Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ontario Trails Blog - Trail News from around Ontario's Trails


The 2014 Great Waterfront Trail Adventure will be returning to Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence river, but we'll be doing a lollipop route and introducing new communities.
Starting in Brighton on August 11th and ending in Cornwall on Aug. 15th, participants will ride 40-60 km from camp to camp. The shorter days will allow riders more time to taste new local food, find hidden treasures, do more shopping, and explore unique communities.
Want to ride more? No problem, there will be additional 50-60 km optional loops, winding your way through new communities off the Waterfront Trail.
This new format with shorter distances is more inviting to cyclists who may be hesitant about a week long tour, but the addition of the loops will allow those interested to get in more mileage.
2014 is the perfect year for experienced riders to introduce loved ones to their favourite sport. Ride together or meet up for meals, cycle side-by-side in to camp then explore different routes, do some things together and others with new friends.
So bring friends or make friends. Feel the wind, water, and earth in a new way. Experience the freedom of slowing down, stopping, and trying something new.
Click here to find out more about the itinerary and changes for 2014.


Trails ready to roll with
NIPISSING – With snow on the ground and holidays to celebrate, people warming up the engines on their snowmobiles. The OPP and the Ontario ...
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Dog owners, beware of trapsOntario Argus Observer
With trapping seasons under way in Oregon, dog owners need to be aware that there could be traps in areas where they are hiking with their dogs.
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How Really Safe Is That Ice Or The Snowmobile Trail That You May
(ORILLIA, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is warning the public to exercise extreme caution near any surfaces that may appear to be frozen.
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