Monday, March 19, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Fort York « Toronto Neighbourhood Walks Project
Fort York is an unusual neighbourhood, as a large portion of the neighbourhood is the Fort York National Historic Site, a City of Toronto operated museum.

Green Job: Bicycle Mechanics Instructors (2), Bikechain, Toronto ...
Green/Environmental Job in OntarioBicycle Mechanics Instructors (2), Bikechain , Toronto,Ontario, Canada. On Canada's Eco-Job Board, ...

Take the Lane: Road cycling in Ontario to get a makeover
But a recent posting from Alan Medcalf suggests that the Ministry of Transportation consulted with the Ontario Trails Council about cycling infrastructure that ...

Mandatory helmets for cyclists new rule of the road?
Winnipeg Free Press
THE Manitoba government may soon make it illegal for cyclists to ride without a helmet. ... Ontarioand Alberta require protection for people under 18, ...

Bigfoot Sightings in Canada
Snowshoe Magazine
The company, which is located in Waterloo, Ontario, bills itself as a “budget-conscious” supplier ofsnowshoes and sundry other winter gear.

Food and Nutrition - Ontario Trails Council
Food and Nutrition. This program will be of practical use and interest to anyone working in the outdoors on trails or any other projects. It will provide a foundation ...

Great People - Great Trails - June 17-19, 2012

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