Showing posts with label Beltline Trail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beltline Trail. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

Ontario Trails - we communicate your trails to the world, and more action on the Beltline Trail in Toronto

Here's where people who learn something about Ontario's trails, via Ontario Trails Council are from.

The Beltline trail keeps growing: Micallef

One of the nicest spots on the Beltline trail, according to Shawn Micallef, is when it crosses Dufferin St. Beneath the bridge  the former Coats and Paton yarn mill is now an art deco condo
One of the nicest spots on the Beltline trail, according to Shawn Micallef, is when it crosses Dufferin St. Beneath the bridge the former Coats and Paton yarn mill is now an art deco condo
The Beltline Railway was a late-Victorian folly, but a large part of it has become the Beltline Trail today, an oblique route through the middle of Toronto for runners, walkers and cyclists. Losing rails is a melancholy thing: so much effort made to establish civilization erased, the only upshot being some right-of-ways are converted to trails.
Opened in 1892, the railway lasted only two years as the expected residential development in the north of the city didn’t materialize. As the name suggests, the Beltline was a commuter loop that began at Union Station and ran up the Don Valley, veering northwest at the Brickworks through the Moore Park Ravine to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. After crossing Yonge St. it followed a diagonal path through Forest Hill to just north of Eglinton and continued west to what is now the Barrie GO train line by Caledonia Rd., where it headed back to downtown.
The best-known section is the oldest stretch of trail between Yonge St. and the Allen Rd. It’s named the Kay Gardner Beltline Park after the local activist and city councillor who, along with then-mayor David Crombie and others, saved the right-of-way from development in the 1970s. The Forest Hill section seemingly ends at the Allen Rd. sound barrier with little to suggest it continues on, but those who know cross over the Allen on either the Elm Ridge Dr. or Aldburn Rd. bridges and find the beginning of the York Beltline trail west of Marlee Rd., though the entrances can be difficult to discover.
“The York Beltline isn’t as accessible as the Kay Gardner section,” says Councillor Josh Colle, whose ward begins at Marlee. “It’s quite hidden and sheltered and there are people who’ve lived in the neighbourhood forever who don’t know the trail is there.”
Colle says there are plans in the works for better signage and even a grand gateway entrance this year, and the trail will be extended to Marlee as the city still has an easement where it currently dead ends at community gardens belonging to an adjacent TCHC building. The gardens will be relocated nearby.
There still remains a linear patch of land between Marlee and the Allen that could one day complete the trail here and Colle says the environmental assessment for the Allen Rd. could potentially include a conversation about a dedicated bridge connecting the two sections of trail.
There are also studies looking into making street crossings easier along the entire Beltline; right now trail users must cross most streets without a light or crosswalk. In the east trail, accessibility will be improved with the Chorley Park switchback, though some Rosedale residents are holding that process up right now.
Back on the west side, the York Beltline passes through a hodgepodge mix of residential and industrial buildings and the cluster of interior design stores around Castlefield Rd. The trail ends at Bowie Ave. by the new Canada Goose Down factory that recently opened in the old Hilroy school and office supply building, and Colle would like to see some kind of connection made to the nearby Caledonia Rd. station that will open along the Eglinton Crosstown LRT.
Until the 1990s this stretch was used as industrial spur railway but today it’s marked with occasional shelters fashioned as old train stations with maps and the image of railway tracks laid into the paving bricks. The railway was in use so recently here that there are still signs on Fairbank Ave. telling motorists that the street continues on the other side of the tracks.
The bridge over Dufferin is one of the nicest bits. Toronto Parks installs flower boxes on it each summer and a new mural underneath pays homage to the former Coats & Paton yarn mill, an art deco gem converted to condos just east of here that overlooks the beltline itself.
Toronto’s lucky to have such Victorian follies; if only there could be more.
Shawn Micallef writes every Friday about where and how we live in the GTA. Wander the streets with him on Twitter@shawnmicallef.
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Friday, December 28, 2012

Ontario Trails - Experience Ontario Outdoors Today - Do it on an Ontario Trail!

Formal Beltline Report | Cycle Toronto
Cycle Toronto Midtown member Michael Black has written the definitive guide to the Beltline Trail, including a detailed look through its (often tumultuous) history, ...

Cycling through Northumberland's Hills
Northumberland News
Magazine recognized the club as the best cycling club in eastern Canada. NHCC, an incorporated club, is a member of the Ontario Cycling Association.

Major snowstorm strikes Ontario, Quebec
Heavy snowfall in parts of Ontario and southern Quebec has prompted flight cancellations and caused havoc on the roads. Environment Canada issued a winter storm warning for southern and eastern Ontario as well as southern Quebec Thursday morning ...
See all stories on this topic »


We are having a Friends of Bark Lake Gathering for those who worked or attended as a camper at The Ontario Camp Leadership Centre in Irondale. You, your family and camp friends are invited to join us. Please bring Ontario Camp Leadership Centre Bark Lake photos, memorabilia and your stories.

on Saturday December 29, 2012. at 12 noon.

at Angels Diner
23 Wellington Street East,
Guelph, ON N1H 3R7


Get Outside to Enjoy Ontario This Winter

December 26, 2012

Ontario Government Encouraging Kids to Stay Active

It's cold outside in Ontario, but that's no reason to stay indoors.
As the temperature drops and with shorter winter days, it can be tempting to stay indoors. However, it is important for everyone - especially kids - to exercise and stay healthy year round. There are lots of fun ways to be physically active during the winter with friends and family, such as:
  • Building a snowman
For days when the temperature drops too low for outdoor activities, kids can have fun exercising indoors. Community centres across Ontario offer activities for children and youth such as swimming, basketball, indoor soccer, martial arts and dance.
Ontario has an ambitious goal of reducing childhood obesity by 20 per cent over five years. Achieving this goal will help our kids become healthy adults and is an important part of the McGuinty government's Action Plan for Health Care.

The Township of Tay is offering shoeshoe classes at the Wye Marsh Nature near Midland, Ontario.
Saturdays Jan 5 - Jan 26 (4 weeks)
Sundays Feb 10 - March 3 (4 weeks)
Classes are 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Course fee: $ 22.60 (residents of Tay Twp), or $27.12 (non residents)
Instructor: Frieda Baldwin
Admission to the Wye Marsh is included in the course fee.
Bring your own snowshoes, or rent them at a minimal cost from the Wye Marsh.
In the first lesson, we cover running, turning, uphill, downhill, as well as safety tips, how to buy snowshoes, etc.
The remainder of the classes are regular snowshoe walks in the Wye Marsh.
Poles will be provided free of charge (first come first serve).
If there is not enough snow, we will go nordic walking with the poles.
Register with the Township of Tay 705-534-7248 x 232
or e-mail

Trail condition update for Glebe Park: Glebe...
Bruce Ballentine4:28pm Dec 27
Trail condition update for Glebe Park: Glebe Park -The lit loop was rolled and the lights are working. The trail has been dragged to the Peter Rabbit but sections are rough.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ontario Trails - Trail News Everyday from Around Ontario about Ontario Trails!

Christmas Metres of the Millenium Trail

For those "hard-to-buy-for" people, adopt some Millennium Metres by making a donation of $10 per metre to upgrade the Millennium Trail. A gift donation form is attached to this email. Certificates can be picked up at McDougall Insurance before Christmas.

After the rainstorm we had Sunday night, the upgraded trail stood up very well. Seen from Belleville Street in the morning, to the west the trail was 2 ribbons of water, while to the east, on the renovated part, there were no puddles - the water had run off to the ditches.

Merry Christmas - Barry Davidson PEC Millennium Trail



Council Approves Separated Bike Lanes Along Wellesley St., Queen's Park and Hoskin Ave.

Cycle Toronto has worked to build support for a network of separated bike lanes downtown and Torontonians have responded. Cycle Toronto was cc'd on over 130 messages from our members to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee (PWIC) in response to our Action Alert supporting the call for separated bike lanes along Wellesley, Queen's Park and Hoskin. The item was passed at PWIC on Nov 14, 2012 and Council on Nov 27, 2012 and we would like to thank you all for your support!
City staff are proposing a uni-directional cycle track along Wellesley and Toronto's first bi-directional bike lanes along the southern edge of Queen's Park, progressing north along the western edge and along Hoskin to St. George.
Riding on busy, crowded streets, mixed in with fast moving cars can be a stressful experience for any cyclist and we want to de-stress cycling for Torontonians. Ridership goes up when biking is easy, safe and comfortable. A study from Portland, Oregon has found that 60% of people are interested in cycling for transportation, but have concerns about safety. Protected lanes (cycle tracks) can help that 60% cycle more often, creating a transportation system that is easier, safer, more sustainable and more fun.

Toronto Beltline Public Meetings

The Beltline Trail was originally constructed as a 1890s commuter steam railway line that circled the City, looping from Union Station up through North Toronto. The rail line was converted to multi-use trail in the end of the last century.

The Beltline Today
The Beltline Trail is currently heavily used by residents for hiking, running, cycling, dog-walking and passive recreation.  The success of the trail has partly led to its current poor condition. Due to heavy use and improper drainage, parts of the trail have been widened by foot and bicycle traffic up to 6m which has contributed to the deterioration of adjacent naturalized areas.  The Beltline trail was originally designed in segments contributing to its lack of continuity, poor road crossing treatments and lack of wayfinding.

The City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation and Transportation Services have begun a study to look at state of good repair improvements to the Beltline Trail, including the section through Moore Park Ravine.

Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Open House), 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Presentation & Break Out session)
Location: St. Paul's Bloor St. Church, 227 Bloor Street East


Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Open House), 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Presentation & Break Out session)
Location: West Preparatory Junior Public School, 70 Ridge Hill Drive

For further information, read the Frequently Asked Questions document (Nov. 26, 2012) (PDF).
We Would Like To Hear From You
Public consultation is an important part of this study. You are invited to learn more and to share your insights and opinions at any time. For more information, please contact:

Jason Diceman
Public Consultation Unit
City of Toronto
Metro Hall, 19th Floor
55 John Street
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6

Tel: 416-338-2830 
Fax: 416-392-2974
TTY: 416-397-0831

Ward Meeting Dec 5th and Contraflow Petition | Cycle Toronto
Cycle Toronto logo. safe streets, a healthy city, ... Also: there is a fabulous petition for contraflow bicycle lanes that we helped kickstart. Please take a moment to ...
Work on Hastings-Peterborough trail link almost done
Northumberland News
Lang-Hastings Trail. HASTINGS -- Christine Painter, regional projects manager with Regional Tourism Organization 8, and Dennis Savery, president of Hastings ... 
Walking With A Camera: Toronto Photo Walks: East End III
A cold windy day. I finished up at lunch. Got distracted by something else, and I had other plans in the evening. I have to say though that we had good light and ...
Hub Trail may be part of national project
Sault Star
Officials from Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield Township, representatives from Trans Canada Trail Ontario, the Rotary Club of Peterborough and trail enthusiasts attend the official kick-off event on Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012 to celebrate the section of trail ...
See all stories on this topic » 
Walking the Green Line — from Caledonia Road ... - Spacing Toronto
EDITOR: This is the first of Shawn Micallef's posts following the Green Line hydro corridor through midtown Toronto, location of the Green Line Ideas ...
Toronto Fun Places: Fun walk in High Park
This blog is a complement to both my guides: Toronto Fun Places... for families and Toronto Urban Strolls... for girlfriends. In this blog, I will post photos of new ... 
Ontario Trail MembershipMembership renewals for 2013 are going out December 1st, 2012 We are sending them to you as our contact person - but is there someone else that has to absolutely get the invoice in your organization? We wish to make sure they land on the right desk! Board members or staff will be calling to confirm over the next weeks.

OTC Membership is Value for Money : How do we stack up? This year we will have1,000,000 unique visitors to the OTC website. For trails there is no other leader - not even nationally - and I quote from Context Creative:

"ComScore is a leading analytics organization that provides industry standard rankings used by many companies to assess their performance and investments in the digital world; many agency planners only go off ComScore numbers in their media buying initiatives. There are a couple of other trail sites as well, but Suite66 wasn't able to locate another one big enough to be reported in ComScore. So this is also impressive that OTC is present there.
For the month of September 2012, Canadian stats:
OntarioTrails.on.ca65,764 UVs (Unique Views) / 329,511 PVs (Page Views)
ComScore reports the following for comparison:
national outdoor org  50,440 UV’s / 249,000 PV’s
national geographic org:  41,000 UV’s / 114,000 PV’s"

So please tell you administrators that even in terms of a couple of hundred dollars in marketing expense, more people will see and use your trails because of your presence on the OTC website. The site is no longer supported by the province - so we need your financial support to manage, update and improve the site every day! Join Today - Use Paypal!

Trailhead Ontario:June 9-11, 2013Our Favourite Place, Peterborough

Our Plan for 2013 – We are working with the full support of  Our Favorite Place (RTO8), Peterborough and the Kawartha’s Tourism and a number of local trails groups to bring you the best Trailhead Ontario yet!. There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.
Photo Credit -Northumberland News
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home. 
Christine Painter from RTO 8 assists with signs along TCT Trail!

Ontario Trail Experiences on our Youtube Channel
Map Here
Horses -  

Rural communities in Wellington County are constantly seeking to increase economic activity. The horse industry has been one of the major forms supporting economic growth in rural Ontario. This research will investigate the potential for horse trail system development in Wellington County. The resu...


Sign Up Today
Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter " Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here


Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation
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