Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Trail News archive for Ontario Trails Summer 2014

DH O-Cup #1 – Horseshoe Valley Report

It was a busy weekend of cycling June 21/22 with Horseshoe Valley playing host to both the Centurion and the first Downhill MTB race of the year!  All the downhillers were ready to go after a long winter, and the season started off perfectly with all riders  putting up some great times.
Saturday served as a great day for the downhillers to become acquainted with the course, the sun was out and the track was dry.  Sunday was just as good as Saturday, if not better, with a fast and dry track.
Taylor Rowlands placed first in the Elite Men category with a time of 1:08:30, and Kristen Courtney was the top female rider with a time of 1:19:92.  Special mention goes to Adam Robbins, a Cadet, who had the fastest time of the day at 1:08:04!
Full race results can be found here:
Downhill O-Cup #2 is at Camp Fortune July 26/27 and is shaping up to be another great weekend of racing!

Local News

Local News: Stop The Spread!

Contributed by admin on Jul 07, 2014 - 04:53 PM
Picture 0 for Stop The Spread!
Lower Trent Conservation (LTC), in partnership with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH), is asking the public to help stop the spread of an extremely invasive plant in the Trent River. Water solder, an invasive aquatic perennial, was first discovered in 2008 in the Trent River near the hamlet of Trent River.
Recent monitoring has identified that water soldier is spreading from County Road 30 to County Road 50 along the Trent River. This is the only known population in all of North America and must be prevented from establishing in new locations. Water solider can impact the environment by decreasing biodiversity in local waterways and interfering with recreational activities. It forms dense mats which out-compete native aquatic plants and constrict their survival, and can limit areas for swimming, boating and fishing. The plant’s bright green serrated leaves can also harm swimmers.

Tillsonburg News

Many theories behind mill's survival
The mill miraculously survived the War of 1812. ... at least some truth in them, says Robin DeCloet, curator of the Backus Heritage Conservation Area.
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