Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ontario Trails News - news and activity, hiking, waking, biking, camping - information from all over Ontario's 2600 trails!

We Value Our Members - Mr. Jack De Wit, OTC President

Dear Members - I often get questioned what are the benefits of an OTC Membership?  Your financial support enables us to assist trail groups like:
  • Upper Canada Equestrian Association, with horse trails in Niagara
  • Hamilton Burlington Trails Committee with Pan-Am legacy projects
and many many more!

I am pleased to provide a copy of a letter we recently received from Rainbow Routes regarding the OTC. We thank them for their support.

On April 30th the OTC Board passed a Motion suggesting that all members write this type of letter to their MPP's and MP's.

As you can see your financial support may not return directly to your community, but with it, by keeping the OTC viable, we are able to preserve or develop trails somewhere in Ontario. And our members think we do this very well.

Sincerely, Jack De Wit, President.

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Cycle Track a Fast, Easy, Cheap Fix for Main
It looks like Toronto will be moving ahead with New York City-style protected ... Environmental assessments are underway for cycle tracks between ...
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Native trail may halt turbine start up
CAISTOR CENTRE — Calling it his last-ditch effort, Neil Switzer has written the Ontario Ombudsman over the Ontario government's alleged ...
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 Algonquin College On-Line Trails Education


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Friday, November 15, 2013

Ontario Trails News - information on Hamilton Trail Court Case and Ministry Consultation about Ontario Trails

• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity

Hamilton found not liable in trail accident

Decision may change perception of liability for organizations operating trails in parks and hopefully will reduce overall perception of risk of operating trails. Also please see the snowmobile and Hydro One links and article below.

Incident occurred in October 2005 on escarpment near Scenic Drive

Hamilton Spectator
The City of Hamilton has been found not liable for an accident that injured a Toronto teenager in 2005 while he was walking in a city park on the Niagara Escarpment.
Matthew Pierce, 17 at the time, suffered a fractured thigh bone, fractured wrist and cuts to his knee, face and leg when he fell about five metres into a ravine that is part of a park off Scenic Drive on the west Mountain.
He was hiking back from a lookout point with five friends, but veered off a marked trail onto a dirt path that he believed would take him back to Scenic Drive. The path ended at the edge of the ravine.
He was removed from the ravine by Hamilton firefighters and taken to Hamilton General Hospital, where he underwent surgery. He was in a wheelchair until the end of 2005 but progressed to a walker, crutches and then a cane, and was able to graduate from Grade 12 in June 2006.
The accident happened at about 1:45 a.m. on Oct. 1, 2005. Pierce and his father Robert sued the city, alleging Hamilton was in breach of its legal duties to prevent such accidents and make the park safe.
But Ontario Superior Court Justice Joseph R. Henderson ruled the city met its duty of care under the Occupiers Liability Act and that "most, if not all, of the responsibility for Matt's injuries must be attributed to Matt's own negligence."
The case was heard over seven days this fall, ending Sept. 18. Justice Henderson issued his 13-page ruling Oct. 17.
At issue was whether the city acted with reckless disregard in not preventing an accident such as the one that befell Pierce. The Act says "an occupier of premises owes a duty" to take reasonable care to see "that persons entering on ... the property" are "reasonably safe while on the premises."
It also requires the occupier not to create a danger with the intent to do harm.
The judge found the city had put up signs to mark two trails, and the path Pierce used was not marked.
"There is no suggestion that the city created a danger with the deliberate intent of doing harm or damage," the judge said.
He also found the city did not have any reports of a person falling into the ravine prior to Pierce's accident.
"Clearly, a specific warning sign was not warranted if the city was not aware of any unusual danger," Justice Henderson wrote.
The judge noted Pierce walked to the lookout point with the guidance of a friend who knew the terrain. When they returned, he "exacerbated his negligence by choosing to leave the person who had led him into the wooded area ... Matt's decision to venture out on his own in the dark in unfamiliar territory that he knew would consist of uneven terrain in a natural state surely was the main cause of his injuries."
Councillor Terry Whitehead, chair of the community services committee, which oversees city parks, was pleased with the decision.
"It's impossible to bubble wrap everything," he said.
"The city does the best it can."
905-526-3351 | @dandundas
OTC Promotes Public Input - Share Please

The Ontario Trails Strategy was launched in 2005 as a framework to help guide public, not-for-profit and private sectorinvolvement with trails.  The Ontario Trails Strategy establishes five strategic directions for planning, managing, promoting and using trails in Ontario and was developed in collaboration with other ministries and a wide range of stakeholders in the community.   
The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is reviewing the Ontario Trails Strategy and are interested in knowing the key contributions your o
rganization has made to support the implementation of the Strategy.  The information will be compiled in a summary report document that is intended to illustrate the progress and accomplishments that the province and its partners have made towards implementing the Ontario Trails Strategy since 2005.

The link below will bring you to a short survey for you to outline your organization’s key accomplishments under the five strategic directions.

The following link brings you to the 2005 Ontario Trails Strategy for your reference.  The survey will close end of day on Friday November 29, 2013
A discussion paper for public comment is on the Environmental Registry  (Number: 011-9565). The public comment period closes on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.  Attached is a copy of the Discussion Paper.
As you are aware, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be hosting regional consultation sessions, by invite only, on strengthening the Ontario Trails Strategy. Below are the locations and dates of the consultation sessions:
November 18 – Ottawa
November 19 – Ingersoll
November 21 – Toronto
November 27 – Thunder Bay
November 28 – North Bay
In addition, two provincial First Nation/Aboriginal organization engagement sessions as well as a meeting with the Métis Nation of Ontario will be scheduled. Thank you for your ongoing support.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ontario Trails News - ATV Safety, Cycling Safety, Land Management and more about Ontario Trails

This Summer Try Paddle Boarding and Kayaking the Great Lakes ...
Madison County Courier
Piyak Paddle owner Pia Hogue enjoys kayaking as an historic sailing ship ... Lake Ontario, Niagara River, and Lake Erie in New York and Pennsylvania.


Trail Counts

Ever wondered who is using your trail and when? Looking for more than just a static count of trail activity? Tell others about what type of person is using your trail, what makes your trail a popular destination...and more!

We have your answer.

Utilizing smartphone technology trail users can now complete a short survey that:
  • Logs in the trip
  • Single counts individual users
  • Consolidates results for centralized reporting
  • Consultation on survey content.
  • We ask your questions - the facility manager asks what they want to know!
  • Allows for separate trail counting
  • Multi-season operation
  • 24/7collection
  • Identifies quality of trail experiences
  • Provides you feedback loop

Wherever there is a smartphone signal, and YOUR trailhead you could be gathering and collecting additional information that will make for a better trail! Got great trails? Get the feedback that keeps you in the know!

Requests made to MNR overlooked
Haliburton County Echo
Under Ontario's environmental bill of rights, the MNR was obliged to consult ... One was to enable the continued grooming of cross-country ski trails under ...


Change text size for the story
The North Bay Nugget
Police stated Matthews was located lying off the roadway near the ATV he was operating. The Ontario Provincial Police are continuing its investigation with ...


Home News Students get free helmets and road safety advice...
In Ontario, children under 18 are required by law to wear a helmet when cycling on roadways or sidewalks. Parents can be charged for knowingly allowing children under 16 to do so. The Helmets on Kids campaign is a great starting point for children to ...
See all stories on this topic »


Ontario Parks Association

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trailhead Ontario 2013 - Ontario Trail News

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

regional tourism organization 8

Early Bird Ends May 1! - Register Today

Holiday Inn discounted rooms!

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails
New for 2013 -
  • Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home.
  • International Trail development panel - hear trail association professionals from the states of Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio and New York as we convene a panel on cross border trails tourism, promoting the Great Lakes Basin. Hear how trails are developed, managed and promoted by our counterparts just across the Ontario/USA Border.
kawarthas northumberland tourism
  • Local Initiatives - Kawarthas Northumberland are promoting trails and trails activity in new and exciting ways. Working with trail groups is the cornerstone of the RTO8 trails development agenda. Come and hear how Kawarthas Northumberland is working with Trent University, Fleming and the Trans Canada Trail on the development of regional initiatives such as, heritage trails, provincial trails day (June 1st) and a variety of other seasonal marketing initiatives for trails and trail towns.
  • We wish to thank Backroads Mapbooks for registering and supporting our event by purchasing booth space. Thanks 
backroads mapbooks contest
We would welcome your support, rates are reasonable and it would be great to have a few provincial trail organization booths at the conference.

Kawarthas Northumberland - Trail Events

trailhead ontario


Partial Program Snapshot - click image for all

trailhead ontario sessions

Time Limited?
Conference and Education Package - Paypal CA$315.88* CA$9.12
Conference and Education Session Package - Pay by cheque CA$357.50* CA$9.95
Conference Registration - Paypal CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Training - Risk Management CA$203.76* CA$6.24
One Day Registration - Conference Only CA$96.51* CA$3.49
Early Bird - Conference and Training CA$276.88* CA$8.12
Early Bird - Conference CA$150.01* CA$4.86
Early Bird - Trails Training and Education CA$174.51* CA$5.49
Display Booth CA$257.86* CA$7.63
Display Booth - discount CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Non-Profit - Provincial CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Provincial Non-profit - discount CA$128.20* CA$4.30
Display Booth - Local, small non-profit CA$42.15* CA$2.10
Display table - literature only CA$20.59* CA$1.54
Ordered Ticket at door - Conference CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Ordered Ticket at Door - Education CA$194.01* CA$5.99
Ordered Ticket at Door - Conference and Education CA$365.55* CA$9.95
Ordered Ticket at Door - One Day Only - Conference Only CA$100.00 CA$3.49
Coffee Break Support CA$194.01* CA$5.9

Regional Trail Profile
trent severn waterway ontario trails

So it looks like it's going to be an exciting time in Peterborough - join us - mark the date June 9-12, 2013 in your calendar NOW!
Hotel Reservations and Event Location

More information? Go to - Trailhead Ontario
Call Patrick at 1-877-668-7245 or
Vanessa Twiddy at

Ontario Trails appreciates the support of:
Regional Tourism Organization 8
Ontario Trillium Foundation
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Trailhead Ontario 2013 - Ontario Trail News

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

regional tourism organization 8

Early Bird Ends May 1! - Register Today

Holiday Inn discounted rooms!

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails
New for 2013 -
  • Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home.
  • International Trail development panel - hear trail association professionals from the states of Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio and New York as we convene a panel on cross border trails tourism, promoting the Great Lakes Basin. Hear how trails are developed, managed and promoted by our counterparts just across the Ontario/USA Border.
kawarthas northumberland tourism
  • Local Initiatives - Kawarthas Northumberland are promoting trails and trails activity in new and exciting ways. Working with trail groups is the cornerstone of the RTO8 trails development agenda. Come and hear how Kawarthas Northumberland is working with Trent University, Fleming and the Trans Canada Trail on the development of regional initiatives such as, heritage trails, provincial trails day (June 1st) and a variety of other seasonal marketing initiatives for trails and trail towns.
  • We wish to thank Backroads Mapbooks for registering and supporting our event by purchasing booth space. Thanks 
backroads mapbooks contest
We would welcome your support, rates are reasonable and it would be great to have a few provincial trail organization booths at the conference.

Kawarthas Northumberland - Trail Events

trailhead ontario


Partial Program Snapshot - click image for all

trailhead ontario sessions

Time Limited?
Conference and Education Package - Paypal CA$315.88* CA$9.12
Conference and Education Session Package - Pay by cheque CA$357.50* CA$9.95
Conference Registration - Paypal CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Training - Risk Management CA$203.76* CA$6.24
One Day Registration - Conference Only CA$96.51* CA$3.49
Early Bird - Conference and Training CA$276.88* CA$8.12
Early Bird - Conference CA$150.01* CA$4.86
Early Bird - Trails Training and Education CA$174.51* CA$5.49
Display Booth CA$257.86* CA$7.63
Display Booth - discount CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Non-Profit - Provincial CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Provincial Non-profit - discount CA$128.20* CA$4.30
Display Booth - Local, small non-profit CA$42.15* CA$2.10
Display table - literature only CA$20.59* CA$1.54
Ordered Ticket at door - Conference CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Ordered Ticket at Door - Education CA$194.01* CA$5.99
Ordered Ticket at Door - Conference and Education CA$365.55* CA$9.95
Ordered Ticket at Door - One Day Only - Conference Only CA$100.00 CA$3.49
Coffee Break Support CA$194.01* CA$5.9

Regional Trail Profile
trent severn waterway ontario trails

So it looks like it's going to be an exciting time in Peterborough - join us - mark the date June 9-12, 2013 in your calendar NOW!
Hotel Reservations and Event Location

More information? Go to - Trailhead Ontario
Call Patrick at 1-877-668-7245 or
Vanessa Twiddy at

Ontario Trails appreciates the support of:
Regional Tourism Organization 8
Ontario Trillium Foundation
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