Friday, March 28, 2014

Ontario Trail News - please support the charitable work of the Ontario Trails Council today!

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A Follow-up Message from Mr. Jack De Wit, OTC  President

Dear Members - Thanks to all of you who have responded so positively to my 'membership appeal' in last week's Trailwise.

I understand that we received at least 8 membership renewals thus far. Thank-you we appreciate your help.

This helps keep the membership renewal momentum going, and as I said last week this continues to be a great year for retaining and acquiring new members to the OTC.

I wish to thank some of the new members, such as Sarnia, Avon Trail and The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority. More renewals are highlighted further in Trailwise.

Our new partners are sustaining and revitalizing our organization; and as a board member and trail volunteer it's great to see OTC supporting new trail groups!

We also rely on renewing members, like Credit Valley Conservation, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation, Machin and Trans Canada Trail Ontario. My thanks to you as well.

However I am writing to ask you to make a timely dues renewal, many existing members are in arrears. While payment of membership dues is not the best lead story, we are working to balance our budget and your renewal will do this!

Through your support we are able to have an office, apply for grants, etc. The OTC travels to many communities, places like Thunder Bay, Oxford County, Lansdowne, Bancroft, Hamilton, etc. to assist communities with trail development.

"OTC involvement with the Guelph to Goderich Trail is assisting in lease securement, capital funding, improved cycling options and more trail tourism, and some support for Cycle Ontario, too." Doug - Listowel, Ontario.

This week's appeal is directed to those who reaffirmed your intention to renew on more than one occasion. It's time folks. We are at year end and we need your membership dollars to meet our commitments.

Please e-mail Patrick if your cheque has been mailed, use paypal or call the office and they'll take a credit card number over the phone. We are trying to complete as many renewal deposits by March 31 as possible.

OTC appreciates your support and I hope you'll join me and theses other members in keeping OTC involved as the important trails community organization it has become.

Once more, Sincerely, Jack De Wit, President.

JOIN - PRICING - By credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92
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