Notice of Public Open House / Workshop #1In April 2017, St. Catharines launched the development of the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Since that time, City staff, in partnership with the consultant team from WSP has:
- Reviewed relevant background information – policies, plans and strategies;
- Reviewed relevant best practices from comparable municipalities within Ontario, Canada and the United States;
- Mapped and field investigated existing transportation networks and facilities; and
- Investigated current transportation trends and preferences of residents.
Consultation and engagement is a key part of the planning process and an important part of the development of the City’s TMP. We want to hear from you, the people who live, work and play within the City regarding the future of transportation and the long-term transportation needs of the City. We invite you to attend an upcoming public open house and workshop where information about the TMP will be presented, activities will be available to gather input and members of the team will be available to review materials and answer any questions you may have. Additional details about the event are provided below:
Location:Kiwanis Aquatics Centre,
425 Carlton Street, St. CatharinesDate:November 6, 2017Time:7:00 – 9:00 p.m.The workshop will commence promptly at
7:00 p.m. with a presentation followed by a set of interactive activities. If you are not available to attend the full workshop, a drop-in style public open house will also be available presenting the same information and posing similar questions between
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.At the sessions we will be presenting information about the TMP and gathering your input on the challenges, opportunities and needs of the City.
If you are unable to attend the public open house, there are other ways you can get involved and provide input including:
- Filling out the online survey which is located on the project website (see link below);
- Contact one of the study team representatives by phone or by email to ask questions; and
- Attend local events where information will be provided and promoted – further details to be provided on the project website.
More information on the City’s Transportation Master Plan is available at
ContactBrian Applebee
Manager, Transportation Services
905.688.5601 ext.

Dear Stakeholders,
Thank you very much to those of you who were able to attend the technical agency meeting yesterday and / or the public session. We very much appreciated the input received and the discussion that took place.
For those who were not able to attend – and those that attended – we have consolidated the materials presented and would appreciate it if you would take some time to review them and provide your input. The materials presented yesterday include:
A presentation which provides an overview of some of the key elements of the study process, an overview of the proposed network including recommended facility types as well as suggested recommendations in the areas of engineering, encouragement, education, enforcement and evaluation; and
Mapping of the proposed cycling network for the County and each of the local area municipalities which illustrates the route alignment as well as the proposed facility types.
Please use the link below to access the materials presented: specifically, we are looking for the following comments:
Draft Cycling Facilities:
Are there any missing existing or proposed routes that you think should be included as part of the network?
Are there any routes that are shown that are not the correct alignment?
Are there any proposed routes or facilities that you do not think are appropriate considering the context of the roadway or surrounding areas?
Potential Priorities:
Are there routes that are identified as part of the network that are identified in your current capital plans?
Are there routes that are identified that you think are significant priorities for the county or municipalities to further cycling?
Suggested Recommendations:
Do you think that the recommendations identified are realistic for the County and its partners?
Are there any that are missing that you think should be considered?
If you have any questions about the materials provided or issues accessing the documents please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned below. We would ask that you provide your comments by October 27th, 2017 in order for us to incorporate them into the development of the cycling strategy report.
Best Regards,
EN FRANÇAIS (Choisissez votre journée ci-bas) Vendredi - le 27 octobre Samedi - le 28 octobre Lundi - le 30 octobre Mardi - le 31 octobre |
Le mystérieux temps de l'Halloween approche et il semblerait que les petits monstres de Prescott-Russell vont fêter parmi nous cette année. Plusieurs activités effrayantes auront lieu dans les prochains jours, planifiez vos visites : VENDREDI - Le 27 octobre 2017
Trick or Treat Main St. Une soirée de bonbons avant l’Halloween ? Bien sûr ! Rendez-vous à la Place des Pionniers àHawkesbury ce vendredi pour le « Trick or Treak Main St. » avec des décorations de citrouilles, un défilé de costume ainsi qu’un film sous les étoiles. Le tout se passe entre 17h à 19h30.
Danse d'Halloween Après votre petite sortie de bonbons à Hawkesbury, pourquoi pas se rendre à Champlainpour une Danse d’Halloween ! Il y a un minime frais d’entrée et des prix pour le meilleur costume et prix de participation. Les dons seront acceptés pour l'association de sports mineurs Champlain.
SAMEDI - Le 28 octobre 2017
Labyrinthe hanté Ce samedi le 28 octobre vous aurez la chance de participer dans un labyrinthe hanté chezOuimet Farms Adventures. Amenez votre lampe de poche ! Frayeur assurée !
Aventure History Mystery Vous aimez résoudre des énigmes ? La Maison Tucker offre le « History Mystery Adventure ». Venez relever le défi et vous creusant les méninges afin de trouver des indices cachés. Dépêchez-vous de trouver la solution avant que le sablier soit écoulé sinon… le secret de la maison sera à tout jamais oublié !
Souper Meurtre et Mystère La Maison des Arts de Russell vous offre la chance de vous joindre à un souper Meurtre et Mystère costumé. Le coût de l’activité est de 50 $ par personne incluant un souper créole, un spectacle ainsi qu’un cocktail. À vos marques, prêts, costumez-vous !
LUNDI - Le 30 octobre 2017
Souper et visite guidée Avez-vous déjà visité l’Ancienne Prison ? Pourquoi ne pas aller manger un souper de trois services dans des cellules entièrement transformées pour l'événement d'Halloween. Après le souper vous aurez une visite guidée effrayante de l'Ancienne Prison. Mouaaaahhhh !
MARDI - Le 31 octobre 2017
Prison hantée Vous aimez l’Halloween mais le porte-à-porte ce n’est pas pour vous ? Parfait ! Venez vivre une expérience effrayante à la prison hantée de L’Ancienne Prison ! Il y aura aussi une section réservée pour les jeunes enfants et des friandises leur seront données. L’admission est gratuite, mais les dons seront appréciés ! |

2018 Permits Now Available!
Get access to over 30,000km of trails this winter!
2018 Seasonal Permit Types and Pricing
Permit Type
on or before Nov 1st
on or before Dec 1st
Dec 2nd onwards
Seasonal Permit
$190.00 (+$7.50 processing fee)
$220.00 (+$7.50 processing fee)
$270.00 (+$7.50 processing fee)
Classic Permit (sled year 1999 or older)
$150.00 (+$7.50 processing fee)
| $150.00 (+$7.50 processing fee) |
$180.00 (+$7.50 processing fee)
Multi-Day (2 consecutive day minimum)
Fatbiking trails under development in Sioux Lookout, Ont.
Volunteer group cut 5 km of trail over the past summer
By Jeff Walters,
CBC News Posted: Oct 25, 2017 10:13 AM ET Last Updated: Oct 26, 2017 11:07 AM ET

John Sprague moved to Sioux Lookout, Ont. and embraced the sport of fatbiking so much, he created his own company, known as Cedar Bay Trails Co. (Jeff Walters / CBC)
Take your average bike, and then make the tires really wide. Add in a few feet of snow, and you have, more or less, fatbiking.
The sport, which involves cycling on uneven terrain, including through snow in the winter, has taken on a new life for a dedicated group of volunteers in Sioux Lookout, Ont.
John Sprague moved to the northwestern Ontario community a couple of years ago, and embraced the sport. So much so, that he is now the president of the
Cedar Bay Trails Co.
Sprague and a couple of good friends formed the group to create fatbike trails, as bikers were using a loop used by the local cross-country ski club.
Sprague said the two sports don't mesh well with each other. The skiers need tracks and grooming, while the bikers need packed snow. That led to the creation of new trails.
Ontario Trails Website - Login Functionality is back!

Over 400 people have signed up over the years for this web page functionality. With so much of the available OTC information on trails really being front page facing, this back end material didn't offer much value added.
However OTC does have specifically targeted information that is based on our most frequent requests, so we've synthesized the important stuff into key links and access locations to assist your desire as a trail community to learn more.
Pleased review your login and link. Many of you may want to turn on the login functionality given the renewed access to information. Or if you have turned it off and you wish to be removed from this service let us know.
Ontario Trails simplifies your Membership Connection!Over the years the Ontario Trails Council has worked to provide services that give you value and results for your membership support. We are constantly working to improve services and your ability to easily provide feedback on our efforts.
In March the OTC Board endorsed moving to a more automated system of membership management, deciding to use the platform Memberplanet. More information on this can be found at Memberplanet.
The OTC is working to implement this system. The ways to Memberplanet should make membership management easier include:
1) Account information accuracy
2) On-line membership renewal
3) Contact status updates
4) Group news
The membership planet platform provides all of these, including invoicing and receipt generation functions. So if you have an A/P department to report too, this should make your paper trail readily available to you!
When you start the process you'll be directed to this window. We are working on updating existing members to the database. So if you are an existing member, just bookmark this information for reference. We'll send you reminders about renewing at renewal time, in late November each year.

Ontario Trails All Year Long!
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