Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ontario Trail News- Trail News from all over Ontario's Trails

Development News
Georgian Bay
In Parry Sound March 4th? I'll be offering the end note closing, a synopsis of the day, next steps and the future for trails in the area. So if you are interested in grass roots community development, supporting local business, going green, c'mon out and lend a hand!

Simcoe County
Simcoe County is studying the feasibility of trails on it's regional airport. If have any information regarding the development of trails on htese types of governmnet lands, please forward to Frieda as per her logistics below.

Attached is more information on a multi-use path (Bike/Walk) around the Victoria International Airport, incl.
- map of the path around the airport
- licence agreement between the airport and the municipality
- contact in case we need design specs

Thanks Graham and Patrick of the Ontario Trails Council for providing us with this reference, which we can now pass on to the local Huronia Airport Commission, with respect to obtaining the Airport Commission's permission for a multi-use trail along their southern perimeter.
Frieda Baldwin Project Manager, Simcoe County Trails 705-245-1005

Due to the weather conditions, the planned Public Open House scheduled for Wednesday February 5th at Appleby Ice Centre for the Burlington Transportation Master Plan and Community Trails Strategy is cancelled.  We will be looking to re-schedule this public meeting in the near future and will send notice once it has been arranged.  Thank you for your understanding.

Toronto - Ontario Place
I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we’ve had a very successful public meeting last month, with over 200 people participating in-person and online. All of the meeting materials, and a recording of the webcast, are available on our website for those of you that are interested and were unable to attend.
I would appreciate your help once again in encouraging people to participate by filling out our online survey by spreading the word  through your various communications and social media channels – you can forward the information below this email. Our online consultation survey is available until February 21 and focuses on the concept design. We are getting great feedback through the survey, but want to continue to reach out to get feedback and ideas from across Ontario. Click the pic to get to the survey.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
 Alena Grunwald; Manager, Partner and Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Place Revitalization Branch Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Phone: 416-212-4840 Email:  
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