Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ontario Trails News - a roundup of Ontario Trails News, a personal walk for Parkinsons from People Magazine

Despite Great Challenges, Harry McMurtry Walks 500 Miles and Raises $500,000 for Parkinson's Disease: 'I Couldn't Quit'

Harry McMurtry (left)

BY K.C. BAKER @kcbaker77777

06/29/2016 AT 04:35 PM EDT
Harry McMurtry's legs ached and his brow dripped with sweat as he walked through small towns and sprawling farms in upstate New York and Ontario, Canada, under the sweltering sun for almost two months. 

"All I kept thinking was, 'Just keep moving,' " McMurtry tells PEOPLE. "I couldn’t quit." 

Starting May 7, the Toronto native set out to complete 500 Miles for Parkinson's, a daunting, 45-day walk from New York City, where he lives with his wife of three years, Deborah Bradley, to his hometown in Canada to raise money and awareness for Parkinson's disease.

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