Monday, February 17, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trail News from all over Ontario's trails

Protecting the Environment One Sweater at a Time
Replacing coal with cleaner generation, renewables and conservation will reduceOntario emissions by up to 30 megatonnes per year and reduce the ...
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Ride trails free Feb. 15 to 17
Across Ontario, OFSC clubs are welcoming “Try Our Trails” participants to join the fun at numerous club events and activities being specially organized ...
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Ontario Cup biathlon ski racing competition coming to Blind River
The Blind River Biathlon Club is preparing to host the third Ontario Cup Cross-country Ski Biathlon racing event of the season on Feb. 15 and 16.
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Hike Leader Training 2014 - Toronto Club

April 05, 2014 at 12:00 AM until April 06, 2014 at 12:00 AM Toronto

Have you ever considered becoming a Hike Leader for the Toronto Bruce Trail Club (TBTC)?
This is your opportunity to give back to your Club and to be a trail blazer.
The Hike Leader Apprenticeship Program:
1.       Attend the two-day training workshop (Saturday April 5 & Sunday April 6, 2014).
2.       Serve as an assistant leader on four TBTC hikes.
3.       Organize and lead one TBTC hike with a certified leader.
You must have completed a two-day Standard First Aid and Level C CPR course prior to attending the workshop.
Hiking experience with the TBTC is recommended.
Register by January 31, 2014 and receive a complimentary copy of the 27th Edition of the Bruce Trail Reference Guide. 
Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship program the TBTC will refund the $60 registration fee and $75 towards the cost of first aid certification.
To register and for more information:
Visit the Toronto Bruce Trail Club website,
Or Contact the Chair of the Hike Leader Training Committee, Ted Iseman at
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