Showing posts with label Michigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michigan. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ontario Trails News - following our friends conversations on Twitter!

  1.   retweeted
    Lost dog found on Dyno Road by West Eels Lake Road. It is a female shepherd mix, no tags or collar. Please share...
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    "Great cities have public toilets. It is an essential element of inclusive urban design." -
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    Next campfire, turn your s'more into a Grasshopper S'more by adding a peppermint patty!
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    Thanks for the RT!
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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ontario Trails News - meet us at Trailhead North, and gaps in riding in Toronto

Northern trail fan? Meet us at Trailhead North!


Mapping the City’s Bike Network Gaps

Toronto is slowly making progress on its bike network, but there's lots of room to grow.

Bike Routes   WO Gaps

Toronto’s bikeway network is often a source of frustration for the city’s cyclists, and with the map above, it’s easy to see why. It illustrates the extent of Toronto’s bike infrastructure―or in some parts of the city the lack thereof―as of January 2015, and how there’s plenty of room for improvement to fill in the gaps. Toronto’s bikeway network includes off-road multi-use trails, separated cycle tracks like those on Sherbourne Street, bike lanes and contraflow lanes (like those on Shaw), and signed bicycle routes that otherwise have no facilities for cyclists (“sharrows” notwithstanding). With the recent addition of the Adelaide and Richmond bike lanepilot project west of University Avenue, and the new contraflow lane on Simcoe Street, the downtown network of bicycle routes is slowly improving; though cyclists await the completion of the oft-delayed Queen’s Quay project.
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trailhead Ontairo June 9-12, 2013

trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

trailhead ontario

OTC Member? Discounts Apply

Holiday Inn discounted rooms!

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails!

Signage Information - We have three different signage companies presenting on the latest techniques and innovations they have brought to market for use in making trails safer, easier to use and that promote wayfinding for tourists!

McCarthy Signs
mccarthy signs

Fontasy Signs

fontasy signs

tour mate

Mapping Panel - the best way to assist trail users or trail tourists is through effective communication. One popular way is through maps. Maps assist in telling folks the length of a trip. They tell trail users about trail location, amenities such as accommodation, restaurants, fuel, supplies camping, etc. that are on or near the trail.
backroads mapbooks contest
Maps and map technologies are changing at lightening speed. Google maps, map integration, handheld maps, topographical maps, mash-ups, waterproof, gps - all these are new and innovative techniques that communicate the destination and the experience to the local user or the traveler.

trak maps

More and more municipalities are producing local maps by activity and trail to assist these out-bound adventurers. Our mapping panel has brought together some of Canada's and Ontario's finest map producers for a discussion on their product lines, their market segments and the new techniques they are bringing to market.


So whether you are a trail user or a trail manager producing maps - you'll want to attend this session!


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