Showing posts with label Ontarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontarians. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ontario Trails News - news and activity information from all over Ontario's 2600 trails!

Ontario Trails asks Leaders and Candidates to Respond

As we head into the Ontario Provincial election we are often asked by our membership to make sure trail issues are valued by candidates. This year we crafted 9 questions that you may use with your own candidates.

We have forwarded these to the leaders of the 4 major parties.
OUTDOORS - There are over 80,000 km of trails in Ontario in 430 communities, these communities may not have an arena, a pool, a library or a church, but they have a trail. If elected, what types of improvements would your government continue to make in the outdoor development sector?
• ACTIVE LIVING - Active living is an issue, in both the health benefits from activity and the negative effects of inactivity. Ontario has over 2600 useable active living trails. How would you and your government work with the Ontario Trails Council to promote trail use?
• ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION - Ontario has gone to great lengths to develop the GTA Greenbelt, UNESCO Biospheres, the CyclingON Strategy, promote transportation alternatives through funding of increased GO and other mass transportation supports. Would you and your government work with the Ontario Trails Council to develop a layer of inter-connected trails to rails, trails to bus, trails to trains as advocated by individual trail uses, at the provincial level so that all Ontarians would value know of this inter-connectivity?
• PROVINCIAL MATCHING FUNDING - Ontario Trails Council Membership is made up of land management groups that work with volunteer groups to make trails, access to funds for trail development is sometimes difficult and programs often change. The Ontario Trails Council did this in 2009-10, and will again in 2014-16 with the federal announcement of funds in the last budget for the National Trails Coalition. Would your government create a dedicated trail infrastructure development fund that could be managed by voluntary sector leaders?
• POLICY COORDINATION - Since 2005 Ontario has had an Ontario Trails Strategy. With this came a planning process called the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee. This partnership won the Province's highest award for intergovernmental cooperation "The Amethyst Award" and developments, these developments include, trail safety by managing user conflict (motorized and nonmotorized harmony); a legislation review, and an award winning website for trails. If elected would you and your lead Ministry for trails make a commitment to ensure that the OTCC meets monthly to manage the affairs of trails?
• BUSINESS COSTS - There are issues with liability and operational costs for land owners, or groups that own or operate a trail. The costs of litigation and the process of litigation fail to bring case resolution since often cases are settled out of court. Would your government consider a fund to support the costs or trail litigation, (as they have in Nova Scotia), or the tort (such as the 2009 National Trails Act in the USA) – for trail groups, trail operators and land managers that promote the public good through trail activity?
• TRAIL JOBS - Nearly 1 million individuals use the Ontario Trail Website to plan or find a trail. We estimate trails to be a value between $2.5 - $4 billion dollars to the economy each year. We believe that this number is low. Many Regional Tourism Organizations promote outdoor activity, but have not defined the product range for trails. Would your government work with the OTC to ensure that each RTO promotes trails through a joint trail promotion program so that this trail economy could be expanded and developed throughout the whole of Ontario?
• PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - Waterfront development is of value to all. The OTC works with communities in Northern Ontario, Georgian Bay, promoted the development of the Windsor Riverfront Trail, Carolinian Canada, Waterfront Trail Rides, and the Trans Canada Trail. Recently we offered comment to the Ontario Place Revitalization plans. There are 100's of significant destinations and experiences people can enjoy on trails in Ontario. How would your government work to ensure the OTMPC and other government department’s engaged Ontario Trail leaders in developing destination marketing with world-class trail tourism products as a result?
• WORLD CLASS EVENTS - The Pan-Am Games are coming to Ontario in 2015. The Ontario Trails Council has worked with Hamilton, McMaster, the Trans Canada Trail, and other communities such as Thunder Bay, and the Pan-Am Path in Toronto to make the games a reality on trails. There are many benefits to communities through world-class events. At the OTC we often hear from Centurion, X-terra, Tough Mudder etc. but there is not enough variety for these event planners to use Ontario. - Do you see an opportunity going forward to promote more trail events in more places through OTC/Ontario/Private sector partnerships?

As you receive local responses please send your answers to the OTC and we'll keep a record of who said what. 

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Home News Downtown cycle-only day could drive shoppers away,...
Kingston Heritage - Will an upcoming cycling event in Downtown Kingston do ... A Toronto-based non-profit organization, 8-80 Cities, has received ...
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Cycling offers seniors a new way to travel
Pat and Kathy McCulloch are part of a growing industry in Ontario's tourism sector – recreational long-distance cyclers. “We do a big trip in the summer ...
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 Algonquin College On-Line Trails Education


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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ontario Trails news - time to renew your Ontario Trails Membership! We appreciate your support!

Trail News
Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport Announces Grant FundingThe Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is pleased to announce the launch of the2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. The OSRCF is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity. The fund:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthens the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

Le ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport est heureux d’annoncer le lancement du programme de subvention du Fond ontarien d'action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs 2014-15. Le FOACSL est un programme de subvention qui soutient l'objectif de faire participer les Ontariens et Ontariennes à des activités physiques et à des sports et des loisirs communautaires. Il permet : 
·         Accroître les possibilités de participer à des sports et à des loisirs, en concevant de nouveaux programmes ou en améliorant l'accès aux programmes qui existent déjà, afin d'encourager les gens à devenir plus actifs et d'encourager les gens qui sont déjà actifs à le rester toute leur vie
·         Aider les gens à acquérir un savoir-faire physique qui favorisera leur activité physique tout au long de leur vie et leur permettra de faire des choix plus sains en ce qui concerne leur activité physique
·         Renforcer le secteur des sports et des loisirs communautaires, en donnant une formation dans les domaines comme l'entraînement, le développement des jeunes et la formation des bénévoles, afin d'offrir des services améliorés et des programmes de haute qualité

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors.
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013
Application period closes: January 31, 2014

Ontario Trails Council Membership Drive on Now

Over the past year membership got: new relationships with The City of Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara. Trail committees in each of those areas, saved trail in Welland, further trail development on the North Shore of Lake Superior, commentary to the Ontario trails Strategy, with sub-committees being set up to look at outstanding issues, on-Line Trails Education through Algonquin College and the Trailhead Ontario Conference. We do this with your support!
A Friend of Trails
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Weekly e-bulletins Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$25.75 + $3.38 = $29.13 (includes 13% HST)
  • Weekly editions of the OTC newsletter 
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  * must provide student verification

$20.60 + $2.67 = $23.27(includes 13% HST)

Organizational Members
Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks, trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units and other trail-related supporting organizations.
Benefits to Organization
  • Access to Trail Insurance package
  • OTC Web page representation
  • Option on registration in Trillium Trail Network
  • Access to Professional Development sessions, i.e. Trails Tourism Practices, Trails Tort Reform, Trail Design Build Workshops
  • User conflict resolution
  • Representation on OTC trails maps
  • Regional Trail Management Committee development
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Office services and networking support
  • Advocacy benefits - provincially and nationally
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)

Yearly RatesBaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users="">$103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users$257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users$772.50$100.42$872.92
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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ontario Trails - A world of trail news all from Ontario Trails!


More Support for Municipal Infrastructure

December 17, 2012

Ontario Government Strengthening Communities, Creating Jobs

Ontario is increasing support for critical road, bridge, water and wastewater projects under the Municipal Infrastructure Strategy.

The McGuinty government is now investing nearly $90 million to help municipalities undertake critical infrastructure projects that strengthen local economies and create jobs, up from $51 million announced in August. The increase will help more municipalities maintain and repair their critical infrastructure.

Municipalities can apply for funding online by Jan. 9, 2013. Applications must show how projects fit within a comprehensive asset management plan.

Investing in infrastructure is part of the McGuinty government's plan to create jobs for 
Ontarians and strengthen the economy.  A strong economy protects the services that mean the most to families - health care and education.

  • Project funding will cover 90 per cent of total project costs, or $2 million, whichever is lower.
  • Ontario is also providing up to $9 million to small and northern municipalities to help prepare asset management plans, which help municipalities make smart, long-term planning decisions about building, operating, maintaining, renewing and replacing infrastructure.
  • Since 2003, the McGuinty government has provided approximately $13 billion to help municipalities modernize and expand transit, repair and upgrade roads and bridges, improve water and wastewater treatment, and revitalize community infrastructure.



OPA Forum February 6th, 2012


Ontario Parks Ski Report
Follow us as we support the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs on FB!

Ganaraska Forest Closures
The Ganaraska Forest will be closed to motorized use, with the exception of snowmobiles, as of December 1st. Trails will be open to all motorized use again on May 1st 2013.
The Ganaraska Forest will also be closed to all use with the exception of hiking as well as cross-country skiing and snowmobiling (dependant on snow conditions) for the months of March and April.

Family Cross-Country Ski & Snowshoe Day

skiingTake in the beauty of the Ganaraska Forest in the depth of winter.

Join us on Saturday, January 26 2013 for one of two cross-country ski lessons. At either 9:30am or 1:00pm, receive an introductory ski lesson and a guided ski through the Ganaraska Forest. Make a day of it and give free snowshoeing a try!

Pre-registration and payment are required for this event by calling 905.885.8173. The $15 fee includes complimentary ski rentals but a refundable equipment deposit is required.
Please don't forget to dress in warm layers for this fun-filled event!  In case of poor ski conditions, the alternate day to participate will be February 2nd 2013.
Ontario Trails - Send Us Your Photos and we'll create a Board!
Add your favorite Trails to Foursquare and we'll add tips!
Follow trail openings and activities on our Ontario Snowshoeing Trails page!

Ski & Snowshoe Program 2013 starts on The Bruce Trail at Duntroon January 5

On winter Saturdays in 2013 the Toronto Bruce Trail Club will be offering ski and snowshoe trips to resorts across south-central Ontario. 

We will travel in comfortable highway coaches to resorts like Highlands Nordic, Horseshoe and Scenic Caves. Enjoy snowshoeing? Then let our experienced leaders show you their favourite winter wonderlands.  

So invite your friends and join us for some wonderful winter days in the woods. Beginners welcome. There are nine scheduled trips. We will go wherever snow conditions are the best so destinations may change at the last minute.  Click here for the Full Schedule.

Ontario Trail Experiences on our Youtube Channel
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_________________________________________________________Horses -  

Rural communities in Wellington County are constantly seeking to increase economic activity. The horse industry has been one of the major forms supporting economic growth in rural Ontario. This research will investigate the potential for horse trail system development in Wellington County. The resu...

Sign Up Today
Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter " Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here


Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation

trails open in peterborough area
Trailhead Ontario 2013 Our Favourite Place, Peterborough

Our Plan for 2013 – We are working with the full support of  Our Favorite Place (RTO8), Peterborough and the Kawartha’s Tourism and a number of local trails groups to bring you the best Trailhead Ontario yet!. There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.

New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home. 
Photo: Christine Painter @ RTO 8 assists with signs along TCT Trail! Photo Credit Northumberland News 
Tell your MPP
Follow all sorts of dog sled trail updates on our Ontario Dog Sled trails page!

Trail updates on our Ontario Cross Country Trails Facebook Page!

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