Showing posts with label AODA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AODA. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Trail News from all around Ontario's Trails

Development News - Renfrew and EBC

EBC has received a generous grant from the Terra Tundra Foundation for $15,000 to go towards our land conservation work. One of our members found that they could donate effectively using Terra Tundra's "flow through" process. We thank both the donor and Terra Tundra for this grant which will help us conserve 780,000 square metres (192 acres) of land worth $284,000.
Education News - Second Program starts Feb 4th!

Trail News
Update to Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport OSRCF FundingPlease note that due to the busy holiday season and recent weather challenges in the province, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has extended the deadline for Provincial project ‘Letter of Intent’ (LOI) applications by one week to Thursday January 23, 2014 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). This revised LOI deadline does not affect the deadline of February 20, 2014 for Full Provincial applications (by invitation) or for Local/Regional applications.

The grant is designed to facilitate:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthening of the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

For more information on the 2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund, please visit Grants Ontario.

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors. English link      En Francais Link
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013 Application period closes: January 31, 2014
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Trail News from all around Ontario's trails!

Development News - Ontario Place Park and Trails

Education News - Second Program starts Feb 4th!

Trail News
Update to Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport OSRCF FundingPlease note that due to the busy holiday season and recent weather challenges in the province, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has extended the deadline for Provincial project ‘Letter of Intent’ (LOI) applications by one week to Thursday January 23, 2014 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). This revised LOI deadline does not affect the deadline of February 20, 2014 for Full Provincial applications (by invitation) or for Local/Regional applications.

The grant is designed to facilitate:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthening of the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

For more information on the 2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund, please visit Grants Ontario.

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors. English link      En Francais Link
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013 Application period closes: January 31, 2014
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Ontario Trail News - News from all around Ontario Trails!

Development News - North Dumfries RFP
The Township of North Dumfries is seeking the services of an experienced trail consultant to work with the Township of North Dumfries Recreation Services staff to prepare a Trails/Cycling Master Plan for the Township of North Dumfries. RFP Here

This Request for Proposal, RFP 0114, Trails/Cycling Master Plan for the Township of North Dumfries, shall be governed by the Township of North Dumfries’ Purchasing Policy.

For more information contact Frank Prospero, Director of Recreation  519-632-8800 ext. 101  or email 

Education News - Winter Program starts Jan 14th!

Trail News
Update to Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport OSRCF FundingPlease note that due to the busy holiday season and recent weather challenges in the province, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has extended the deadline for Provincial project ‘Letter of Intent’ (LOI) applications by one week to Thursday January 23, 2014 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). This revised LOI deadline does not affect the deadline of February 20, 2014 for Full Provincial applications (by invitation) or for Local/Regional applications.

The grant is designed to facilitate:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthening of the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

For more information on the 2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund, please visit Grants Ontario.

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors. English link      En Francais Link
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013 Application period closes: January 31, 2014
Ontario Trails Council Membership Annual Dues - Due Now
Be A Friend of Trails
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Weekly e-bulletins Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$25.75 + $3.38 = $29.13 (includes 13% HST)
  • Weekly editions of the OTC newsletter 
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  * must provide student verification

$20.60 + $2.67 = $23.27(includes 13% HST)

Organizational Members - 180+
Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks, trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units and other trail-related supporting organizations. See the list!

Benefits - too numerous to list see our webpage for more info!
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92
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Monday, January 6, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trail News from all around Ontario's trails

Education News - Winter Program starts Jan 14th!

Trail News
Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport Announces Grant FundingThe Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is pleased to announce the launch of the 2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. The OSRCF is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity. The fund:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthens the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors.
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013 Application period closes: January 31, 2014
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ontario Trails news - time to renew your Ontario Trails Membership! We appreciate your support!

Trail News
Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport Announces Grant FundingThe Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is pleased to announce the launch of the2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. The OSRCF is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity. The fund:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthens the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

Le ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport est heureux d’annoncer le lancement du programme de subvention du Fond ontarien d'action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs 2014-15. Le FOACSL est un programme de subvention qui soutient l'objectif de faire participer les Ontariens et Ontariennes à des activités physiques et à des sports et des loisirs communautaires. Il permet : 
·         Accroître les possibilités de participer à des sports et à des loisirs, en concevant de nouveaux programmes ou en améliorant l'accès aux programmes qui existent déjà, afin d'encourager les gens à devenir plus actifs et d'encourager les gens qui sont déjà actifs à le rester toute leur vie
·         Aider les gens à acquérir un savoir-faire physique qui favorisera leur activité physique tout au long de leur vie et leur permettra de faire des choix plus sains en ce qui concerne leur activité physique
·         Renforcer le secteur des sports et des loisirs communautaires, en donnant une formation dans les domaines comme l'entraînement, le développement des jeunes et la formation des bénévoles, afin d'offrir des services améliorés et des programmes de haute qualité

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors.
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013
Application period closes: January 31, 2014

Ontario Trails Council Membership Drive on Now

Over the past year membership got: new relationships with The City of Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara. Trail committees in each of those areas, saved trail in Welland, further trail development on the North Shore of Lake Superior, commentary to the Ontario trails Strategy, with sub-committees being set up to look at outstanding issues, on-Line Trails Education through Algonquin College and the Trailhead Ontario Conference. We do this with your support!
A Friend of Trails
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Weekly e-bulletins Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$25.75 + $3.38 = $29.13 (includes 13% HST)
  • Weekly editions of the OTC newsletter 
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  * must provide student verification

$20.60 + $2.67 = $23.27(includes 13% HST)

Organizational Members
Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks, trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units and other trail-related supporting organizations.
Benefits to Organization
  • Access to Trail Insurance package
  • OTC Web page representation
  • Option on registration in Trillium Trail Network
  • Access to Professional Development sessions, i.e. Trails Tourism Practices, Trails Tort Reform, Trail Design Build Workshops
  • User conflict resolution
  • Representation on OTC trails maps
  • Regional Trail Management Committee development
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Office services and networking support
  • Advocacy benefits - provincially and nationally
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)

Yearly RatesBaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users="">$103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users$257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users$772.50$100.42$872.92
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Friday, November 1, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee to meet on trail issues, thanks to Ontario Trails Council

• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee MeetsWe are pleased to report that on September 13th the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee (OTCC) reconvened after a three year hiatus.

The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is an award winning consultation process that sees representatives from government trail stakeholders meet with the Ontario Trails Council and its partners, to discuss the challenges of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

The meetings are an opportunity for the trails community to present the lead Ministry for Trails, The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, with issues facing the management, use, development and conservation of recreational trails in Ontario.

The OTCC is co-Chaired by OTC President Jack De Wit and Assistant Deputy Minister Steve Harlow from MTCS. Staff from the MTCS Sport and Recreation Office are also in attendance, as well as, representatives from Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Community and Social Services (AODA), Northern Development and Mines, Agriculture (OMAFRA), Aboriginal Affairs, Finance, amongst others.

Lead by the OTC, trails partners included Park and Recreation Ontario, Conservation Ontario, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario Land Stewardship Network, Active Transportation Canada, and independent consultants, Dr. Patti Longmuir (AODA Consultant), Dr. John Marsh (Trent University) and Jeff Bangs of the Pathway Group.

Prior to the meeting the OTC called the partners to get a sense of the issues they'd be presenting and how we could help through this process. This meeting presented an opportunity for OTC to raise members trail priorities, which we presented straight from our on-line survey "Trail Priorities". In addition, we circulated this survey to all the participants after the meeting to back up what you have said you want to see happen on trails. Please ask trail leaders in your area to complete this important survey! 18 questions, not time consuming.

The Ministry outlined trails developments and initiatives in its presentation to the group. The Ministry reported that since 2009/10 it has invested 77 million in trails. The MTCS also highlighted the provincial cycling strategy, the Integrated Accessibility Standards, 990,000 investment in the Thousand Island Recreational trail, the June 2013 Snowmobile Trails along Provincial Rights of Way Study, the funding of COHV alternative funding model for trails study, the Great Lakes Guardian Fund, the OTC website and trails mapping.

Other developments included the revitalization of Ontario Place with trails, the Trails Open Program continuance through Ontario Heritage Foundation, An MTCS Regional Economic Development Model which incorporated snowmobile trails (and will consider other trails) and Ontario will host the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association 2014 summit.

Working from our trail priorities survey, and other documents previously tabled by the OTC with the MTCS, the OTC raised the issues of dedicated trail funding for trail projects, tort reform as a means of reducing liability and increasing trail development, distinguishing between trails and paths, and recreational trails and trail brands for the purposes of increasing recreational trail marketing, funding for AODA compliance, and the determination of next steps for the OTCC and the OTC.

During the day we heard specific presentations from the Accessibility Directorate, from MTO on the Ontario Cycling Strategy, Tourism on Regional Tourism Organizations and from the Off-Highway Working Group. All were very helpful.

When asked by OTC the AODA indicated that a checklist to ensure your trail is in compliance will be forthcoming. AMO representatives also asked about funding. The issue of community consultation and the representation from the AODA sector needs to be more holistic to ensure the broadest range of compliance is achieved for all members of the public in need; whether trails specific or infrastructure specific, improving representation to these committees would be a good thing.

When asked by the OTC about the Cycling Strategy, and its capacity to develop safer off-road cycling opportunity for on-road cycling, the MTO responded that it had heard from cycling trail groups and while the OCS is dealing mostly with on road cycling and on road cyclists, there is room for commentary regarding cycling trails, and the creation of off-road capacity. The main determinant here is a seamlessness experience for the rider.

When queried by the OTC regarding RTO's and the inclusion of recreational trail experience in the face of marketing that sees the development of Taste, Butter-Tart, Arts, Wine and Food 'Trails' the OTC was directed to contact each RTO directly to see what the plans are by each RTO to develop a more complete recreational trail experience in those RTO's. There is no centralized process for this communication. In many cases the RTO marketing of golf, food or heritage trails improves overall tourism so the overall view is that this is good for tourism.

When the OFRWG presented its list of issues to the group several requests remain on the table from years past. Licence fee re-capture, a one pass system for trails, liability and tort reform, rider education, and marketing. The OTC intends to work more closely with the COHV and the consultant to the group so that important things like the Trillium Trail Network, the 14 module OTC Trail Education Program, our pass permit and Regional Trail Committees are more fully involved in OFRWG outcomes.

The next meeting of the OTCC is scheduled for early November. As the presentations are shared by the MTCS we'll forward to the trails community. If you have any questions please give the OTC a call at 613-396-3226.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trail Coordinating Committee to re-convene after 3 years of OTC effort

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of September 19, 2013
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee MeetsWe are pleased to report that on September 13th the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee (OTCC) reconvened after a three year hiatus.

The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is an award winning consultation process that sees representatives from government trail stakeholders meet with the Ontario Trails Council and its partners, to discuss the challenges of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

The meetings are an opportunity for the trails community to present the lead Ministry for Trails, The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, with issues facing the management, use, development and conservation of recreational trails in Ontario.

The OTCC is co-Chaired by OTC President Jack De Wit and Assistant Deputy Minister Steve Harlow from MTCS. Staff from the MTCS Sport and Recreation Office are also in attendance, as well as, representatives from Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Community and Social Services (AODA), Northern Development and Mines, Agriculture (OMAFRA), Aboriginal Affairs, Finance, amongst others.

Lead by the OTC, trails partners included Park and Recreation Ontario, Conservation Ontario, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario Land Stewardship Network, Active Transportation Canada, and independent consultants, Dr. Patti Longmuir (AODA Consultant), Dr. John Marsh (Trent University) and Jeff Bangs of the Pathway Group.

Prior to the meeting the OTC called the partners to get a sense of the issues they'd be presenting and how we could help through this process. This meeting presented an opportunity for OTC to raise members trail priorities, which we presented straight from our on-line survey "Trail Priorities". In addition, we circulated this survey to all the participants after the meeting to back up what you have said you want to see happen on trails. Please ask trail leaders in your area to complete this important survey! 18 questions, not time consuming.

The Ministry outlined trails developments and initiatives in its presentation to the group. The Ministry reported that since 2009/10 it has invested 77 million in trails. The MTCS also highlighted the provincial cycling strategy, the Integrated Accessibility Standards, 990,000 investment in the Thousand Island Recreational trail, the June 2013 Snowmobile Trails along Provincial Rights of Way Study, the funding of COHV alternative funding model for trails study, the Great Lakes Guardian Fund, the OTC website and trails mapping.

Other developments included the revitalization of Ontario Place with trails, the Trails Open Program continuance through Ontario Heritage Foundation, An MTCS Regional Economic Development Model which incorporated snowmobile trails (and will consider other trails) and Ontario will host the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association 2014 summit.

Working from our trail priorities survey, and other documents previously tabled by the OTC with the MTCS, the OTC raised the issues of dedicated trail funding for trail projects, tort reform as a means of reducing liability and increasing trail development, distinguishing between trails and paths, and recreational trails and trail brands for the purposes of increasing recreational trail marketing, funding for AODA compliance, and the determination of next steps for the OTCC and the OTC.

During the day we heard specific presentations from the Accessibility Directorate, from MTO on the Ontario Cycling Strategy, Tourism on Regional Tourism Organizations and from the Off-Highway Working Group. All were very helpful.

When asked by OTC the AODA indicated that a checklist to ensure your trail is in compliance will be forthcoming. AMO representatives also asked about funding. The issue of community consultation and the representation from the AODA sector needs to be more holistic to ensure the broadest range of compliance is achieved for all members of the public in need; whether trails specific or infrastructure specific, improving representation to these committees would be a good thing.

When asked by the OTC about the Cycling Strategy, and its capacity to develop safer off-road cycling opportunity for on-road cycling, the MTO responded that it had heard from cycling trail groups and while the OCS is dealing mostly with on road cycling and on road cyclists, there is room for commentary regarding cycling trails, and the creation of off-road capacity. The main determinant here is a seamlessness experience for the rider.

When queried by the OTC regarding RTO's and the inclusion of recreational trail experience in the face of marketing that sees the development of Taste, Butter-Tart, Arts, Wine and Food 'Trails' the OTC was directed to contact each RTO directly to see what the plans are by each RTO to develop a more complete recreational trail experience in those RTO's. There is no centralized process for this communication. In many cases the RTO marketing of golf, food or heritage trails improves overall tourism so the overall view is that this is good for tourism.

When the OFRWG presented its list of issues to the group several requests remain on the table from years past. Licence fee re-capture, a one pass system for trails, liability and tort reform, rider education, and marketing. The OTC intends to work more closely with the COHV and the consultant to the group so that important things like the Trillium Trail Network, the 14 module OTC Trail Education Program, our pass permit and Regional Trail Committees are more fully involved in OFRWG outcomes.

The next meeting of the OTCC is scheduled for early November. As the presentations are shared by the MTCS we'll forward to the trails community. If you have any questions please give the OTC a call at 613-396-3226.
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Friday, September 27, 2013

Ontario Trails News - OTCC to met, outcomes to affect Ontario's trails.

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of September 19, 2013
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee MeetsWe are pleased to report that on September 13th the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee (OTCC) reconvened after a three year hiatus.

The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is an award winning consultation process that sees representatives from government trail stakeholders meet with the Ontario Trails Council and its partners, to discuss the challenges of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

The meetings are an opportunity for the trails community to present the lead Ministry for Trails, The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, with issues facing the management, use, development and conservation of recreational trails in Ontario.

The OTCC is co-Chaired by OTC President Jack De Wit and Assistant Deputy Minister Steve Harlow from MTCS. Staff from the MTCS Sport and Recreation Office are also in attendance, as well as, representatives from Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Community and Social Services (AODA), Northern Development and Mines, Agriculture (OMAFRA), Aboriginal Affairs, Finance, amongst others.

Lead by the OTC, trails partners included Park and Recreation Ontario, Conservation Ontario, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario Land Stewardship Network, Active Transportation Canada, and independent consultants, Dr. Patti Longmuir (AODA Consultant), Dr. John Marsh (Trent University) and Jeff Bangs of the Pathway Group.

Prior to the meeting the OTC called the partners to get a sense of the issues they'd be presenting and how we could help through this process. This meeting presented an opportunity for OTC to raise members trail priorities, which we presented straight from our on-line survey "Trail Priorities". In addition, we circulated this survey to all the participants after the meeting to back up what you have said you want to see happen on trails. Please ask trail leaders in your area to complete this important survey! 18 questions, not time consuming.

The Ministry outlined trails developments and initiatives in its presentation to the group. The Ministry reported that since 2009/10 it has invested 77 million in trails. The MTCS also highlighted the provincial cycling strategy, the Integrated Accessibility Standards, 990,000 investment in the Thousand Island Recreational trail, the June 2013 Snowmobile Trails along Provincial Rights of Way Study, the funding of COHV alternative funding model for trails study, the Great Lakes Guardian Fund, the OTC website and trails mapping.

Other developments included the revitalization of Ontario Place with trails, the Trails Open Program continuance through Ontario Heritage Foundation, An MTCS Regional Economic Development Model which incorporated snowmobile trails (and will consider other trails) and Ontario will host the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association 2014 summit.

Working from our trail priorities survey, and other documents previously tabled by the OTC with the MTCS, the OTC raised the issues of dedicated trail funding for trail projects, tort reform as a means of reducing liability and increasing trail development, distinguishing between trails and paths, and recreational trails and trail brands for the purposes of increasing recreational trail marketing, funding for AODA compliance, and the determination of next steps for the OTCC and the OTC.

During the day we heard specific presentations from the Accessibility Directorate, from MTO on the Ontario Cycling Strategy, Tourism on Regional Tourism Organizations and from the Off-Highway Working Group. All were very helpful.

When asked by OTC the AODA indicated that a checklist to ensure your trail is in compliance will be forthcoming. AMO representatives also asked about funding. The issue of community consultation and the representation from the AODA sector needs to be more holistic to ensure the broadest range of compliance is achieved for all members of the public in need; whether trails specific or infrastructure specific, improving representation to these committees would be a good thing.

When asked by the OTC about the Cycling Strategy, and its capacity to develop safer off-road cycling opportunity for on-road cycling, the MTO responded that it had heard from cycling trail groups and while the OCS is dealing mostly with on road cycling and on road cyclists, there is room for commentary regarding cycling trails, and the creation of off-road capacity. The main determinant here is a seamlessness experience for the rider.

When queried by the OTC regarding RTO's and the inclusion of recreational trail experience in the face of marketing that sees the development of Taste, Butter-Tart, Arts, Wine and Food 'Trails' the OTC was directed to contact each RTO directly to see what the plans are by each RTO to develop a more complete recreational trail experience in those RTO's. There is no centralized process for this communication. In many cases the RTO marketing of golf, food or heritage trails improves overall tourism so the overall view is that this is good for tourism.

When the OFRWG presented its list of issues to the group several requests remain on the table from years past. Licence fee re-capture, a one pass system for trails, liability and tort reform, rider education, and marketing. The OTC intends to work more closely with the COHV and the consultant to the group so that important things like the Trillium Trail Network, the 14 module OTC Trail Education Program, our pass permit and Regional Trail Committees are more fully involved in OFRWG outcomes.

The next meeting of the OTCC is scheduled for early November. As the presentations are shared by the MTCS we'll forward to the trails community. If you have any questions please give the OTC a call at 613-396-3226.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trails Council succeeeds in getting Ontario Trails Coodinating process back and running

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of September 19, 2013
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee MeetsWe are pleased to report that on September 13th the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee (OTCC) reconvened after a three year hiatus.

The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is an award winning consultation process that sees representatives from government trail stakeholders meet with the Ontario Trails Council and its partners, to discuss the challenges of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

The meetings are an opportunity for the trails community to present the lead Ministry for Trails, The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, with issues facing the management, use, development and conservation of recreational trails in Ontario.

The OTCC is co-Chaired by OTC President Jack De Wit and Assistant Deputy Minister Steve Harlow from MTCS. Staff from the MTCS Sport and Recreation Office are also in attendance, as well as, representatives from Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Community and Social Services (AODA), Northern Development and Mines, Agriculture (OMAFRA), Aboriginal Affairs, Finance, amongst others.

Lead by the OTC, trails partners included Park and Recreation Ontario, Conservation Ontario, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario Land Stewardship Network, Active Transportation Canada, and independent consultants, Dr. Patti Longmuir (AODA Consultant), Dr. John Marsh (Trent University) and Jeff Bangs of the Pathway Group.

Prior to the meeting the OTC called the partners to get a sense of the issues they'd be presenting and how we could help through this process. This meeting presented an opportunity for OTC to raise members trail priorities, which we presented straight from our on-line survey "Trail Priorities". In addition, we circulated this survey to all the participants after the meeting to back up what you have said you want to see happen on trails. Please ask trail leaders in your area to complete this important survey! 18 questions, not time consuming.

The Ministry outlined trails developments and initiatives in its presentation to the group. The Ministry reported that since 2009/10 it has invested 77 million in trails. The MTCS also highlighted the provincial cycling strategy, the Integrated Accessibility Standards, 990,000 investment in the Thousand Island Recreational trail, the June 2013 Snowmobile Trails along Provincial Rights of Way Study, the funding of COHV alternative funding model for trails study, the Great Lakes Guardian Fund, the OTC website and trails mapping.

Other developments included the revitalization of Ontario Place with trails, the Trails Open Program continuance through Ontario Heritage Foundation, An MTCS Regional Economic Development Model which incorporated snowmobile trails (and will consider other trails) and Ontario will host the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association 2014 summit.

Working from our trail priorities survey, and other documents previously tabled by the OTC with the MTCS, the OTC raised the issues of dedicated trail funding for trail projects, tort reform as a means of reducing liability and increasing trail development, distinguishing between trails and paths, and recreational trails and trail brands for the purposes of increasing recreational trail marketing, funding for AODA compliance, and the determination of next steps for the OTCC and the OTC.

During the day we heard specific presentations from the Accessibility Directorate, from MTO on the Ontario Cycling Strategy, Tourism on Regional Tourism Organizations and from the Off-Highway Working Group. All were very helpful.

When asked by OTC the AODA indicated that a checklist to ensure your trail is in compliance will be forthcoming. AMO representatives also asked about funding. The issue of community consultation and the representation from the AODA sector needs to be more holistic to ensure the broadest range of compliance is achieved for all members of the public in need; whether trails specific or infrastructure specific, improving representation to these committees would be a good thing.

When asked by the OTC about the Cycling Strategy, and its capacity to develop safer off-road cycling opportunity for on-road cycling, the MTO responded that it had heard from cycling trail groups and while the OCS is dealing mostly with on road cycling and on road cyclists, there is room for commentary regarding cycling trails, and the creation of off-road capacity. The main determinant here is a seamlessness experience for the rider.

When queried by the OTC regarding RTO's and the inclusion of recreational trail experience in the face of marketing that sees the development of Taste, Butter-Tart, Arts, Wine and Food 'Trails' the OTC was directed to contact each RTO directly to see what the plans are by each RTO to develop a more complete recreational trail experience in those RTO's. There is no centralized process for this communication. In many cases the RTO marketing of golf, food or heritage trails improves overall tourism so the overall view is that this is good for tourism.

When the OFRWG presented its list of issues to the group several requests remain on the table from years past. Licence fee re-capture, a one pass system for trails, liability and tort reform, rider education, and marketing. The OTC intends to work more closely with the COHV and the consultant to the group so that important things like the Trillium Trail Network, the 14 module OTC Trail Education Program, our pass permit and Regional Trail Committees are more fully involved in OFRWG outcomes.

The next meeting of the OTCC is scheduled for early November. As the presentations are shared by the MTCS we'll forward to the trails community. If you have any questions please give the OTC a call at 613-396-3226.
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