Ontario Trails and Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail Management PlanBuilding on the content in the news article below -
Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail To Become Multi-Use Trail?
April 28, 2017 by
Lake 88 News StaffLanark County’s economic development committee recommended Wednesday that county council move ahead with a joint management plan for the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail involving Lanark and Renfrew counties and Papineau-Cameron Township.
The municipalities own the former CPR rail bed which runs 296 km from Mattawa to Smiths Falls.
Photo credit - Lake 88
Interest in the future of the trail is high. CAO Kurt Greaves reported high turnouts at open houses held this winter. He said he’s received 80 comment sheets and 600 emails, noting that “people are very divided on the issue of motorized use on the trail.”
Some want the trail to be used for walking and cycling, while others want to be able to use ATVs and snowmobiles, as well. Greaves noted the towns of Arnprior and Renfrew have voted to allow all-terrain vehicles in certain areas of the towns and on the OVRT. Renfrew County and Papineau-Cameron Township are both supporting a multi-use trail format.
In Lanark County, Beckwith and Montague townships as well as Carleton Place have passed motions supporting a multi-use trail. Mississippi Mills is forming a task force to determine which side it will come down on.
- the Ontario Trails Council responded to the release of a recreational trail management plan rfp and we were the successful respondent.
We met with County staff(s) and the county Councillors from Renfrew, Papineau-Cameron and Lanark on July 5th, in Pembroke, to discuss our plan, it's content, and our process going forward.
Working with both Quercwood Consulting and Treadscape; the Ontario Trails Council looks forward to producing a draft plan by August 8th for Committee review.
Lyme Disease signage in DevelopmentAs a follow-up to ongoing advisories on the risk of Lyme disease the OTC wishes to repeat:
Tick populations are established in
known risk areas throughout the province. In addition, multiple factors are allowing ticks to potentially establish populations in new areas throughout the province. These factors include climate change, warmer winter temperatures and ticks' ability to "hitch-hike" on suitable hosts, like birds or deer. Ticks live near the ground in woodlands, tall grasses and bushes, and thrive in moist environments, like those found underneath old leaves on the forest floor. The best way to prevent tick bites include:
- Wearing closed-toe shoes, long-sleeved shirts and pants
- Pulling your socks over your pant legs to prevent ticks from crawling up your legs
- Wearing light-coloured clothing to spot ticks more easily
- Using insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin on clothing as well as on exposed skin, following the product instructions carefully
- Showering or bathing within two hours of being outdoors to remove ticks that can be on your skin but not yet attached
- Doing a daily full body check for ticks. Young blacklegged ticks can be as small as a poppy seed, so look carefully. Check children and pets for ticks as well.
- Placing outdoor clothing through the dryer cycle for 60 minutes on high heat before washing to kill any ticks that may be hard to see
If you or a family member are experiencing serious symptoms and health effects, or have concerns about any symptoms, please contact your health care provider.

"As a public health physician, I know that Lyme disease is a serious issue. Whether it’s hiking, camping, golfing, working or any other outside activity it is important that Ontarians take these simple steps to protect themselves from tick bites this summer. "
— Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
"The best defense against Lyme disease is to avoid being bitten by black legged ticks. That’s why Ontarians should remember to be tick smart while enjoying or working outdoors this summer, and take simple measures to reduce their and their family’s exposure to ticks that may be carrying the bacteria which causes Lyme disease. "
— Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health
Easier access to the information you want.
It's clear - people that manage and operate trails wants access to information they can review so they can be in step with the best practices and current management operations of trails.
We've re-packaged information on the OTC website for quicker access - got a question look for the Standards and Practices page.
Industry Publications
Professional Certification
Management Practice
Risk Management
Accessibility Compliance
Event Planning
Educational Posters
Support Trails - Order your ball caps, mugs or OTC Shirt now! Quantities are limited.
National Trail Organizations Statement
Ontario Trails All Year Long!
Add an Ontario Trail Logo to your website!

Watch for it on our social media, our facebook page and in our twitter feed.
Tell us all about your trail event and join us as we celebrate Ontario's Trails!
1. Log in Your Event -
Event spreadsheet.
2. Add your event to our event calendar -
add it here.
3. Post your personalized decal on your Trail - we have one for every group on our list. (see #5 below)
4. Add your trail user survey to any of your trail pages - we've made one for our members and regions. Get your decal here -
We've checked the links, if something isn't working simply give us a call - 613-484-1140. We'll be adding these links to the various relevant trail pages in your regions and RTO's/DMO's over the upcoming year!
5. Send us your Trails video - we'll be posting content on-line at https://goo.gl/Fy2bIL and we'd be happy to add to our trails tube -
https://www.youtube.com/user/ontrailsMissing? You may want to talk to us about OTC Membership. 613-484-1140 We'd be happy to connect with you.
News And Events
Trailhead North 2018 - Sault Ste. Marie
In Spring of 2018 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Sault Ste Marie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.
Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from wood and river, hill and valley. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
April 26, 27th (at least) 2018
Protect the Grand Trunk Trail - please sign the petition
We need your input!In 2015 we secured 101 respondents to our "The Value of Trails - Measuring the Economic Impact of Trails Survey." We've added 18 more to the 2017 updates.
We have a ways to go. Click through the screen capture below to access the survey.
There are many metrics to measure in determining the economic impact of trails, and tourism in just one factor. In order to accurately represent a closer economic impact of trails we are requesting your speedy response to our Call to Action for Your Input to our Value of Trails 2017 survey.
With your help we will make an even stronger case for trails and the supports you require to provide a top notch experience at each of your trail destinations. We are also accepting new responses!
Many Thanks!
Membership Renewals - Thank-you for your Support!
We wish to thank the organizations that have already renewed for 2017. We couldn't do our work without your support. Many thanks!