Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ontario Trails News - all about the unique value of Ontario Trails

About Membership - Mr. Jack De Wit, OTC President

Dear Members - With your support this week we achieved new levels of membership support.

I often get questioned what are the benefits of an OTC Membership? Well as a charity you are supporting our good works. From Kenora to Temiskaming to Windsor to Cornwall.

The OTC is the only 18 discipline, all trails, multi-use, single use, trail development, fund seeking, policy changing, government influencing, community assisting trail organization in Ontario. And more.

And only one of a handful of this type, nationally.

Your financial support may not return directly to your community, but with it, by keeping the OTC viable, we are able to preserve or develop trails somewhere in Ontario.

Further in this bulletin we will tell you about some of the programs and services your financial support allows us to pursue and secure.

Right now we are assisting in trail development or programs in Northern Ontario, Georgian Bay, and in South Western Ontario, as well as Toronto, Hamilton, Hastings, Middlesex, Peel, Simcoe, and other places!

We still have real services to pay for, telephone, audits, travel etc. So please take the time to renew your support today!
Sincerely, Jack De Wit, President.

JOIN - PRICING - By credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)

Yearly RatesBaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users="">$103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users$257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users$772.50$100.42$872.92
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