Friday, February 7, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Trail News from all around Ontario's Trails


The Globe and Mail
Find your om in Ontario's Algonquin Park
The Globe and Mail - It's just past 7 a.m. and only the faintest hint of light seeps through the low clouds above us as we snowshoe single file down the bank and onto frozen, ...
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Sault Trailblazers work overtime for Snowarama - Taking place on OFSC trails, the event challenges winter enthusiasts in communities all over Ontario to raise donations for Easter SealsOntario.
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Manitoulin Expositor
Manitoulin Island chosen as the destination for TourismOntario's ...
Manitoulin Expositor - MANITOULIN—Manitoulin Island has been selected as the destination for Tourism Ontario's 'The Best of Outdoor Ontariocontest. The seven-day ...
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The Globe and Mail
Walking Toronto in the footsteps of Ron Thom
The Globe and Mail - I never met British Columbia-born architect Ron Thom (1923-1986), but his love for his adopted city comes through in Exploring Toronto, a lovely little ...
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