Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Trail News from around Ontario's Trails


London snowmobiler found dead north of city
London Community News - Police are urging snowmobilers to stay on marked trailsafter a 50-year-old ... According to the Middlesex County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) ...
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Cycling crashes up to almost 200 Waterloo Region-wide | Your online newspaper for New ...
WATERLOO REGION – As the region and area municipalities shell out millions of dollars for cycling infrastructure, one measure of how well the ...
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Manitoulin Expositor

OFSC brings back no cost Try Our Trails Permit
ONTARIO— Last winter, almost 11,000 Ontarians tested OFSC snowmobile trailswith a no cost 'Try Our Trails Permit' affixed to their sleds.
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Yonge Street - Toronto

City's chief planner to talk about her favourite subject: the value ofwalking to school
Jennifer Keesmaat, Toronto's chief planner, will be talking about her favourite subject, walking to school, at Walk Toronto's annual general meeting ...
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