Your walking style affects your mood
Toronto: Walking in a happy or sad style actually affects our mood, ... It is known that our mood can affect how we walk - slump-shouldered if we are ...
Drivers who door cyclists, use phones face tougher fines inOntario
Ontario plans to double fines for motorists who door cyclists or use their mobile phones while driving, as part of a sweeping road-safety crackdown.

Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) Selects Globalstar GPS Satellite Technology for ...
OFSC is the coordinating body for organized snowmobiling in Ontario, ... Its provincial network of organized snowmobile trails connects Ontario ...
Ministry of Labour orders bike racks removed on certain TTC buses
Ross did not have current usage statistics available at press time, but anecdotally,Cycle Toronto's Jared Kolb says the racks are well used, and play a ...
Toronto: If you build bike lanes, the cyclists will come
We haven't heard much about cycling policy in this election, which is too bad. I think giving cyclists better, safer ways to get around should be a focus ...