Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ontario Trails News - thanks Blackburn News for putting our position forward to redress earlier media that required clarification.

Okay - to restate - this was published after the same media network published articles that misrepresented the Act and people closed their trails.

The Act is about trails, but it is an effort to consolidate other legislation, so that needs to be re-stated. So I didn't say that specifically.

Some comments were made "that Mr Sabourin only reported the trails association information. " Wrong, it was published through a lot of effort to restate facts, and our commentary actually was bringing some balance to redress earlier biases and incorrect information they had published

Our FAQ is actually accurate to the process of easements and breaches.

Ontario Trails Council Clarifies Bill 100 Intent photo
A group that works with recreational trails in the province says a new provincial bill is about consolidating information.
Patrick Connor is the Executive Director of the Ontario Trails Council.   It’s a not-for-profit organization working to promote the management, use, development and preservation of recreational trails.
Conner says Bill 100 started from the grassroots in an effort to put information in one place.
“Even though it’s a Trails Act, it’s not really about trails; it’s about consolidating existing legislation in one place so that if I’m a trail group or a land owner or other trail stakeholder, I can find out what legislation impacts me.   Our concern was that it was all over the place and people did not know and did not clearly understand what legislation affected them.”
Conner says Bill 100 does not change any existing legislation despite concerns recently raised about it.
The Ontario Trails Council has released a short FAQ about Bill 100 which can be found on their website.

News Director - Midwestern Ontario Email Steve Sabourin
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