Take "The Safe Trail User" PledgeRecently OTC studied trail risk management, attended the Orangeville Horse Meeting and have had an ongoing confrontation with activity groups about their perception of our work towards collaboration between activities.
This, in fact, has been one of the core issues OTC has been tasked to deal with since its inception. In support, we are asking user groups and individuals to take
This, in fact, has been one of the core issues OTC has been tasked to deal with since its inception. In support, we are asking user groups and individuals to take
The Ontario Trails Safe Trail User Pledge.

Download the form from our trail etiquette page.
Revitalize your Trails - host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium
Learn more abut what this outdoor recreation education session can bring to your community. Read our prospectus document through the link below.

Calendar of Education Events Developed
Ontario Trails Council is pleased to announce its schedule of events through the remainder of 2018.
As you can appreciate we are working on supporting funding for these events with our partners, we are pleased to confirm -
Sept 26 - Muskoka - Trails Tourism
Sept 27 - Ontario Trails AGM
November 1 - Leeds and Thousand Islands - NEW
November 4 - Ontario Mountain Bike Summit
November 5 and 6th - Grand Watershed Trails

Ontario trails have the capability to add more events to its calendar. Those highlighted in orange above are in finalizing stages.
Event branding is also underway. As links to the programs and registration pages are finalized the links to these pages will be published.
Watch for more detail on branding, programs, and registration through this newsletter and on our social media.
Please note that for many of the events we are using the talents of Alex Brodka she can be reached through otcprojectasst@gmail.com
We thank you for your support.
Ontario Non-Profit Network Who's Who in New Provincial Governement
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Update to the Horse Trails Meeting June 16th, 2014.

Brant County Launches "Give me A Brake" Campaign

Brant, in partnership with the OPP, has launched the “Give Us a Brake” campaign to help remind motorists to slow down.
“The County of Brant is asking people to slow down, watch for pedestrians and share the road with cyclists,” said Mayor Ron Eddy.
The “Give Us a Brake” campaign was launched after concerned citizens from Harley and Kelvin came forward about the speeding vehicles travelling through their communities.
“Give Us a Brake” signs are now posted at the outskirts of Harley and Kelvin and additional signs will be posted in various other communities throughout the County. So far, the signs are proving to be effective. OPP Acting Detachment Commander, Jim Millson said, “As a result of this County-led traffic safety initiative, residents and County officials, alike, have noticed an overall reduction in motorist speed in the area.”
The County and OPP will continue to work together to slow down motorists. The OPP are stepping up enforcement efforts and the County is exploring various other initiatives from road painting techniques to additional signage to make the roads safer.
“Let’s slow down, enjoy the beautiful country-side and make sure everyone has a safe summer,” said Mayor Ron Eddy.
Announcement Link

Saugeen Valley Conservation
at the top of the Lookout TrailA visit to Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area isn't complete without a trek to the bluffs, which inspired the area's name.
Beginning at the north end of Main Street, the trail leads past a small pond, before leading up a set of wooden stairs to the spectacular lookout.
You'll be perched high above the wide expanse of the Saugeen River, one of the most popular canoe routes in southern Ontario.
Not only are the trails a highlight with hikers, but it is also a popular location for special events. This scenic park has played host to numerous opportunities, including weddings!
Enjoy the peaceful surroundings of the Bluffs and its scenic trails. The choice of where to begin and which area to explore first is yours for the making.
(Please travel only on the trails and roads provided and be sure to take only pictures and leave only footprints. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated by those who journey after you.)
*Please note that the trail system is operated under a 'use at your own risk' policy.
For the complete Trails Brochure, click here.
City of Oshawa
Oshawa's parks and recreational trail system encompasses almost 410 hectares of parkland and provides more than 27 kilometers of paved surface for you to explore. The parks and recreational trails are a great place to enjoy Oshawa's outdoors with friends and family.
Access Service Oshawa Online to submit many common requests related to City parks and recreational trails.
Search for a park here.
Accessible Parks
Heavy rain and high water levels in adjacent creeks may result in poor trail conditions and closures along the following recreational trail networks: Harmony Creek Trail at Bond/King Street underpass, Adelaide underpass, Bridge south of Rossland to Camelot Exit and the Rossland underpass, and the Oshawa Creek Trail at Canadian Pacific Railway overpass at Sinclair, Gibb Street underpass, Thomas Street tunnel and Valley Drive south to Southmead Park. For your safety please obey all signs, gates and barricades.
Oshawa's recreational trails offer opportunities for physical activities like walking, running, and cycling, as well as a safe and environmentally friendly way of getting to and from work, school, shopping and nearby parks. View our Oshawa Recreational Trails Brochure for more information and a map of each trail.
Search for a recreational trail here.
Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
Conservation Ontario

at the top of the Lookout TrailA visit to Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area isn't complete without a trek to the bluffs, which inspired the area's name.
Beginning at the north end of Main Street, the trail leads past a small pond, before leading up a set of wooden stairs to the spectacular lookout.
You'll be perched high above the wide expanse of the Saugeen River, one of the most popular canoe routes in southern Ontario.
Not only are the trails a highlight with hikers, but it is also a popular location for special events. This scenic park has played host to numerous opportunities, including weddings!
Enjoy the peaceful surroundings of the Bluffs and its scenic trails. The choice of where to begin and which area to explore first is yours for the making.
(Please travel only on the trails and roads provided and be sure to take only pictures and leave only footprints. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated by those who journey after you.)
*Please note that the trail system is operated under a 'use at your own risk' policy.
For the complete Trails Brochure, click here.
City of Oshawa

With over 130 parks for you to discover, you will easily find the quiet setting or the active recreation facility you are looking for. Start your adventure today!Search for a park here.
Accessible Parks

Oshawa's recreational trails offer opportunities for physical activities like walking, running, and cycling, as well as a safe and environmentally friendly way of getting to and from work, school, shopping and nearby parks. View our Oshawa Recreational Trails Brochure for more information and a map of each trail.
Search for a recreational trail here.
Escarpment Biosphere Reserve

Conservation Ontario

Need to Renew? - Use Your Findjoo (find-you) ProfileRecently we sent your most recent organization or member contact person an email like the one below, Renew the profile we created for you!
Trouble shooting notes:
- To those that were overcharged on taxes refunds have been issued for the overages.
- To those that the system indicates have paid, in some cases the final transfer of the cash did not come through on our end. We will be sending you our system indicator and we may have to process your payment through traditional means - over the phone through credit card, or via cheque and membership form.
- We apologize for any inconvenience.

Dear Member
Your Findjoo registration was created by Ontario Trails.
Your account email is your identified OTC contact email.
Findjoo.com is a site that allows you to make reservations, appointments, register for events, register for courses and renew memberships. You can either visit the site through your profile website or our website www.findjoo.com. for the online options.
Once logged in on Findjoo.com, you can access your client accounts by going over the floating "Menu" on the left side of any page.
From the menu click on the user icon.
You can modify your password from the "Your profile" link in the site header.
If you have questions, feel free to contact us through our website www.findjoo.com.
Ontario Trails Council - Membership Team
Watch for this Badge on the Website - click to register your membership online.

Ontario Trails All Year Long!
Add an Ontario Trail Logo to your website!
Tell us all about your trail event and join us as we celebrate Ontario's Trails!
1. Log in Your Event - Event spreadsheet.
2. Add your event to our event calendar - add it here.
3. Post your personalized decal on your Trail - we have one for every group on our list. (see #5 below)

4. Add your trail user survey to any of your trail pages - we've made one of our members and regions. Get your decal here -

4. Add your trail user survey to any of your trail pages - we've made one of our members and regions. Get your decal here -
We've checked the links if something isn't working simply give us a call - 613-484-1140. We'll be adding these links to the various relevant trail pages in your regions and RTO's/DMO's over the upcoming year!
5. Send us your Trails video - we'll be posting content online at https://goo.gl/Fy2bIL and we'd be happy to add to our trails tube - https://www.youtube.com/user/ontrails
Missing? You may want to talk to us about OTC Membership. 613-484-1140 We'd be happy to connect with you.