We Value Our Members - Mr. Jack De Wit, OTC President
Dear Members - I often get questioned what are the benefits of an OTC Membership? Your financial support enables us to assist trail groups like: and many many more!
As you can see from the article and questions we are asking headed into the provincial election, we work to make sure there is a community appreciation of trails, and from the diagram below you can see how we do this on an ongoing basis.

On April 30th the OTC Board passed a Motion suggesting that all members write a letter of support to your MPP's and MP's. If you want a copy of the template just call 613-484-1140
As you can see your financial support may not return directly to your community, but with it, by keeping the OTC viable, we are able to preserve or develop trails somewhere in Ontario. And our members think we do this very well.
Sincerely, Jack De Wit, President.
Dear Members - I often get questioned what are the benefits of an OTC Membership? Your financial support enables us to assist trail groups like: and many many more!
As you can see from the article and questions we are asking headed into the provincial election, we work to make sure there is a community appreciation of trails, and from the diagram below you can see how we do this on an ongoing basis.

On April 30th the OTC Board passed a Motion suggesting that all members write a letter of support to your MPP's and MP's. If you want a copy of the template just call 613-484-1140
As you can see your financial support may not return directly to your community, but with it, by keeping the OTC viable, we are able to preserve or develop trails somewhere in Ontario. And our members think we do this very well.
Sincerely, Jack De Wit, President.
Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints
On the new website we showcase over 1800 trails. Did you know you can now use the Nearby Function on each trail page to highlight trip planning options! The Nearby Function teels you what trails are nearby. That way if you are out for a couple of days you can explore trails, or trails near a town.

In this example you can find trails near Moonbeam Ontario, Use each of the icons to plan your trip accommodations, meals, transit to and from, or if you are in need of supplies you can find fixes for your tent, or your bike.