Showing posts with label Ministry of Tourism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry of Tourism. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2014

Ontario Trails News - news and activity, hiking, waking, biking, camping - information from all over Ontario's 2600 trails!

Province Announces Funding for Biosphere Tourism

Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints

On the new website homepage - we showcase 3 Featured Trails every day. Is your's there? Add your trail and be sure to check out the list daily!

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport our web re-design team has been working for 6 months to complete a website renewal to satisfy the trail sector. 

 Advertise with us!

... through the theme Secrets and Spirits... Exploring the Mysteries Behind the Door with walking tours, talks and more. Visit ...
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TORONTO - Join Ontario Craft Brewers, slow food chefs and local food artisans for the 7th annual Brewer's Plate on Wednesday, June 4th at the CBC ...
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Vélo Québec's Grand Tour Desjardins special edition 2014 Ontario cycling tour will see cyclists from la belle province visit the Hamilton, Simcoe and ...
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... Canadian is this? Ontario school on lockdown after 600-lb moose walks onto property ... Canoe@QMInews This is why you never give a moose a ...
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CTV News
For more information about natural resources regulations and enforcement, visit theOntario Conservation Officers Association website at or ...
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 Algonquin College On-Line Trails Education


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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ontario Trail News - jobs in trails and Ontario trails website refresh - showcasing and developing 2600 Ontario trails!

Jobs in Trails

Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport our web re-design team has been working for 6 months to complete a website renewal to satisfy the trail sector.

With nearly 1 million unique visitors a year the OTC is pleased to provide content that showcases Ontario's world class system of trails. Watch for the new site online in early April 2014!
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Ontario Trail News - News from all around Ontario Trails!

Development News - North Dumfries RFP
The Township of North Dumfries is seeking the services of an experienced trail consultant to work with the Township of North Dumfries Recreation Services staff to prepare a Trails/Cycling Master Plan for the Township of North Dumfries. RFP Here

This Request for Proposal, RFP 0114, Trails/Cycling Master Plan for the Township of North Dumfries, shall be governed by the Township of North Dumfries’ Purchasing Policy.

For more information contact Frank Prospero, Director of Recreation  519-632-8800 ext. 101  or email 

Education News - Winter Program starts Jan 14th!

Trail News
Update to Ontario Ministry Tourism, Culture and Sport OSRCF FundingPlease note that due to the busy holiday season and recent weather challenges in the province, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has extended the deadline for Provincial project ‘Letter of Intent’ (LOI) applications by one week to Thursday January 23, 2014 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). This revised LOI deadline does not affect the deadline of February 20, 2014 for Full Provincial applications (by invitation) or for Local/Regional applications.

The grant is designed to facilitate:
·         increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
·         supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
·         strengthening of the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

For more information on the 2014-15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund, please visit Grants Ontario.

Ontario Ministry Announces Grant Funding - Enabling Change Program
The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) is pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest for this year’s round of EnAbling Change Projects. Each year the ADO sets different strategic funding priorities based on upcoming Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and the compliance needs of targeted sectors. English link      En Francais Link
This year’s funding priorities are:
  1. Accessible Websites and Web Content: The web accessibility requirements will transform how Ontarians with disabilities find and use information. Accessible websites and web content are critical to reaching our goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects that promote understanding and compliance with accessible website requirements.
  2. Support compliance and reporting in 2014: All across Ontario, organizations are making changes to make their business practices accessible. A key element of meeting AODA requirements is filing compliance reports with the Government of Ontario. This year, EnAbling Change will support projects to increase compliance reporting in private and not-for-profit sectors.
Application period opens: November 29, 2013 Application period closes: January 31, 2014
Ontario Trails Council Membership Annual Dues - Due Now
Be A Friend of Trails
  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Weekly e-bulletins Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$25.75 + $3.38 = $29.13 (includes 13% HST)
  • Weekly editions of the OTC newsletter 
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  * must provide student verification

$20.60 + $2.67 = $23.27(includes 13% HST)

Organizational Members - 180+
Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks, trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units and other trail-related supporting organizations. See the list!

Benefits - too numerous to list see our webpage for more info!
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92
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Friday, October 18, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport survey on the trails strategy

• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trail Strategy Survey - Sign Up Today!
 October 18, 2013Dear Ontario Trails Council,

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is inviting your input as a member of the trails community to help strengthen the Ontario Trails Strategy.

We have been collaborating with trail partners to implement the Strategy, a long-term plan for developing, managing, and promoting the use of trails throughout the province.  As you know, Ontario is home to some of the most historic and longest trails in Canada, offering affordable places to be active while experiencing the province’s beauty and heritage. They also provide economic benefits to communities.

We want to continue to work with you to explore ways to ensure Ontario’s trails remain a vital and valued resource for years to come.  A discussion paper has been posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry (, Registry Number: 011-9565)

I encourage you to review the paper and provide your comments by Wednesday, December 4, 2013.  Your input and feedback will help guide our work going forward.

Thank you for the great work your organization has done over the years in support of Ontario’s trails.  I look forward to our continued efforts to create and sustain Ontario’s excellent trails system.

Yours truly,

Michael Chan
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