Showing posts with label Seneca College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seneca College. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ontario Trails News - April 17, 2011 - Morning Round Up

Spring must be here everybody is talking paddling
Yesterday was the ORCKA Seminar: Canoe Tripping Then And Now at Seneca College, King Campus….a great day of discussion on all sorts of canoe tripping, then and now….an overview of the history of canoe tripping by Bob Henderson started it off, setting the tone for further topics such as wannigans, knives and reflectors (by Rob Stevens); contour maps (by the folks at Chrismar Mapping); what trip leaders should do when things go wrong (by Wendy Grater); a roundtable on youth canoe tripping programs (with representatives from......

Canoe club gets grant
The canoe club recently received a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation where they can now provide increased access to the water to the physically disabled via stable docks and a safety boat. Steven Der-Garabedian A substantial grant from the ...
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Videos Posted by Georgian Nordic Ski and Canoe Club: Ontario Cup ...
Ontario Cup in photos [HQ]. by Georgian Nordic Ski and Canoe Club. 2:45. Onaping Falls February 2010. If you want to see this and more, click on 'like'. ...

Ontario Kayaking and Information Directory - Outfitters ...
Kayaking Ontario offers kayakers a complete directory covering Ottawa thru Georgian Bay and up into Lake superior and Thunder Bay.

Greenbelt highway under fire
Citizens are enraged knowing that the Ontario government is planning to build a new highway across the greenbelt. The planned highway is more than 130 ...

WOODSTOCK CYCLING CLUB. WOODSTOCK, SpecialEvents. The youth section of the WCC will hold several special events to ...

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