Showing posts with label Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Ministry Grants (OSRCF), Snowmobile warnings, CycleON Consultations, Trails Tourism Consultations and more about Ontario's trails!

Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport announces Community Recreation Funding
Ontario is now accepting applications for the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund (OSRCF) 2017–18. OSRCF is a grant program that supports the government’s vision to enable people in communities across Ontario to lead healthy, active lives. The fund increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation, supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity and strengthens the community sport and recreation sector.

The deadline to apply for the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund 2017–18 is February 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. EST.

Full details, including who’s eligible and how to apply, are available through Grants Ontario, the government’s one-window access to information about grants. To contact the ministry, please email

Please feel free to share this notice with your members or other sport and recreation partners and providers in your area.
L’Ontario accepte maintenant les demandes au Fonds ontarien d’action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs (FOACSL) pour 2017-18.

Le FOACSL est un programme de subventions qui appuie la vision du gouvernement permettant aux gens dans des communautés partout en Ontario de mener une vie saine et active. Le Fonds augmente les possibilités de participation à des sports et des loisirs, soutient la mise en œuvre du savoir-faire physique comme fondement de l’activité physique et renforce le secteur du sport et des loisirs communautaires.

La date limite pour présenter une demande au Fonds ontarien d’action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs pour 2017-18 est le 1er février 2017 à 17 h HNE.

Des informations complètes, y compris sur l’admissibilité et comment présenter une demande, sont disponibles à Subventions Ontario, un guichet unique d’accès à l’information gouvernementale sur les subventions.

Pour contacter le ministère, veuillez envoyer un courriel à l’adresse

N’hésitez pas à partager cet annonce avec vos membres ou autres partenaires et prestataires en sport et loisirs de votre région.


ontario federation of snowmobile clubs(Barrie, ON – December 14, 2016) - With early snow on the ground and more forecast this week in some parts of Ontario, winter’s on the way and so is the 2017 snowmobiling season. But it’s not time to start sledding yet, so for safety’s sake and to avoid trespass on private property, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) cautions snowmobilers to keep their sleds parked and stay off OFSC trails because they are not open yet.

Even going for a short snowmobile ride can be very dangerous at this time of year with the existing poor conditions. The ground, waterways and swamps are not frozen yet, nor is there enough snow base to protect yourself or your sled from terrain irregularities or other obstacles.

Grooming operations have not started yet, so no OFSC trails are available to ride and all access to trails on private property remain closed. Snowmobilers are also reminded to stay off public roads and avoid trespassing on farmers’ fields.
For updates on trail status across Ontario, the OFSC recommends that prior to accessing a trail that snowmobilers visit the Interactive Trail Guide at to confirm trail availability.

244 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!
prescott-russell trails petition

OTC visited Prescott Russell and met with Council and the Economic Development Committee. There may be operating budget cuts in the near future but there is a desire to save the trail, although it may not be 72 continuous kilometers. Road links are being studied between nodes. 

We encourage the people signing the petition to work with UCPR and OTC to find ways to re-negotiate the lease with Via so we can make the corridor multi-use, which would enable cost recovery, new funding for capital projects and engage more members of the community to utilize the trail in the future.

If you want to help please contact Louise Bissonette with Sentiers Prescott Russell! Merci.

Cycling Consultations Completedontario trails ontario cycling consultations
Thank you very much again for your interest and participation in the study to help identify Ontario’s Province-wide Cycling Network. We hope that the regional workshop session you attended was informative; providing you with:
  • Background information on the study;
  • Context on the intended outcomes;
  • An overview of the process being used to identify the network; and
  • An opportunity to be engaged in the study process.
As noted at the regional workshops, we would encourage those of you who were able to attend to continue to review and provide comments on the materials presented. We would also encourage you to reach out to any of your partners that did not have a chance to attend the session to share the information provided and provide questions / comments to the study team.

The study team has consolidated the materials presented at the workshop sessions and uploaded them to DropBox. They can be accessed using the following link: MTO Cycling Network Study Dropbox
*Please click on the proceed without signing up option at the bottom of the page if you do not already have an account

We have uploaded network concept mapping (route options and alternatives that could form part of the province-wide cycling network (priority routes) or link up to the province-wide cycling network (secondary routes)) for each of the MTO Regions. We are in the process of uploading maps illustrating the network concept in zoom in areas of the Upper Tier Municipalities. The zoom in maps will be uploaded to the site by first thing tomorrow morning. Please select the mapping that is most appropriate for your jurisdiction. We would also encourage you to review the workshop presentation. The presentation will give you the necessary context to better understand the information that we are asking you to review and comment on.

#CycleON - MTO Province-wide Cycling Network Identification Study
On behalf of the Study Team
T: 905-882-7306

Trails Tourism Integration Strategy Meetings Underway

Over the fall we have been meeting with a variety of Regional Tourism Organizations and their supporting Destination Marketing Organizations or Destination Marketing Partners as the case may be.

We have been creating connectivity to these important regional product marketers in order to reinforce the importance of trails and the outdoors as tourism product, and to seek new ways to improve our connectivity to them, as we represent their efforts and your trails via the Ontario Trails Council website.
During each session we discussed:
  • Current RTO+DMO Tourism Strategies
  • Current Outdoor Activity Marketing
  • Existing Trail Inventory
  • Identify Gaps
  • Consolidate Events
  • Review Trails Marketing
  • New Content Initiatives
  • Share Data and Data Gathering Processes
  • Review TTIP Action Plan Outlines
  • Define Next Steps
Areas for improvement or site additions include such things as:
  • having an event map
  • self directed traill or event edits
  • mapping and maps
  • guided services listings
  • improved weather reporting
  • improved trip planning with printout
  • adding trails for folks with pets to cater to the traveller with pets
  • add trekking and other unique experiences
  • re-brand off-road cycling as mountain biking, add fat-biking as a speciality
  • space for local content
  • improved site search functionality
  • more links across RTO's
  • improved forms with additional categories
  • more support route content like Wine or Arts Routes
  • event to trail linkages on trail content pages
  • cms capability to red flag broken links
  • more! trails!
We appreciate the feedback from all the marketing and branding staffs we have worked with and all the suggestions for improvement.

Thank- you
Membership Renewal Time

ontario trails join
In 2016 the Ontario Trails Council membership got: a re-charged Ontario Trails Strategy, the first ever Provincial Trails Act - a commitment to better working by government with the Ontario Trails Council, acceptance of our 9 point program by the Premier reflected in the Minister's Cabinet Letter, new Regional Trail Committees (Guelph Trail Council), $3.3 Million in federal funding for communities (NOT OTC!), trail projects in Ontario equaling $21M, and $3.5 million to complete the Trans Canada Trail Ontario.
"New trails are still to be developed in Ontario. Existing trails need to be maintained and expanded. Trail organizations in Ontario need one common voice to advocate for them. We need a central source to promote funding opportunities and act as a communications link between trail groups. More than ever, trail groups need to stick together and speak as one mind. OTC is the organization that can assist us all in those regards. A significant benefit of being an OTC member is the website itself -- a great resource for information and access to like-minded organizations. The research we require is most often sourced directly through the OTC office or by expansion through OTC member organizations. It's where we go for answers and direction."
 - Ray Gilbert, Executive Director, Bruce Grey Trail Network
"The OTC provides us with the ability to communicate and collaborate with industry stakeholders, professionals and advocates. It also provides us with the tools to develop our own capacities, skills and networks. As well, it is important to back to the OTC and trail communities in our province. Being an OTC member allows us to benefit from the knowledge of other members through education and professional development opportunities such as the Trailhead Ontario conference, and through professional networking. The OTC is the influential body that will help guide and shape the political, professional and physical landscape of trails in Ontario. Joining the OTC provides an opportunity to be part of this process: to both contribute and gain knowledge in a community of passionate, like-minded individuals and organizations."
 - Damian Bradley, Cycling advocate and Developer Guelph Regional Trails Council
"Trails and trail development is a significant topic within North Grenville because of the positive impact trails have on a community - quality of life, tourism, broad spectrum of users etc. As a member of the OTC, we have the opportunity to learn how to promote and manage our trails program in a more professional manner. The OTC was the obvious choice. To date, we have benefitted from our membership in these ways:
  • making personal contacts with provincial, national and international leaders in the trails movement
  • access to the Trailhead Ontario conference, which was a watershed event for the three North Grenville staff who attended
  • being able to promote the trails movement in Eastern Ontario, it has provided a more credible position from which to advocate trails
 Once we have our trails master plan in place we will take full advantage of posting and promoting our trails on the OTC website. Trails are the future - if you really want to be part of the trails movement in Ontario, you need to be a member of the OTC."
 Forbes Symon, Director of Planning and Development, County of North Grenville
Membership Benefits
  • OTC Trails and Event page representation
  • Representation on OTC trails maps
  • Social Media represents you to 60,000+ people
  • Fund Development through grant writing, grant support,
  • Fund seeking AND donation managEment
  • OTC Policy Statements guide decision makers
  • Strategic Planning for Members
  • Survey's and Data Exchange, Trail Counts
  • Education Posters and Program
  • Connectivity to the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport
  • Leadership at the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee
  • Office services and networking support
  • Advocacy benefits - provincially and nationally
  • Infrastructure funds flow to members first
  • Directorships, Awards and Business Impactors
  • Partnership Support and Knowledge exchange
  • Access to Professional Development sessions
  • Tourism Practices, Trails Tort Reform, Trail Workshops
  • Regional Trail Management Committee Development
  • Discounts on Trailhead Events
  • Access to Trail Insurance Broker
  • Option on registration in Trillium Trail Network
  • Local, regional or provincial User conflict resolution
  • Trail Auditing, assessment, signage and inclusion
  • Trail Training, College Level Education Certificates

Become a "Friend of Trails"
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Monthly e-bulletins
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$26.52 + $3.45 = $29.97 (includes 13% HST)
Benefits to Student
  • Editions of the OTC newsletter Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  • * must provide student verification
$21.21 + $2.75 = $23.96 (includes 13% HST)

Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks,
trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units
and other trail-related supporting organizations.
Small Non-profit,
Small Organizations
Conservation Authorities,
Medium Municipalities,
Counties, Regional
Tourism Organizations
Provincial Level
>5000 users

Add/Edit Trails

An important part of the Refreshed OTC Web site will be a dynamic page dedicated to each trail. It is important that you give us as much information as possible - this will be the only source for creating your dedicated page on the OTC Website. If we don't get the information from you, it won't make it onto the site. If you have any questions about the form, please contact Patrick at 613-484-1140. Thank you for taking the time to add or edit your trail on the Ontario Trails Council Web site.


Be a Friend of Trails

We invite all trail users to support the work of the Ontario Trails Council. As a registered charity we do our community work based on the support of member organizations, individuals and some government grants. We do the work, in the end for the individual families and folks that use the trails every day. Please consider supporting us as your thanks for your trails. Thank you.

donate to ontario trails
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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Ontario trails consultations, publications, education and more Ontario Trail News!


Ontario Trails - We Keep Adding Events!!

On a regular basis the trail community sends us more trail events to add to our website! Add yours today. 

Hiking Trail Events - a short sample of 100's

ontario trails hiking eventsWilderness Adventurers of Ontario - Hiking Events
Hiking Wilderness Adventurers engage in all levels of hiking. There are day hikes, which are leisurely and also ones that are a little more strenuous. There may be weekend hikes or week long backpacking trips. Having so many trails...
Each year there are thousands of events that occur on Ontario trails. This page provides some of the more notable provincial or regional events from the past few years. There are a number of trail organizations that run events...
Coastal Hiking Trail part of the Voyageur Trail
Coastal Hiking Trail part of the Voyageur Trail The Coastal Hiking Trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park is a spectacular 63 km linear trail that generally hugs the wild and rugged coastline of this magnificent lake. The Trail...
Devil's Lake to Victoria Bridge - Ganaraska Hiking Trail
Devil's Lake to Victoria Bridge - Ganaraska Hiking Trail DO NOT GO alone into the Wilderness, even if you know what to do if you encounter a black bear. Attach bells onto your pack to let bears know you are coming, so you don't...
Ganaraska Hiking Trail
Ganaraska Hiking Trail The trail starts in Port Hope, on the north shore of Lake Ontario and after more than 400 kilometres connects with the Bruce Trail near Glen Huron. In Port Hope, the Ganaraska Hiking Trail connects with the...
Nimkee's Hiking Trail
Nimkee's Hiking Trail Nimkee's Hiking Trail, at just over 20 km long, weaves its way along the northern shoreline and through hardwood forests and vast fields offering an abundance of wildlife and natural splendor to enjoy.Nimkee's...
Pretty River Park Hiking Trails
Pretty River Park Hiking Trails This park has provincially significant geological features related to glacial and post-glacial processes along one of the highest point of the Niagara Escarpment. Features include meltwater channels,...
Rideau Trail
Rideau Trail The Rideau Trail is the longest trail in Eastern Ontario, extending from Kingston to Ottawa. The trail follows the route of the Rideau Canal as closely as possible and passes through the towns of Richmond, Smiths Falls,...
Seaton Hiking Trail
Seaton Hiking Trail The Seaton Hiking Trail was created in the early 1970s as an interpretive hiking trail. It follows the West Duffins Creek from Hwy 7 in the north to Concession 3, all in the City of Pickering. The trail is...
Thunder Bay Hiking Trail
Thunder Bay Hiking Trail The Thunder Bay Recreational Trail System offers a good excuse to hike, jog, walk, cycle or in-line skate. 34 kilometres (21 miles) of multi-purpose recreational trails hug rivers and lakes, and provide...
Hiking & Walking
Hiking & Walking It's an Ontario walking and hiking paradise. Put your boots on. Whether your ideal hike is a few hours or few days, you'll find fascination in every step as you discover Ontario's nature trails. Ontario offers...
Maitland Trail Association - Events
The Maitland Trail Association encourages hiking, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, all-terrain cycling and nature study as a form of recreation along this trail. Many events every month, check out the events... - Hike List
These are the main hikes of All of the hikes listed below are either “loop” or "linear" hikes. Loop hikes begin and end at the same point meaning you can park, do the hike and return to your car at the point where...

Wilderness Trail Events - a short sample of 100's

wilderness canoe association events ontario trails listing
Wilderness Adventurers of Ontario
The Wilderness Adventurers of Ontario is volunteer-based. The club itself does not organize trips, or own any equipment. Members organize their own trips, which are then listed in the occasional newsletter that is sent out to all the...
Outing Club of East York - Events
In the spring, summer & fall we have an extensive program of canoeing, hiking & cycling. The trips range from evening to full-day and weekend or longer events. Hikes & nature walks are conducted in areas near Toronto and on camping or...
Ottawa Orienteering Club - Events
The Ottawa Orienteering Club (OOC) is a group of outdoor sports enthusiasts who organize and take part in orienteering events of various kinds in the National Capital area. We welcome members and newcomers alike to our meets. We...
Waterloo-Wellington Canoe Club - Trail Events
 Click the link for the most recent version of the Clubs Event Calendar. Search the specific activity for reference to canoeing, hiking or other activity specific events through the...
Peninsula Paddlers - Events
Regularly Scheduled Paddles, Tours & Other Fun Stuff ... Please see events calender on website for up to date events from May - October. Special Cold Weather Classification: The Club now paddles year round. Winter, late fall and early...
Wilderness Adventurers of Ontario
The Wilderness Adventurers of Ontario is volunteer-based. The club itself does not organize trips, or own any equipment. Members organize their own trips, which are then listed in the occasional newsletter that is sent out to all the...
10th Annual Bridge Hospice W8 Running Events
12th Annual Bridge Hospice W8 Running Events Sat. Oct 22, 2016 in Warkworth, ON. 13K, 5K and 1K (kids) road and trail events through the village and surrounding area, including the Millennium Trail. For more information contact Race...
Ahotu - Ontario Trails Events
Ahotu is a web services editor specialised in endurance running. It has created and manages the first world wide marathons database. Through the web site, Ahotu offers unique services to help runners from all over...

Explorers Edge Dog Sledding Events
ALGONQUIN PARK Call of the Wild Adventure ConsultantsCouples Resort Dogsledding Package Snow Forest Adventures Stouffer Mill Dogsledding Adventure Package Voyageur Quest Wilderness Adventures ALMAGUIN HIGHLANDS Ahmic Lake Resort Ahmic...

Snowshoe Trail Events - a short sample of 100's
ontario trails snowshoe events
Snowshoeing & Backcountry
Snowshoeing & Backcountry If you can walk, you can snowshoe It's not surprising that snowshoeing has been gaining in popularity in Ontario. It takes minimal equipment, it's easy to learn for the whole family and it delivers an...
Muskoka KOA Trails
Muskoka KOA Trails The trails are also known as the KOA Nordic Center and is an excellent cross country ski area. The trails are easy but usually well groomed tracks and show off the biodiversity of this part of Muskoka. During the...
Credit Valley Conservation - Snowshoeing
Snowshoeing Snowshoeing is one of the oldest modes of transportation. Whether you have you’re just starting or looking for new places to explore, the Credit Valley Watershed has many trails to offer. Terra Cotta Conservation Area...
Snowshoe Trail at Crawford Lake
Snowshoe Trail at Crawford Lake This trail has been designed with snowshoers in mind. Enjoy the beauty of winter as you wind your way through field and forest. The pristine waters of Crawford Lake have drawn people to its shores for...
Algonquin Highlands Snowshoeing Hikes
Experience a winter wonderland of rugged Canadian Shield, majestic hardwood forests, old growth white pine, hemlock and yellow birch. Ski or snowshoe to cliff-top lookouts and spectacular ice falls.   Catch a glimpse of wildlife such...
Snowshoe at Kinghurst and Murray Tract
We will explore these former Krug properties, now owned by Ontario Nature and managed by Saugeen Nature, in winter.   These beautiful properties are renowned for the hardwood stands that cover large swaths of the landscape, especially...
Snowshoe Hike for Screech Owls
Once again we will try our luck to find a Screech Owl during an evening snowshoe hike hopefully lit by the bright moon. On this our 10th year of this hike the moon will be 72% full and should rise a few hours before the start of the...

123 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!

prescott-russell trails petition
Save the Prescott Russell Trail. Many people use and love this trail.
The trail is 72 kilometers long and it runs through 8 townships and many towns in eastern Ontario.
The Prescott-Russell Rail Trail is the only outdoor recreational facility of its type in the area. The trail enables healthy hiking, active walking, dog walking, safe cycling off-road and winter snowmobiling.
Suddenly and without notice there is discussion of closing the trail. Many people love and rely on the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail. This trail is beautiful and a main corridor of travel and recreation for many people.
There have been no trespass complaints from landowners. Many local community members have fought for this trail and regularly work to maintain it.
The Ontario Trails Council asks you to sign this petition because we do not believe leaders fully understand the benefits of the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail to people's health, to tourism and to the environment.

Watch a video about this trail

Trailhead Toronto Program

Join us November 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre, 8 Adelaide St. in Toronto for Trailhead Toronto - a discussion about Toronto Trails by the people that build, design, find and use Toronto Trails!

Learn more at

Register at: Trailhead Toronto

Find Your Healthy Hike
healthy hikes

Trails Tourism Integration Strategy Meetings Planned
rtos Mtcs
A total of 15 meetings are being held with RTO's, DMO's and other partners as Ontario Trails works to develop an RTO Trails Tourism Action Plan for release in spring 2017.

We have been in touch with each RTO and our calendar of dates includes:
Location                    Date
Stratford RTO4October 24th
Niagara Falls RTO2October 25th
Newmarket RTO6October 27th
Kingston RTO9November 1st
Hamilton RTO3November 3rd
Collingwood RTO7November 7th
Peterborough RTO8November 9th
Renfrew RTO11November 10th
Sault Ste. Marie RTO12&13November 13-16th
London RTO1November 18th
TorontoNovember 24th

During each session we will discuss:
  • Current RTO+DMO Tourism Strategies
  • Current Outdoor Activity Marketing
  • Existing Trail Inventory
  • Identify Gaps
  • Consolidate Events
  • Review Trails Marketing
  • New Content Initiatives
  • Share Data and Data Gathering Processes
  • Review TTIP Action Plan Outlines
  • Define Next Steps
For more information contact Patrick Connor at 613-484-1140
Locations to be announced.
Cycling Consultations Announced

ontario trails ontario cycling consultations
A total of eight (8) workshop sessions will be held throughout the province of Ontario.

Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and other other areas of government will participate where possible to ensure we continue to build on synergies with the Ontario Trails Strategy and other important work, including regional transportation planning initiatives. The following table provides preliminary information on the regional workshop sessions.
Location                    Date
KingstonNovember 1st
OttawaNovember 2nd
Thunder BayNovember 7th
Sault Ste. MarieNovember 8th
TorontoNovember 10th
OrilliaNovember 16th
LondonNovember 18th
North BayNovember 24th

Each of the meetings will be held between 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. We ask that you select the date and location most applicable to your work / interests. This invitation will be followed by a set of meeting notifications containing more detailed information. We ask that you select and accept the meeting that is most appropriate to you. You should expect to receive the meeting notifications in mid-October.

E-mail -
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Friday, July 8, 2016

Ontario Trails News - trails news from all over Ontario, about Ontario trails and Ontario Trails Activities

Add Your Training Trail!

Quest for Gold: Northern athletes, sporting events access provincial funding
The U-18 Baseball World Cup in 2017 in Thunder Bay and 15 city athletes are eligible for sport funds

By Cathy Alex, CBC News Posted: Jun 30, 2016 6:30 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 30, 2016 6:30 AM ET
Tobias Quinn of Thunder Bay, competing in the freestyle 1.3km event at the 2016 Haywood NorAm World Junior/U23 Trials and Ontario Cup at the Lappe Nordic Centre is a biathlete and part of Ontario's Quest for Gold program.
Tobias Quinn of Thunder Bay, competing in the freestyle 1.3km event at the 2016 Haywood NorAm World Junior/U23 Trials and Ontario Cup at the Lappe Nordic Centre is a biathlete and part of Ontario's Quest for Gold program. (Martin Kaiser)

The Ontario government is investing $16.76-million in sports in the province, and some of that money could be coming to athletes, and event organizers in northwestern Ontario.

"Sport is all about creating opportunity for young people to participate," says Eleanor McMahon, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

"It's about creating healthy habits for life. It's about getting young people excited and energized."

Eleanor McMahon, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport in Ontario, says the provincial government is investing $16.76-million in athletes and sporting events across the province. (Twitter)

There are 15 athletes in Thunder Bay, participating in diving, curling, cross-country-skiing and wrestling, who are eligible for funding from Ontario's Quest for Gold program, she said.

"It pays for their expenses, generally, it helps them to excel, and it helps them to spend time on their sport," McMahon said.

Organizers of theUnder-18 Baseball World Cup in Thunder Bay in 2017 may also be able to access funding for the event through the Ontario Sport Hosting Program.

"I think that would be absolutely fantastic," said McMahon.

"My understanding is that there has been an approach made to the ministry," she said, "and so I look forward to hearing more about that and to providing assistance in any way we can" including assistance with the application process.

A portion of the funds from this program are also earmarked for helping Indigenous and low-income children and families have more access to sports, said McMahon.

The Community Aboriginal Recreation Activator program provides funding to neighbourhood groups and First Nations to hire people to create a sports and activity program, designed specifically for the needs of that community, she said.
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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Ontario Trails News - new Tourism Framework rolled out

Add Your Trail

To our partners in the tourism sector:

I am pleased to share Ontario’s Tourism Action Plan with you.

Ontario’s tourism industry is a significant economic driver and key contributor to our cultural vitality and quality of life. To best position the industry to capitalize on future opportunities and respond quickly to shifting consumer demands, our government committed to developing a Strategic Framework for Tourism in Ontario. Ontario’s Tourism Action Plan is an important step towards achieving this goal.

Over the last few months, we engaged with stakeholders from across the province about what government and industry can do together to grow tourism in Ontario. Thank you to everyone who attended engagement sessions and provided feedback.

We wanted to act immediately on the initial steps that government can take to grow tourism in the province. The Plan is available on our website, and I encourage you to share this information with your networks.

We look forward to continuing to work with our industry partners as we implement our action plan – and to learning more about initiatives the industry is implementing to support the priority areas. 


Michael Coteau

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