Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ontario Trails News - find your favorite of-riad trail, and check out fat-biking at Hardwood Hills

Find all your favorite fat-bike riding trails in Ontario!

OUTDOORS TIME: Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are no longer your only options. You can also take a bike on the snowy trails. Hardwood Bike and Ski north of Barrie offers Fat Biking (mountain bike with big fat tires) from Monday to Friday. The colder the conditions, the easier it is to pedal and the faster you will go. Have a look:

For the even more adventurous, head to Ancaster, Elora or Muskoka for some ice climbing.
And if sitting is more your outdoors style, there are ice fishing huts for rent on Lake Simcoe. (For the fair-weather fishermen in your family, the Spring Fishing and Boating Show is on this weekend and has lots for the indoor anglers).

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