometres of OFSC trails. Although OFSC trails are not available for snowmobiling at this time, early indicators are very positive for a great 2014 snowmobile season ahead, with long-range forecasts predicting a cold, snowy winter and many parts of the province already having experienced below zero temperatures and early snowfalls. More Information Here

From the Clubs- go to the Ontario Snowmobile Trails FB Page and see the newsfeed, stories posted by Clubs there. Such as:

We have updated the host site surveys for 2014 and 2015. Thanks to the various organizations and locations that expressed an interest. 2015 still open for application. 2014 status will be reviewed by Conference Committee.
2015 Host Survey

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Trailhead Ontario - Peterborough June 9-12, 2013, by Our Favourite Place

Trailhead Ontario Conference - for Professionals, by Professionals. Great People, Great Trails! April 8, 2013

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

regional tourism organization 8

Early Bird Special on Now!

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteeers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities.

What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home.


Partial Program Snapshot - click image for all

Time Limited?
Ticket Type Price Fee
Conference and Education Package - Paypal CA$315.88* CA$9.12
Conference and Education Session Package - Pay by cheque CA$357.50* CA$9.95
Conference Registration - Paypal CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Education Session - Content TBD CA$145.26* CA$4.74
One Day Registration - Conference Only CA$85.30* CA$3.20
Early Bird - Conference and Training CA$236.30* CA$7.07
Early Bird - Conference CA$150.01* CA$4.86
Early Bird - Trails Training and Education CA$106.86* CA$3.76
Display Booth  CA$257.86* CA$7.63
Display Booth - discount CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Non-Profit - Provincial CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Provincial Non-profit - discount CA$128.20* CA$4.30
Display Booth - Local, small non-profit CA$42.15* CA$2.10
Display table - literature only CA$20.59* CA$1.54
Ordered Ticket at door - Conference CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Ordered Ticket at Door - Education CA$145.26* CA$4.74
Ordered Ticket at Door - Conference and Education CA$365.55* CA$9.95
Ordered Ticket at Door - One Day Only CA$100.00 CA$3

Regional Trail Profile
ontario trails ferris provincial park

So it looks like it's going to be an exciting time in Peterborough - join us - mark the date June 9-12, 2013 in your calendar NOW!
Hotel Reservations and Event Location

More information? Go to - Trailhead Ontario
Call Patrick at 1-877-668-7245 or
Vanessa Twitty at

Ontario Trails appreciates the support of:
Regional Tourism Organization 8
Ontario Trillium Foundation
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Monday, April 8, 2013

Ontario Trails Council - Trailhead Ontario -

Trailhead Ontario Conference - for Professionals, by Professionals. Great People, Great Trails! April 8, 2013

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

regional tourism organization 8

Early Bird Special on Now!

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteeers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities.

What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home.


Partial Program Snapshot - click image for all

Time Limited?
Ticket Type Price Fee
Conference and Education Package - Paypal CA$315.88* CA$9.12
Conference and Education Session Package - Pay by cheque CA$357.50* CA$9.95
Conference Registration - Paypal CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Education Session - Content TBD CA$145.26* CA$4.74
One Day Registration - Conference Only CA$85.30* CA$3.20
Early Bird - Conference and Training CA$236.30* CA$7.07
Early Bird - Conference CA$150.01* CA$4.86
Early Bird - Trails Training and Education CA$106.86* CA$3.76
Display Booth  CA$257.86* CA$7.63
Display Booth - discount CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Non-Profit - Provincial CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Provincial Non-profit - discount CA$128.20* CA$4.30
Display Booth - Local, small non-profit CA$42.15* CA$2.10
Display table - literature only CA$20.59* CA$1.54
Ordered Ticket at door - Conference CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Ordered Ticket at Door - Education CA$145.26* CA$4.74
Ordered Ticket at Door - Conference and Education CA$365.55* CA$9.95
Ordered Ticket at Door - One Day Only CA$100.00 CA$3

Regional Trail Profile
ontario trails ferris provincial park

So it looks like it's going to be an exciting time in Peterborough - join us - mark the date June 9-12, 2013 in your calendar NOW!
Hotel Reservations and Event Location

More information? Go to - Trailhead Ontario
Call Patrick at 1-877-668-7245 or
Vanessa Twitty at

Ontario Trails appreciates the support of:
Regional Tourism Organization 8
Ontario Trillium Foundation
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Friday, March 29, 2013

Ontario Trails Council - Trailhead Ontario

Trailhead Ontario - Updates
trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails
NEW for 2013!

Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home.

Program Snapshotclick image for all

trailhead ontario
trailhead ontario
trailhead ontario
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