Showing posts with label Kayaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kayaking. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

Ontario Trails News - July 15, 2022


Kayak along the Humber River

Bring your kayak or rent one from Toronto Adventures and kayak down the Humber River. Beginner paddlers can join one of the guided tours to learn how to navigate down this scenic section of the river.


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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ontario Trails News - kayaking for a cure, and find your favourite Ontario Trails!

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Kayaking for a cure

Alison Langley
Scott Robinson plans to kayak across Lake Ontario from Niagara-on-the-Lake to Toronto this summer to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society.

"I've been kayaking since I was 9 and would kayak every morning," the 18-year-old said.
"It has always been a dream of mine to go across the lake to Toronto."
The McMaster University business student plans make his dream a reality this summer.
While it will be personal challenge for the Laura Secord Secondary School graduate, the 52 kilometre trek will also be in support of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Robinson hopes to raise $10,000 for the non-profit agency from his Kayak for the Cure Niagara.
He hopes to take to the water sometime between Aug. 12 and 16, depending on weather conditions.
"It's going to be pretty rough - those waves can reach eight feet - but I'm already training so I'll be ready by the time it comes."
He plans to leave from Queen's Royal Park in Niagara-on-the-Lake at sunset and end at the mouth of the Humber River in Toronto.
He expects his journey will take between 12 and 16 hours.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ontario Trails News - find your favorite trail, editorial about canoes

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To the editor:
With all of the subsidizing factors prevailing in hydro today and the rate that our citizens are getting gouged to the limit so they can send the excess production to the U.S. and Quebec for others to profit, we need a moratorium on all hydro issues until such time as major questions are dealt with and answered.
Maybe it's time to realize that they (Hydro) in conjunction with sister resource industries have essentially killed industry and commerce throughout all of Ontario and that it's time to dissolve the status quo and return it under new and true organization where the primary motive is to return Ontario's competitiveness and help our citizens stave off economic demise. Critical energy resources such as hydro power supply should not be allowed to be plundered for the personal gains of those within and used for political purpose and doling out favouritism and reward.
I am particularly distressed by the very suggestion that they propose a wind farm on our Mattawa watershed route, which happens to be one of the most beautiful and pristine historic resources in our area.
We talk about tourism, economic development and job creation for our area. Let me propose an idea that I believe has great potential for the North Bay/Mattawa historic canoe route that would have very minimal environmental impact.
If an entrepreneurial outfitter (preferably native) enterprise were to organize guided, hosted and accompanied canoe journeys from Trout Lake to Mattawa taking in at times the Moose Grass, White Throat, Werewolf, Big Fish, Tilliard, (not in order) Mouth of the North River to Talon Loop and overnight hosted camping at predetermined beaches and historic sites (i.e. Talon Shoots/Pimisi) it would provide tempted tourists an experience of a lifetime. I can envision this type of enterprise providing employment and business opportunity especially for our experienced First Nation paddlers and native entrepreneurs who cherish this route. They could do so in historic native regalia and customs that define their heritage and culture. If organized and marketed correctly, freighting the canoes, gear and clients back to the Trout Lake Gateway a vacationing family could arrive in North Bay with zero voyageur provisions and experience an adventure of a lifetime hands free or hands on. Expeditions could last anywhere from an one night to a four-day expedition.
The hotels/restaurants in the North Bay/Mattawa areas would be the primary benefactors second only to those who paid for the voyage. Who knows, it could even be expanded over time to include the French River/Georgian Bay route that I am much less familiar with. We could use the Chief Commanda to get them over to a calmer starting point.
There has got to be a better way with far more continuous reward than taxpayer-subsidized windmills for subsidized production to be sold cheaply elsewhere at our expense.
I only wish I was a lot younger.
Miles Peters
North Bay
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike or Ride

The East Coast Open Mountain Bike Race and - Get Out There ...
North America race for cash in the adrenaline pumping downhill Race. Home to the largest downhill Mountain Bike Facility in Ontario, Blue Mountain is no ...

Canoeing And Kayaking | Ontario Adventure
ca•noe [kuh-noo]: noun, verb, -noed, -noe-ing. -a lightweight, open boat propelled by one or more paddlers; typically with a single blade (not to be ...

To Kingston by bicycle See all stories on this topic »Peterborough Examiner
By SARAH DEETH A group of about 11 cyclists gathered on Rubidge St. Saturday morning, preparing for a lengthy peddle out to Kingston. The trek was part of a 1200–kilometre journey around Lake Ontario to raise money and awareness for Africycle. ... 

Barron River (Ontario) - Mitra World Media :: World Media ...
Find trails in Ontario for walking, hiking, cycling, skiing, snowmobiling, ATVing or horseback riding. The Ontario Trails Council site is your place to ...
Hiking Ontario's Heartland - Google Books
More than just another guidebook, Hiking Ontario's Heartland is an invitation to savour the best of southern Ontario's spectacular landscapes, from country ...
 Danger in the backcountry
Winnipeg Free Press
Smoke from forest fires in northwestern Ontario drifts into the Lac du Bonnet area on Sunday. (SUBMITTED PHOTO ) The backcountry of Whiteshell Provincial Park will remain an off-limits tinder box until it gets a soaking of at least 25 millimetres of ...
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Opportunity knocks, and it is green
Buffalo News
We can look back in 2057 and marvel at the community vision and cooperation it took to transform our waterfront from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario into a “world-class” system of interconnected parks, trails and waterfront amenities. ...
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Tough Mudder looking for a trail to host their event - needs about 400 acres total area! Contact:
Kelley Kantarian
Tough Mudder LLC45 Washington Street #221 Brooklyn, NY 11201Office:718-643-2221Cell: 914-261-1550 Fax: 347-227-0220 <>

On August 13, 2011, Muskoka Trails Council is hosting Muskoka's Third Annual Amazing Race!  This is the day when you could find new ways to appreciate Muskoka, new ways to challenge yourself, and find new ways to have fun! Expect a day that is not for the faint at heart, but for someone who loves a fun challenge!
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Ontario Trail News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Trails

Credit: Ken Brown
Carleton Place Canoe Club paddlers excel in two recent events
EMC Almonte/Carleton Place
EMC Sports - Paddlers from the Carleton Place Canoe Club (CPCC) are continuing to represent the organization well and this past weekend local competitors performed well in two major events. The CPCC finished a strong third overall in an Eastern Ontario ...
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Ontario Canoe and Kayak Trails

About Canoeing and Kayaking in Ontario

Ontario Recreational Canoe and Kayaking Association

Pair paddling the Rideau River to help wounded soldiers
Your Ottawa Region
Having served in the Canadian Forces for 26 years, Belanger said he has always wanted to kayakfrom Kingston on the shores of Lake Ontario to Ottawa, ...

CPCC hopes public will support two major events this weekend
EMC Almonte/Carleton Place
"The nationals (Canadian Canoe and Kayak Championships) are in Welland (Ontario) Aug. 25-28." As mentioned, this weekend's local activities are vital for ...

Credit - OTMPC
Kids kayaking programs return this summer - Gananoque Reporter ...
The kids summer kayaking programs have returned to the 1000 Islands Kayak Club for ... Winkler - Winkler Times, Winnipeg - The Winnipeg Sun, ---Ontario--- ...

Paddling in the Shadow of Southern Ontario's Blue Mountains
Snowshoe Magazine
This water is better suited to sea kayaks with skirts, although open ... they are still one of Southern Ontario's more imposing geographical features. ...

Volunteers are behind the events we enjoy
Mount Forest Confederate
Sometimes we forget just how hard volunteers work to host these events and have them run smoothly so we can all just relax and have a good time. Billed as “Ontario's #1 Rodeo Weekend”, the Holstein Rodeo is “proudly presented by the Egremont Optimist ...
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Riding for heart health
Niagara is the only major region in Ontario without its own catheterization lab. Forbes said most people with heart conditions are lucky enough to survive the trip to Hamilton or Toronto for treatment. Forbes, who started cycling in 2008 as part of his ...
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Stars Come To 24 Hours Hot August Nights | Ontario Cycling Association
“I have heard great things about Chico's 24 hour events and I am excited to ... “This weekend is the best mountain bike experience in Ontario you can have ...

Credit: Rainbow Routes
What's Happening This Week
EMC Orleans
This session is required before participating in a group ride. All these events are free with annual membership, which also includes Ontario Cycling ...

What's Happening This Week
EMC Ottawa South
Join the Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club for a 5 or 10 km walk along the Rideau River. ... Parents' Lifelines of Eastern Ontario, 6:30 pm, Thursday July 21 at ...

Photo: CNN Travel
Fly away: 5 lodges reached only by plane
... from fishing and wildlife viewing to dog sledding and float trips. ... Your adventure begins in Nestor Falls, Ontario, (an hour's drive north of the ...

Mid Summers Dream Trail Ride - OFTR - The Ontario Federation of ...
MID-SUMMER'S DREAM TRAIL RIDE. Ganaraska Forest. Part of the Ontario Trail Ride Series. Sign in: 8:00 AM Riders Meeting: 9:30 AM Ride starts following ...

Garbage, tires, 7180 pounds of metal cleared from Robertson Lake Conservancy site
Sault This Week
... AHC developed an extensive network that includes a 10 km singletrack loop as well as some existing doubletrack trails. See the What's New page on our website for more details. Thanks to a grant from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp., ...

New midtown Toronto pedestrian oasis an instant hit
"It's better for the merchants because they have lots of people walking by and it's better for the people here because it's so convenient." Throughout the rest of the week, the square will include cafe-style seating and shade, as well as planters to ...
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Credit: 8-80 Cities
The town of Oakville has many parks, trails, nature and sports fields and facilities ideal for outdoor recreation. The small valleys that cross the ...

Atatamete: A Walk in Midtown Toronto
Walk in Midtown Toronto. Last weekend, we visited some very good friends who live in the Bayview/Davisville area. They invited us over for a BBQ which is ...

2011 Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer a Record-Breaking Success
Marketwire (press release)
The 2012 Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer takes place in Ontario (June 9-10), BC (June 16-17), Alberta (June 23 - 24) and Quebec (July 7 - 8). The event is for cyclists of all abilities; all you need is a bike and a helmet! ...

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Event: Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park, Toronto -- from the Environmental Events Calendar:

Toronto city council slammed over Jarvis Street bike lane vote
They've got tons of cycling infrastructure now, and separated bike lanes, and it's working so well for them.” Toronto-born Vision councillor Geoff Meggs said he was briefed on the Jarvis situation at a conference in Ontario two weeks ago, noting, ...

Ford wants bikes off the road, onto separate trails – Toronto Update
Toronto News and Blogging. Get your fix with ... What's Going on In Toronto ...Ford wants bikes off the road, onto separate trails ...

UPDATE, 15 JUL - The Toronto Cyclists Union is organizing a Ride for Jarvis event to protest the City of Toronto's decision to erase the bike lanes on Jarvis St. It's scheduled for Wednesday, Jul 20 at 6:30pm at Allan Gardens. Check it out here. 

Canada's 'Signature Experiences'
London Free Press
(Courtesy Tourism BC/Dannielle Hayes) Ontario: EdgeWalk at the CN Tower in Toronto. ...Watching by dog sled is just adds to the fun of this experience. ...

Leamington teen killed in ATV mishap
Leamington Post
... Quebec on Saturday morning, when the ATV flipped and pinned him underneath. ... the Ontario
Youth Apprenticeship Program through Western Secondary School.

Man dies in ATV accident
The North Bay Nugget
By Nugget Staff Ontario Provincial Police said Gordon Zubyck, 64, was found by other ATV riders at the bottom of a crevasse at about 3 pm His ATV was at the ...

Police looking for stolen ATV - Chatham Daily News - Ontario, CA
Chatham-Kent police are on the lookout for an ATV stolen from a property on Willan Road in the Tilbury area Wednesday afternoon. The red 2007...

Please get educated before using an ATV - know the law:
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