Showing posts with label National Trails Coalition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Trails Coalition. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ontario Trails News - NTC, snowmobile and other funds make Discovery Routes better!

Aspin hands out funding to boost area cycling and snowmobiling trails

Friday, July 10, 2015   by: Chris Dawson
Discovery Routes Chair Mark King addressed the crowd during today's funding announcement at the North Bay Waterfront. 

MP Jay Aspin dished out $122,630 in federal funding to enhance regional cycling and snowmobile trails in the area. 

The announcement was made at the bandshell located next to the government dock on the north shore of Lake Nipissing in North Bay this morning. 
“Our beautiful region is a magnate for tourism dollars employing a significant number of people in our regional tourism sector. Recreation has become a rapidly growing tourism activity,” said MP Jay Aspin in a release.  

A FedNor investment of $24,615 will allow the Discovery Routes Trails Organization to develop a feasibility study and an implementation plan for the Voyageur Cycling Route, a 400-kilometre trail network that would connect Sudbury to the Ottawa Valley.

The hope is that the study will allow the group to potentially position the region as a premier cycling destination. 

“We are thrilled to partner with the Government of Canada through FedNor to advance this important initiative,” said Mark King, Chair of the Discovery Routes Trails Organization.

“This will help us boost tourism throughout the area by expanding Northeastern Ontario’s cycling network.”

King believes connecting to those other markets is key but he believes Northeastern Ontario has the potential to become a world class cycling destination just like places in Europe. 

"There’s no reason in the world why we can’t take the opportunity to make something like that happen so there is no doubt in my mind that cycling is a growth industry and it will probably get bigger and bigger as we start to see more increases in fuel costs and vehicle costs and just the way we change our transportation system," added King.  

In addition, a $98,015 Infrastructure investment will enable the North Bay Snowmobilers Club and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs to establish a new bridge on North River, further enhancing the local trail network.

The funds were provided to the National Trails Coalition (NTC) through the $10 million National Recreational Trails (NTC) program.

The NTC works with local organizations to fund projects.

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ontario Trails News - NTC Granted Agencies hearing about fund agreements, and more!

Your walking style affects your mood
TorontoWalking in a happy or sad style actually affects our mood, ... It is known that our mood can affect how we walk - slump-shouldered if we are ...

Drivers who door cyclists, use phones face tougher fines inOntario
Ontario plans to double fines for motorists who door cyclists or use their mobile phones while driving, as part of a sweeping road-safety crackdown.

Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) Selects Globalstar GPS Satellite Technology for ...
OFSC is the coordinating body for organized snowmobiling in Ontario, ... Its provincial network of organized snowmobile trails connects Ontario ...

Ministry of Labour orders bike racks removed on certain TTC buses
Ross did not have current usage statistics available at press time, but anecdotally,Cycle Toronto's Jared Kolb says the racks are well used, and play a ...

Toronto: If you build bike lanes, the cyclists will come
We haven't heard much about cycling policy in this election, which is too bad. I think giving cyclists better, safer ways to get around should be a focus ...

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Ontario Trails News - we value our members!

We Value Our Members - Mr. Jack De Wit, OTC President

Dear Members - I often get questioned what are the benefits of an OTC Membership?  This newsletter highlights the recent announcement of the National Trails Coalition Project for 2014-15. I am volunteering my time on your behalf to the guidance of this project at the national and provincial levels.

I would encourage all Ontario trail groups to join the OTC to take advantage of the program. Your membership support keeps the OTC office open, pays important administrative expenses and ensures we are able to respond when federal or provincial movies arrive for your use.

OTC AGM date announced!

Hamilton is host to the OTC 2014 OTC AGM. We wish to THANKMcMaster University for acting as host.

Member Profile - Kenora Trails

Ontario Trails and Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation

Over the past 4 weeks we have not published Trailwise. We have used the time instead to refine our mailing list to include members only.

We have over the years provided copies to non-members as a means of education and awareness about trails. Due to CASL we are focused instead on providing a top notch member based newsletter. So if you are a member you are in the news!

After July 1, 2014, the OTC Newsletter page on the OTC main website will be re-configured for new approvals to conform with CASL requirements.

We will be adjusting our maillist to ensure we are targeting member organizations, and those who have expressed an interest in receiving TrailWise in the past.

As a member, and based upon the educational nature of our work, you are entitled to Trailwise as an OTC service. It's part of the OTC membership package. If as a member you do not want Trailwise, please opt-out of the list which you can do here: UNSUBSCRIBE

Our newsletter is the only item we send by email to a large email list. By July 1, 2014 please reaffirm your interest by going to the OTC sign up page at:REJOIN
Canada's new Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) requires us to get your express consent, as a non-member, in order to keep emailing you about our advocacy successes, contests, or member discounts after July 1, 2014

Please go to our Newsletter Page to Rejoin if you so decide. 

Please call our office at 613-484-1140 if you have any questions about our MAILING LISTS.

Regards, Patrick Connor, Executive Director
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