Showing posts with label Water Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water Sports. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2013

Ontario Trails Blog - Information about trails and trail activity in Ontario Canada by Ontario Trails Council

Drinking and biking legalized?Windsor Star

It was for the Bikes and Beers Cycling Tour. ... I hope I can score a seat in Ontario Superior Court to hear the lawsuit filed against the Ambassador Bridge by two ...
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Photo Essay: Ball's Falls for family autumn hikes and festivals
Toronto - As summer wraps up the weather becomes perfect for hikingand picnics in ... As our thoughts turn to fall festivals and thanksgiving in southern Ontario ...
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Laplante wins double gold at provincialsThe North Bay Nugget
North Bay's Zeyana Laplante won double gold at the Ontario Canoe/Kayak championships in Ottawa this weekend. The 14-year-old defended her singles event ...
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Famous bakery leads fight against Harbord bike lane planToronto Star
Harbord is the second busiest bike route in Toronto, with cyclists representing 40 per cent of traffic during rush hour, according to a city report released in June.
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Canoe club cleans up at Trillium championshipsMississauga
Jeffery served as coxswain for the club's winning bantam boys war canoe crew while ... races as well as the IC-4 500- and 200-metre and C-2 500-metre events.
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Ontario Trails

$1 million contribution pulls water sports centre forward
The Ontario government is providing $1 million to help build a Water Sports ... by its four founding partners: Sudbury Canoe Club, Sudbury Rowing Club, ...

OPP, TPS prepare for kayaking showdown - Timmins Daily Press ...
The Timmins Police Service and Ontario Provincial Police once again have a friendly wager as members gear up to participate in the Great Canadian Kayak Challenge in support of the annual festival. OPP South Porcupine detachment ...
Timmins Daily Press

Owners confident villages will stay open for business
“We want to establish ourselves as the premier destination for paddle sports in Northern Ontario,” said Stinson. “If people want to canoe or kayak in northern Ontario, hopefully this is where they end up.” With its specialized clientele, Stinson said ... See all stories on this topic »

Toronto as seen across lake Ontario from Olcot...                                  Image via WikipediaWaves sink paddlers' first attempt
Taking on Lake Ontario. Richmond Hill's Saul Almeida,foreground, a York Region paramedic and Steve Morrow, a Markham firefighter, attempted to kayak across Lake Ontario Tuesday to raise funds for the Hospital for Sick Children. ...
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WalkTO: Toronto walking tours, sightseeing & urban exploring
WalkTO: Toronto walking tours, sightseeing & urban exploring. ... WalkTO Book a Walking Tour Now More about our Tours About WalkTO Media Frequently ...

Riding With A Backstretch Vet
Standardbred Canada
... come take a step inside the world of a horse-racing veterinarian. ... The report cited Dr. Van Arem as saying that cheating in the Ontario industry has ...

Dwarfism doesn't keep Pingree teacher Young from conquering triathlons
Wicked Local
A Toronto native, Young had won two gold medals in swimming in the 1993 ... Young has a girls mountain bike that matches his frame, and a grant from the ...

U of T engineers design bicycle that can top 100 km/h
Toronto Star
France, the USA, the Netherlands, and Toronto. On a humid summer night, Victor Ragusila greets the other members of the University of Toronto human powered vehicle design team with a wave of his greasy hand at the team's College St. workshop, ...See all stories on this topic »

News from Conservation Ontario
Conservation Ontario has just realeased a NEW version of Your Guide to Conservation Areas ... The Guide to Conservation Areas in Ontario is a helpful tool ...

Rare tree gets protected home
"In Essex there tend to be quite a lot of rare species," said Wendy Cridland, southwestern Ontario program manager for the Nature Conservancy of Canada. The land was secured in part with funding from Environment Canada's Natural Areas Conservation ... See all stories on this topic »

Angler & Hunter Television Wins Lifetime Achievement Award
Marketwire (press release)
Viewers have enjoyed eighteen seasons of the fast-paced, high-energy, program while learning about the conservation of our natural resources. "We strive to deliver exciting hunting and fishing adventures while driving home the importance of fish and ...
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Teen injured in ATV crash
Ottawa Citizen
Russell County Ontario Provincial Police said the boy was travelling on Old Highway 17 at about 3 pm when the crash occurred and he was thrown from the ATV. ...

Parks Canada - Pukaskwa National Park - Pukaskwa's Top 10!
9) Best Backcountry Hike: Coastal Hiking Trail. Be the first to hike the rebuilt Coastal Hiking Trail, Ontario's premier wilderness hiking experience. These 58kms ...

Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance | Hastings County Blog
MPP Leona Dombrowsky was pleased to announce that the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance (EOTA) will receive another grant from the Tourism Development ...

This facelift to cost $150 million
Chatham Daily News
By Bob Boughner, The Daily News The Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers, ... An arts corridor to commemorate the War of 1812 is becoming a reality. ...

Cool New Mountain Bike Event In Ontario | Ontario Cycling ...
By Saud
The Ontario Mountain Bike Rally merges the best of a mountain bike race, a group ride and a WRC-style rally in one fun day on the legendary single track of Mansfield Outdoor Centre on September 4, 2011. This Rally is similar to the “Mini XC” ...
Ontario Cycling Association
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Ontario Trail News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Trails

Credit: Ken Brown
Carleton Place Canoe Club paddlers excel in two recent events
EMC Almonte/Carleton Place
EMC Sports - Paddlers from the Carleton Place Canoe Club (CPCC) are continuing to represent the organization well and this past weekend local competitors performed well in two major events. The CPCC finished a strong third overall in an Eastern Ontario ...
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Ontario Canoe and Kayak Trails

About Canoeing and Kayaking in Ontario

Ontario Recreational Canoe and Kayaking Association

Pair paddling the Rideau River to help wounded soldiers
Your Ottawa Region
Having served in the Canadian Forces for 26 years, Belanger said he has always wanted to kayakfrom Kingston on the shores of Lake Ontario to Ottawa, ...

CPCC hopes public will support two major events this weekend
EMC Almonte/Carleton Place
"The nationals (Canadian Canoe and Kayak Championships) are in Welland (Ontario) Aug. 25-28." As mentioned, this weekend's local activities are vital for ...

Credit - OTMPC
Kids kayaking programs return this summer - Gananoque Reporter ...
The kids summer kayaking programs have returned to the 1000 Islands Kayak Club for ... Winkler - Winkler Times, Winnipeg - The Winnipeg Sun, ---Ontario--- ...

Paddling in the Shadow of Southern Ontario's Blue Mountains
Snowshoe Magazine
This water is better suited to sea kayaks with skirts, although open ... they are still one of Southern Ontario's more imposing geographical features. ...

Volunteers are behind the events we enjoy
Mount Forest Confederate
Sometimes we forget just how hard volunteers work to host these events and have them run smoothly so we can all just relax and have a good time. Billed as “Ontario's #1 Rodeo Weekend”, the Holstein Rodeo is “proudly presented by the Egremont Optimist ...
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Riding for heart health
Niagara is the only major region in Ontario without its own catheterization lab. Forbes said most people with heart conditions are lucky enough to survive the trip to Hamilton or Toronto for treatment. Forbes, who started cycling in 2008 as part of his ...
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Stars Come To 24 Hours Hot August Nights | Ontario Cycling Association
“I have heard great things about Chico's 24 hour events and I am excited to ... “This weekend is the best mountain bike experience in Ontario you can have ...

Credit: Rainbow Routes
What's Happening This Week
EMC Orleans
This session is required before participating in a group ride. All these events are free with annual membership, which also includes Ontario Cycling ...

What's Happening This Week
EMC Ottawa South
Join the Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club for a 5 or 10 km walk along the Rideau River. ... Parents' Lifelines of Eastern Ontario, 6:30 pm, Thursday July 21 at ...

Photo: CNN Travel
Fly away: 5 lodges reached only by plane
... from fishing and wildlife viewing to dog sledding and float trips. ... Your adventure begins in Nestor Falls, Ontario, (an hour's drive north of the ...

Mid Summers Dream Trail Ride - OFTR - The Ontario Federation of ...
MID-SUMMER'S DREAM TRAIL RIDE. Ganaraska Forest. Part of the Ontario Trail Ride Series. Sign in: 8:00 AM Riders Meeting: 9:30 AM Ride starts following ...

Garbage, tires, 7180 pounds of metal cleared from Robertson Lake Conservancy site
Sault This Week
... AHC developed an extensive network that includes a 10 km singletrack loop as well as some existing doubletrack trails. See the What's New page on our website for more details. Thanks to a grant from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp., ...

New midtown Toronto pedestrian oasis an instant hit
"It's better for the merchants because they have lots of people walking by and it's better for the people here because it's so convenient." Throughout the rest of the week, the square will include cafe-style seating and shade, as well as planters to ...
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Credit: 8-80 Cities
The town of Oakville has many parks, trails, nature and sports fields and facilities ideal for outdoor recreation. The small valleys that cross the ...

Atatamete: A Walk in Midtown Toronto
Walk in Midtown Toronto. Last weekend, we visited some very good friends who live in the Bayview/Davisville area. They invited us over for a BBQ which is ...

2011 Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer a Record-Breaking Success
Marketwire (press release)
The 2012 Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer takes place in Ontario (June 9-10), BC (June 16-17), Alberta (June 23 - 24) and Quebec (July 7 - 8). The event is for cyclists of all abilities; all you need is a bike and a helmet! ...

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Event: Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park, Toronto -- from the Environmental Events Calendar:

Toronto city council slammed over Jarvis Street bike lane vote
They've got tons of cycling infrastructure now, and separated bike lanes, and it's working so well for them.” Toronto-born Vision councillor Geoff Meggs said he was briefed on the Jarvis situation at a conference in Ontario two weeks ago, noting, ...

Ford wants bikes off the road, onto separate trails – Toronto Update
Toronto News and Blogging. Get your fix with ... What's Going on In Toronto ...Ford wants bikes off the road, onto separate trails ...

UPDATE, 15 JUL - The Toronto Cyclists Union is organizing a Ride for Jarvis event to protest the City of Toronto's decision to erase the bike lanes on Jarvis St. It's scheduled for Wednesday, Jul 20 at 6:30pm at Allan Gardens. Check it out here. 

Canada's 'Signature Experiences'
London Free Press
(Courtesy Tourism BC/Dannielle Hayes) Ontario: EdgeWalk at the CN Tower in Toronto. ...Watching by dog sled is just adds to the fun of this experience. ...

Leamington teen killed in ATV mishap
Leamington Post
... Quebec on Saturday morning, when the ATV flipped and pinned him underneath. ... the Ontario
Youth Apprenticeship Program through Western Secondary School.

Man dies in ATV accident
The North Bay Nugget
By Nugget Staff Ontario Provincial Police said Gordon Zubyck, 64, was found by other ATV riders at the bottom of a crevasse at about 3 pm His ATV was at the ...

Police looking for stolen ATV - Chatham Daily News - Ontario, CA
Chatham-Kent police are on the lookout for an ATV stolen from a property on Willan Road in the Tilbury area Wednesday afternoon. The red 2007...

Please get educated before using an ATV - know the law:
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ontario Trails News - April 17, 2011 - Morning Round Up

Spring must be here everybody is talking paddling
Yesterday was the ORCKA Seminar: Canoe Tripping Then And Now at Seneca College, King Campus….a great day of discussion on all sorts of canoe tripping, then and now….an overview of the history of canoe tripping by Bob Henderson started it off, setting the tone for further topics such as wannigans, knives and reflectors (by Rob Stevens); contour maps (by the folks at Chrismar Mapping); what trip leaders should do when things go wrong (by Wendy Grater); a roundtable on youth canoe tripping programs (with representatives from......

Canoe club gets grant
The canoe club recently received a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation where they can now provide increased access to the water to the physically disabled via stable docks and a safety boat. Steven Der-Garabedian A substantial grant from the ...
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Videos Posted by Georgian Nordic Ski and Canoe Club: Ontario Cup ...
Ontario Cup in photos [HQ]. by Georgian Nordic Ski and Canoe Club. 2:45. Onaping Falls February 2010. If you want to see this and more, click on 'like'. ...

Ontario Kayaking and Information Directory - Outfitters ...
Kayaking Ontario offers kayakers a complete directory covering Ottawa thru Georgian Bay and up into Lake superior and Thunder Bay.

Greenbelt highway under fire
Citizens are enraged knowing that the Ontario government is planning to build a new highway across the greenbelt. The planned highway is more than 130 ...

WOODSTOCK CYCLING CLUB. WOODSTOCK, SpecialEvents. The youth section of the WCC will hold several special events to ...

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