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Showing posts with label Sarnia. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trail Information from all over Ontario's trails

Trails Auditing News

For the last 3 months Ontario Trails audited the proposed Guelph to Goderich Rail Trail with a new tool - Trail Auditor.

Developed for the ski industry, Ontario Trails was pleased to pilot this impressive tool on trails. And the work on the product is nearly done!

Fully customizable, this tool allows you to assess your trail based on the criteria you need to assess. Then the material is stored for future use, so you can send others out to inspect what you have audited.

This allows you to manage trail risk not have risks manage you. The OTC has received no compensation for this endorsement - we are pleased to have been able to product test this product in order to enable our members to have access to a tool that is easy to use, for both managers and volunteers.

For more information email Niall Lobley at

Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints
Due to recent upgrades to the OTC website you can now search the entire site for a particular record or item of interest. Let's say you wanted a copy of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

In the search box, where it says search term, at the top type in a term like "trail plans"; then click on the magnifying glass.

We hope this improves awareness and use of all the documents we've collected over the years to improve conditions on trails in Ontario through better communication.

Sample return below:

Did you know - our website can link your event with your trail, Simply complete the event form, identify the trail and we'll do the rest.

Other recent upgrades to the OTC website you can now comment on the trail you are using. That message now gets sent directly to the OTC.

Use the social media function on the trail page to send us your message. When you comment we get an alert.

We hope this improves awareness and trail conditions in Ontario through better communication.

On the new website homepage - we showcase 3 Featured Trails every day. Is your's there? Add your trail and be sure to check out the list daily!

On the new website we showcase over 1800 trails. Did you know you can now use the Nearby Function on each trail page to highlight trip planning options! The Nearby Function teels you what trails are nearby. That way if you are out for a couple of days you can explore trails, or trails near a town.

In this example you can find trails near Moonbeam Ontario, Use each of the icons to plan your trip accommodations, meals, transit to and from, or if you are in need of supplies you can find fixes for your tent, or your bike.

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport our web re-design team has been working for 6 months to complete a website renewal to satisfy the trail sector. 
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