Monday, July 14, 2014

Ontario Trail News - information from around Ontario's 2600 trails, today a lot of cycling news!

All road users share safety responsibility
Just like cars, bikes are considered vehicles under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, which means cyclistshave the right to ride on public roadways, ...
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Sightseeing by pedal power: Toronto touts ever-expanding cycle tourism options
Led by a guide from Toronto Bicycle Tours, Kampmann and her family covered significant territory in the span of a few hours, crossing well-known ...
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Local Youth on 2000 km Metis Canoe Trek
Marie as part of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Canoe Expedition. This group started from Ottawa onMay 26 on an over 2,000 km canoe trek that ...
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Raisin River Conservation Authority reels them in for 2014 Family Fishing week
These are family fishing days in Ontario, from July 5-13, with anglers able to sampleOntario's fishing opportunities licence-free. On Friday, families ...
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The Sudbury Star
Plenty of choices for cyclists, including riders ed
... this move creates the potential for more cyclists on the not-yet-connected, debris-filled cycling corridors around Ontario's largest-by-geography city.
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Dooring dangers: Cyclists, drivers need to be alert as peak cycle season arrives
In Toronto, for example, Toronto Police Services stopped recording dooring incidents in 2012; they're now lumped in with all cycling collisions.
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Volunteers Needed for the Pan Am Games – Road Cycling | Ontario CyclingAssociation
With almost one year to go for the viagra 150 mg Pan-Am Games, its time to start building the base of volunteers that will make the events great.
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