Showing posts with label Orillia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orillia. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Ontario trails continue to develop with support of communities, including landowners

Orillia secures funding for Trail Bridge

orillia photo from city of orilliaCyclists and pedestrians looking to cross Highway 11 from Old Barrie Road or Highway 12 can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that a new connecting trail is coming.
The City of Orillia was successful in its application to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) for a matching grant of $325,000 from the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program (OMCIP) for the construction of a new bicycle and pedestrian trail over Highway 11 connecting Highway 12 and Old Barrie Road. The $650,000 trail investment will provide a safe transportation corridor over Highway 11 for cyclists and pedestrians to and from Orillia’s west end. The new trail connection, identified as a key link in the City’s Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan, will provide greater access to Lakehead University, Rotary Place, Scout Valley, and commercial and retail services in West Orillia.
“Council is thrilled Minister Del Duca and the MTO deemed this key trail connection worthy of their full funding complement through the OMCIP,” said Mayor Steve Clarke. “The City of Orillia has advocated for quite some time the merits of a new trail connection over Highway 11 to promote active transportation in Orillia, enhance the City’s trail system, and provide safe passage for cyclists and pedestrians to and from West Orillia.”

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Continuous trail system in works for North Bay Callander

North Bay will bukate paceway lavase turl 016ild 1.9 km of mostly off-road or in-boulevard cycling facilities, which will help close the gap between the northern and southern sections of Kate Pace Way and establish continuous trail system.

Mar 18, 2016 12:32 PM by: StaffOntario is providing $325,000 to North Bay and $71,741 to Callander over the next two years to help build new, or improve existing, cycling infrastructure through the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program.
North Bay will build 1.9 km of mostly off-road or in-boulevard cycling facilities, which will help close the gap between the northern and southern sections of Kate Pace Way and establish continuous trail system.

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Ontario Trails News - Orillia looks at cycling tourism and find your favorite Ontario Trail!

Find your favorite trail - use the Ontario Trails Map

Mar 15, 2015 | Vote0   0

Orillia eyes cycling tourism

Orillia Today
Orillia holds untapped potential as a destination for cyclists and a share of the substantial dollars they bring to communities, council heard this week.
“Orillia has amazing trails,” said Brendan Matheson, of Cycle Simcoe. “They have an amazing network, but they have a great opportunity to develop the tourism aspect, for sure.”
Cycle Simcoe is a tourism initiative that aims to steer two-wheeled enthusiasts onto area trails and into local communities.
It is a countywide strategy involving the Barrie/Simcoe Cycling Club, Tourism Simcoe County and Oro-Medonte Township, where the project was initially tested.
“The goal is to make cycling more safe, more memorable and more fun, county-wide,” Matheson told Orillia council during a presentation.
The cycle-centric group recently produced a map identifying safe cycling routes in the Lake Country region, which includes Orillia.
“Then we sign those routes to make sure everybody knows where they are going,” Matheson said. “The next part is to develop a safety and education campaign to make sure that everybody is riding safe out there.”
Cycling tourism is a lucrative enterprise that brings in more than $390 million annually in Ontario, Matheson added.
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Monday, December 8, 2014

Ontario Trails News - canoeist sets sights on Killarney, bike awards handed out and trail riding pastor raising money

Learn more about which trails are accessible in Ontario

High River Times

Ontario pastor raises money for orphanages
Pastor Len Crow of Orillia, Ont. is riding his horse from Alaska to Mexico for a good cause. Crow passed through Longview, Alta. this past Sunday to ...
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Toronto bike-friendly businesses recognized with awards
TORONTO, Nov. 13, 2014 /CNW/ - The City of Toronto honoured four businesses and a downtown hospital this evening with the 2014 Bicycle Friendly ...
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Rides: Marcia Seaman's Hornbeck Ten
Recently, Seaman has taken her canoe to Ontario, where the long, steep portages and azure lakes of Killarney Provincial Park proved to be an ideal ...
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Monday, February 17, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trail News from all over Ontario's trails

Protecting the Environment One Sweater at a Time
Replacing coal with cleaner generation, renewables and conservation will reduceOntario emissions by up to 30 megatonnes per year and reduce the ...
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Ride trails free Feb. 15 to 17
Across Ontario, OFSC clubs are welcoming “Try Our Trails” participants to join the fun at numerous club events and activities being specially organized ...
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Ontario Cup biathlon ski racing competition coming to Blind River
The Blind River Biathlon Club is preparing to host the third Ontario Cup Cross-country Ski Biathlon racing event of the season on Feb. 15 and 16.
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Hike Leader Training 2014 - Toronto Club

April 05, 2014 at 12:00 AM until April 06, 2014 at 12:00 AM Toronto

Have you ever considered becoming a Hike Leader for the Toronto Bruce Trail Club (TBTC)?
This is your opportunity to give back to your Club and to be a trail blazer.
The Hike Leader Apprenticeship Program:
1.       Attend the two-day training workshop (Saturday April 5 & Sunday April 6, 2014).
2.       Serve as an assistant leader on four TBTC hikes.
3.       Organize and lead one TBTC hike with a certified leader.
You must have completed a two-day Standard First Aid and Level C CPR course prior to attending the workshop.
Hiking experience with the TBTC is recommended.
Register by January 31, 2014 and receive a complimentary copy of the 27th Edition of the Bruce Trail Reference Guide. 
Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship program the TBTC will refund the $60 registration fee and $75 towards the cost of first aid certification.
To register and for more information:
Visit the Toronto Bruce Trail Club website,
Or Contact the Chair of the Hike Leader Training Committee, Ted Iseman at
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ontario Trails News - News from all around Ontario's Trails


Fat Bike Photos – AKA: The Frozen Tundra Mountain Biking ...
jpd - Well, as it turns out, a fat bike is a type of mountain bike that has frickin' huge ... winter mountain biking extreme sports fat bike photos jp danko toronto ...
A multi-sport sensation
Orillia Packet & Times - She also cycled to top spot at the Tremblant Cup, the Sudbury Canada Cup, theOntario Mountain Bike Provincial Championship and was first at all ...
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Some new ideas for Toronto
Toronto Star - Here's a different approach: make Toronto smaller, or at least no bigger. .... Robert Zaichkowski, Cycle Toronto Ward 14 Advocacy Group, Toronto.
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Trail news from all around Ontario's trails!

Cycling safety at core of Kitchener bylaw reviewWaterloo Record
In reviewing 126 cycling deaths that occurred in Ontario between 2006 and 2009, a coroner's report called for a one-metre law and recommended that ...

... in cross-country skiing, as a member of the Lakehead University Nordic ski team. Competing at the Ontario University Association (OUA) Championships, ... also won major honours in mountain biking, as well as Nordic skiing.
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Five in running for Orillia's top athletic
... in cross-country skiing, as a member of the Lakehead University Nordic ski team. Competing at the Ontario University Association (OUA) Championships, ... also won major honours in mountain biking, as well as Nordic skiing.
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570 News
A great winter so far for snowmobiling
570 News - Spokesperson for the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, Craig Nicholson says snowmobile trails in Ontario opened December 4th, which was ...
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ontario Trails Blog - Trail News from around Ontario's Trails


The 2014 Great Waterfront Trail Adventure will be returning to Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence river, but we'll be doing a lollipop route and introducing new communities.
Starting in Brighton on August 11th and ending in Cornwall on Aug. 15th, participants will ride 40-60 km from camp to camp. The shorter days will allow riders more time to taste new local food, find hidden treasures, do more shopping, and explore unique communities.
Want to ride more? No problem, there will be additional 50-60 km optional loops, winding your way through new communities off the Waterfront Trail.
This new format with shorter distances is more inviting to cyclists who may be hesitant about a week long tour, but the addition of the loops will allow those interested to get in more mileage.
2014 is the perfect year for experienced riders to introduce loved ones to their favourite sport. Ride together or meet up for meals, cycle side-by-side in to camp then explore different routes, do some things together and others with new friends.
So bring friends or make friends. Feel the wind, water, and earth in a new way. Experience the freedom of slowing down, stopping, and trying something new.
Click here to find out more about the itinerary and changes for 2014.


Trails ready to roll with
NIPISSING – With snow on the ground and holidays to celebrate, people warming up the engines on their snowmobiles. The OPP and the Ontario ...
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Dog owners, beware of trapsOntario Argus Observer
With trapping seasons under way in Oregon, dog owners need to be aware that there could be traps in areas where they are hiking with their dogs.
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How Really Safe Is That Ice Or The Snowmobile Trail That You May
(ORILLIA, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is warning the public to exercise extreme caution near any surfaces that may appear to be frozen.
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Ontario Trails News - news about Ontario's 2500+ trails from the Ontario Trails Council

We Welcome Returning Members:

Eskakwa Eco-Tours

Simcoe County

Conservation Halton

Brant Waterways Foundation

OTC Attends Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee Meeting


Trail Conditions

“Be Very Cautious Because No Ice is 100 per cent Safe”
(ORILLIA, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) are reminding snowmobilers that no ice can be considered 100 per cent safe to ride on with a snowmobile. This is especially true this winter when ice is forming earlier than usual in many areas and may look safe, but is not yet thick or strong enough. This ice warning also applies during any prolonged period of thaw or rain, and late in the season after ice begins to deteriorate from milder temperatures.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Mountain Bike Championships and Run for the Toad announcements - taking place on Ontario Trails

Hardwood Hills prepares for games

Orillia Today
The countdown is on and staff at Hardwood Ski and Bike is well aware nothing short of perfection will be acceptable.
On July 10-26, 2015, elite mountain-bike riders from around the world will descend on the Oro-Medonte facility, looking to win gold at the Pan Am Games.
“I think it's really exciting for our area and it will give us a chance to showcase some of the great facilities," said Hardwood facility general manager Jack Sasseville.
A total of 14 municipalities will host events, with many building new facilities as part of Toronto’s $2.4 billion bid.
The fact Hardwood was chosen to host mountain biking events was not a big surprise to Sasseville.
"We feel we have some of the best facilities in Ontario, if not Canada, and being chosen to host this event in mountain biking reinforces what we have believed all along.
“There are few other facilities who have the kinds of challenging trails that we do," he said.
Since receiving the news, Hardwood has been holding regular on-site meetings with Pan Am Games staff.
Earlier this month, staff at Hardwood faced a major pre-Pan Am Games test, when it hosted the Canadian championships. Various members of Canada’s Olympic team, including Emily Batty, Catharine Pendrel, Geoff Kabush and Max Plaxton, were on hand to compete at Hardwood and get a feel for the new trails.
Hardwood will also host the 2014 nationals next July.
John Sustersic, Hardwood spokesperson, said the national finals offered a preview of what to expect in 2015. About 2,000 spectators and racers flooded the course at nationals.
Hardwood also hosted a recent spartan race, an obstacle course event that attracted close to 10,000 individuals.
“By comparison, if we look at the number of participants at the Pan Am Games, it will probably be under 100,” he said.
But the Canadian finals created the foundation for the on-going work, in preparation for the Pan Am Games.
“This year, Hardwood has invested heavily in trail building and, through an Ontario Trillium grant the Ontario Cycling Association received, they were able to hire a crew to work on the course at Hardwood for the national finals,” said Sustersic.
“We’ve added a couple of rock jumps. We’ve added an MBX course. On that course, we have redone one of the turns. We’ve added a walled berm,” he said.
Sustersic noted a lot of the features built into the course were added as a result of feedback from riders.


Run For The Toad To Host ACU Canadian 50km Trail Championships At Pinehurst Lake

Preview of Event , Athletes This Weekend
Published 07/23/2013 | By Kw Now! Local Sports News
ACU, Run For The Toad, 50km marathon, Kw Now Media
ACU 50 K Event To Attract Big Names In Sport
Run for the Toad To Host ACU Canadian 50km Trail Championships

The Run for the Toad has been selected by the Association of Canadian Ultramarathoners (ACU) to host the 2013 Canadian 50km Trail Championships.

The Toad is entering its 12th year and is Canada's largest trail running event garnering 1250 athletes in the 25km run, 25km walk and 50km run and 50km relay distances offered at Pinehurst Lake Conservation Area 4km north of Paris, Ontario.

Many of the top runners in the sport have taken part in the Run for the Toad over the past decade including Canadian Olympian Reid Coolsaet and World 100km Champion Ellie Greenwood. The event draws competitors from all over Southern Ontario, across Canada, from all over the US and even a delegation from Great Britain is committed to taking part in this years event.

This year offers a $7000 prize purse in the 50km event which is attracting some of the top names in the sport to attend. Cleve Thorson, the 2012 winner and course record holder, will be back to defend his title. Roburt Tranter from London, Ontario who just represented Canada at the Wold Trail Championships in Wales will be competing to challenge Cleve for the win. On the women's side Stacey Cleveland and Stacie Carrigan, both from the Okanogan Region in BC, will be competing at the 2013 event. Both represented Canada as well earlier this month in Wales leading the Canadian women to a 4th place finish in the team event. Stacey Cleveland finished 7th overall in the field and Stacie Carrigan close behind in 13th.

In addition to the athletes listed above, a total of 11 individuals who have represented Canada at a World Championship are on the entry list to compete this October 5th.

To highlight some of these athletes the Run for the Toad and the ACU will be hosting a press conference to kick off the Toad Training Run Saturday July 27th at 8:30am. The training run itself garners more participants than most trail races in Canada with numbers ranging between 350-400 turning up to get a preview of the trails they will be racing on in October.

In attendance for this training run will be the Race Directors George & Peggy Sarson, Armand LeBlanc as the representative for the ACU, Nadeem Khan, the Media & Communication Representative for the International Association of Ultra Runners, defending champion Cleve Thorson, Pinehurst Lake Park Superintendent Brad Straus, Grand River Conservation Foundation Executive Director Sara Wilbur.

Please join us Saturday July 27th at Pinehurst Lake Conservation Area at 830am to take part in this exciting panel of athletes and officials to kick off Canada's Largest Trail Race at the 2013 Run for the Toad. Just a reminder registration for the Toad Training Run closes at 6 pm on July 24, 2013.

Related Links:
Run For The Toad Website
Learn more about Run For The Toad competition
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