Showing posts with label Winnipeg Free Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winnipeg Free Press. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Fort York « Toronto Neighbourhood Walks Project
Fort York is an unusual neighbourhood, as a large portion of the neighbourhood is the Fort York National Historic Site, a City of Toronto operated museum.

Green Job: Bicycle Mechanics Instructors (2), Bikechain, Toronto ...
Green/Environmental Job in OntarioBicycle Mechanics Instructors (2), Bikechain , Toronto,Ontario, Canada. On Canada's Eco-Job Board, ...

Take the Lane: Road cycling in Ontario to get a makeover
But a recent posting from Alan Medcalf suggests that the Ministry of Transportation consulted with the Ontario Trails Council about cycling infrastructure that ...

Mandatory helmets for cyclists new rule of the road?
Winnipeg Free Press
THE Manitoba government may soon make it illegal for cyclists to ride without a helmet. ... Ontarioand Alberta require protection for people under 18, ...

Bigfoot Sightings in Canada
Snowshoe Magazine
The company, which is located in Waterloo, Ontario, bills itself as a “budget-conscious” supplier ofsnowshoes and sundry other winter gear.

Food and Nutrition - Ontario Trails Council
Food and Nutrition. This program will be of practical use and interest to anyone working in the outdoors on trails or any other projects. It will provide a foundation ...

Great People - Great Trails - June 17-19, 2012

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Kenora reserve soldiers train for Arctic Ram winter combat exercise
Daily Miner and News
The course attracted 16 participants who practised with snowshoes and ... for all army reserve units in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.

Arctic Canada caught on 1919 silent film
BBC News
In northern Alberta, they travelled by dogsled over a frozen river. ... On the Abitibi River, in northernOntario, they filmed from canoes.

Snowmobilers urged to use caution on lakes
Bolton added about 75 per cent of the trails in Sudbury are open right now. But he warned that some lakes are too slushy for grooming machines and are not safe. He said riders should only cross lakes that have been staked. The Ontario Provincial Police ...

Three snowmobilers go through ice
The North Bay Nugget
Ontario Provincial Police said the threesome were travelling on a closed ... ATV, Vessel Enforcement unit, which happened to be on patrol in the area ...

Pro golf event great for region
Brockville Recorder and Times
The St. Lawrence Seaway or the Highway 401 corridor in Eastern Ontario could ... could make it a golf trail, a golf destination for tourists, noted Dargie.

Head protection for tobogganing: Ottawa lab puts children's ...
Winnipeg Free Press
A team from the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute ... alpine skiing andcycling were subjected to front and side impacts at two-, ...

Get kids camping before age 15
London Free Press
Hike Lake Superior's coastal hiking trail: Seasoned family hikers face a "real challenge" on all or part of this 65-kilometre trail. Backcountry campsites are located along the trail and five to seven days are needed to do it all between May and ...
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Rouge trails to cost $12M, draft plan says
A system of interconnected trails throughout the Rouge Park from Lake Ontario to eastern Markham could cost more than $30 million and take between 15 to 25 years to implement. The cost of the trails in Markham alone is estimated at about $12 million. ...

New logo helps summon up 1812 for bicentennial celebrations in ...
EMC St. Lawrence
EMC News - As Gananoque heads into its exciting celebrations for the ... the rich heritage of our community during the Bicentennial of the War of 1812...

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike or Ride

The East Coast Open Mountain Bike Race and - Get Out There ...
North America race for cash in the adrenaline pumping downhill Race. Home to the largest downhill Mountain Bike Facility in Ontario, Blue Mountain is no ...

Canoeing And Kayaking | Ontario Adventure
ca•noe [kuh-noo]: noun, verb, -noed, -noe-ing. -a lightweight, open boat propelled by one or more paddlers; typically with a single blade (not to be ...

To Kingston by bicycle See all stories on this topic »Peterborough Examiner
By SARAH DEETH A group of about 11 cyclists gathered on Rubidge St. Saturday morning, preparing for a lengthy peddle out to Kingston. The trek was part of a 1200–kilometre journey around Lake Ontario to raise money and awareness for Africycle. ... 

Barron River (Ontario) - Mitra World Media :: World Media ...
Find trails in Ontario for walking, hiking, cycling, skiing, snowmobiling, ATVing or horseback riding. The Ontario Trails Council site is your place to ...
Hiking Ontario's Heartland - Google Books
More than just another guidebook, Hiking Ontario's Heartland is an invitation to savour the best of southern Ontario's spectacular landscapes, from country ...
 Danger in the backcountry
Winnipeg Free Press
Smoke from forest fires in northwestern Ontario drifts into the Lac du Bonnet area on Sunday. (SUBMITTED PHOTO ) The backcountry of Whiteshell Provincial Park will remain an off-limits tinder box until it gets a soaking of at least 25 millimetres of ...
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Opportunity knocks, and it is green
Buffalo News
We can look back in 2057 and marvel at the community vision and cooperation it took to transform our waterfront from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario into a “world-class” system of interconnected parks, trails and waterfront amenities. ...
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Tough Mudder looking for a trail to host their event - needs about 400 acres total area! Contact:
Kelley Kantarian
Tough Mudder LLC45 Washington Street #221 Brooklyn, NY 11201Office:718-643-2221Cell: 914-261-1550 Fax: 347-227-0220 <>

On August 13, 2011, Muskoka Trails Council is hosting Muskoka's Third Annual Amazing Race!  This is the day when you could find new ways to appreciate Muskoka, new ways to challenge yourself, and find new ways to have fun! Expect a day that is not for the faint at heart, but for someone who loves a fun challenge!
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