Showing posts with label STATO Trail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STATO Trail. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Ontario Trails News - save Eastern Ontario's Prescott Russell Trail, Rotary Eco-Trail, STATO Trail and more Ontario Trails activity information and news!


Ontario Trails - We Keep Adding Trails!!
On a regular basis the trail community sends us more trails to add to our website! Add yours today.

Sir John A. MacDonald Winter Trailsir john a macdonald winter trail

Photo Credit - Dave Adams pauses for a photo as he grooms the new Sir John A. Macdonald Winter Trail alongside the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway Friday, Feb. 26, 2016. (Giacomo Panico/CBC)

A new trail for skiers, snowshoers and more is opening along the Ottawa River today.
The Sir John A. Macdonald Winter Trail runs along the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway from the Canadian War Museum to Westboro Beach.
Sir John A Macdonald Winter Trail Map
The new Sir John A. Macdonald Winter Trail is running as a pilot project from the Canadian War Museum to Westboro Beach. (Westboro Beach Community Association)

It's a partnership between the Westboro Beach Community Association and the National Capital Commission, with help from Kitchissippi councillor Jeff Leiper and Dave Adams of the Nakkertok Ski Club.

"Growing up, Gatineau Park was really the only real ski area to be had but if I could get this inner-city facility up and running, everybody gets a chance to get cross-country skis on or [use] some other mode of transportation," said Adams, the ski club's trails and facilities co-ordinator.

Separate tracks

Adams told In Town and Out host Giacomo Panico on Friday the trail has one track groomed for skiing and a second for snowshoers, snow bikers and walkers.

"[This means] accessibility to the river in the winter months," he said.

"This is a time where the river is not well-utilized, there's not a lot of people out there and I hope this winter trail gets people out there."



stato trail ontario trails
Construction of the waterfront linear park expansion is recognized as part of the City of Temiskaming Shores' economic development goal of positioning the municipality as a retirement living community and tourist center.  The municipality views the STATO group as being a valuable catalyst to encourage "new tourism" dollars to our community.  The construction of the linear park expansion will not only provide leisure opportunities for the inhabitants and visitors to the community, it is also regarded as a determinant of public health.  

Health promoters recognize increased physical activity by all age groups as a factor of lowering incidences of chronic disease.  This park will become a destination for tourists looking for a healthy alternative to get-a-ways in the urban centres.

STATO has been and continues to be active lobbying local interest in the project and fundraising.  To date we have raised over $15,000 in membership only (new & renewal).  The cost of a membership of $10 per person.  The $10 membership is a great way for you (the community) to show your support towards our project. It is also a great way of fundraising. Furthermore, it is a big proof of community support when added on our funding application.  Community Support is a very important criteria.

STATO has also held many fundraising events, including an annual dinner/fashion show, annual amazing race, a walk-run-bike event, annual fishing derby, a sausage drive, a pond hockey tournament, a membership drive, annual chilly lunch, a chilly run, annual golf tournament, a human auction, a diva show, some walking and family biking events, and several other, raising over $372,000 locally thus far.  The momentum is building in the community for the development of the waterfront linear park, as part of STATO's active transportation plan. 

The benefits of constructing and maintaining the Temiskaming Shores Waterfront Linear Park Expansion will include, but are not limited to the following attributes.  The project will link many of the regional attractions that we have been building on in the past few years.  

For example, there will be a corridor of park land from the northern part of the Township of Dymond to the southern tip of Haileybury with a vision to link to Cobalt, along the shore of Lake Temiskaming along Dawson Point Road and into the Province of Quebec.  

Planning into the future could ultimately mean a natural waterfront expansion that circles Lake Temiskaming in its entirety.  Tourist attractions and retail businesses along the waterfront will be linked not only by highway/roadway but also by a walkway parkland area. the steps that have been taken by STATO to get where we are today.

Rotary Eco-Trail - O'Neill's Nature Preserveo'neill's nature preserve ontario trails
This granular surface trail forms an 880 metre loop through the O’Neill Nature Preserve, a large standing woodlot on the outskirts of Chatham.

The trail was built as a result of collaboration between a number of local organizations and individuals, including the Rotary Club of Chatham, Carolinian Canada Coalition, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, and nearby residents.

An interpretative trail with a difference, the Rotary Eco-Trail aims to educate users about the ecology of the region. Interpretative signs along the trail will provide tools to help users of all ages make a difference in the environment where they live, work, and play.

Directions: The trail can be accessed through Thornhill Park, at 114 Thornhill Crescent, and Midwood Oxley Park, at 223 Oxley Drive, in Chatham

Interested in learning more about this or other trails in Chatham-Kent? Visit or check out the CK Trails Facebook page.

Save the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail


Save the Prescott Russell Trail. Many people use and love this trail.

The trail is 72 kilometers long and it runs through 8 townships and many towns in eastern Ontario.
The Prescott-Russell Rail Trail is the only outdoor recreational facility of its type in the area. The trail enables healthy hiking, active walking, dog walking, safe cycling off-road and winter snowmobiling.

Suddenly and without notice there is discussion of closing the trail.

 Many people love and rely on the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail. This trail is beautiful and a main corridor of travel and recreation for many people.

There have been no trespass complaints from landowners. Many local community members have fought for this trail and regularly work to maintain it.

The Ontario Trails Council asks you to sign this petition because we do not believe leaders fully understand the benefits of the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail to people's health, to tourism and to the environment.

Watch a video about this trail
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