Orillia secures funding for Trail Bridge

The City of Orillia was successful in its application to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) for a matching grant of $325,000 from the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program (OMCIP) for the construction of a new bicycle and pedestrian trail over Highway 11 connecting Highway 12 and Old Barrie Road. The $650,000 trail investment will provide a safe transportation corridor over Highway 11 for cyclists and pedestrians to and from Orillia’s west end. The new trail connection, identified as a key link in the City’s Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan, will provide greater access to Lakehead University, Rotary Place, Scout Valley, and commercial and retail services in West Orillia.
“Council is thrilled Minister Del Duca and the MTO deemed this key trail connection worthy of their full funding complement through the OMCIP,” said Mayor Steve Clarke. “The City of Orillia has advocated for quite some time the merits of a new trail connection over Highway 11 to promote active transportation in Orillia, enhance the City’s trail system, and provide safe passage for cyclists and pedestrians to and from West Orillia.”
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Continuous trail system in works for North Bay Callander
North Bay will bu
Mar 18, 2016 12:32 PM by: BayToday.ca StaffOntario is providing $325,000 to North Bay and $71,741 to Callander over the next two years to help build new, or improve existing, cycling infrastructure through the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program.
North Bay will build 1.9 km of mostly off-road or in-boulevard cycling facilities, which will help close the gap between the northern and southern sections of Kate Pace Way and establish continuous trail system.