Showing posts with label Fort York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fort York. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trail Hikes, Trail Counts, Benefits of Outdoor Activity, and more from Ontario Trails!

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Wolf Lake Ancient Forest Is Endangered Ecosystem
New research from the University of Guelph, published Tuesday in the journal Biodiversity andConservation, says that allowing industrial extraction in a northern Ontario old-growth red pine forest – the largest remaining in the world – would ...
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New urban park, waterfront trail to be centrepiece of Ontario Place revitalization
National Post
The shuttered Ontario Place will get a new urban park and waterfront trailOntario's Minister of Tourism and Culture Michael Chan announced on Wednesday. Mr. Chan told a Wednesday morning press conference on the former tourist attraction's now-empty ...
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See and feel how good nature is for you by getting out at least once a day

Research has shown that early-morning cardio in a fasted state can burn up to 20 percent more calories; however hitting the grass versus the treadmill provides a number of further benefits that may just surprise you. Fitting in some nature, or vitamin N, may just be the secret to unlocking a better mood, faster metabolism and stronger memory.

Smiling female
                biker drinking water
1. Beat belly fatResearch shows that people who live near trees and parks have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva than those who live in a concrete jungle.
Japanese study found that a forest walk can render a 12 percent decrease in cortisol levels, a seven percent decrease in sympathetic nerve activity (which would contribute to anxiety), a one percent decrease in blood pressure, and a five percent decrease in heart rate. The more you can get yourself into a green space, the better it is for your body composition — and sanity, for that matter.
2. Go green to beat the bluesForget retail therapy, try nature therapy. I recently saw an anonymous quote posted on my Facebook page that said, “There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection,” and I couldn’t agree more.
Whether you’re having a bad day, or a tough year, seeking out an area with a lot of greenery has been shown to improve both mood and memory in depressed individuals.
In one Michigan study, participants exhibited significant increases in memory span and mood after walks in nature versus urban walks. This is perhaps why many people battle the cottage traffic every Friday night to spend a couple of days in the great outdoors before heading back into the city for another week in the grind.
If you don’t have a cottage escape, look up some local trails. It’s an inexpensive, instantly gratifying and calorie-free way to lift your mood.
3. Combat brain fog
If you’re drawing a blank with a project at work, a study from Scotland suggests getting outside for a walk in the park.
Researchers took volunteers through three areas: a historic shopping district with old buildings and light traffic, a park-like setting and a busy commercial district with heavy traffic while they wore portable EEGs on their heads to relay their brain waves.
While the participants were in the commercial area they produced brain wave patterns conducive with frustration versus the parkland that showed patterns similar to meditation.
Bottom line: If you can get out for your lunch and head to a park for 20 minutes you may find yourself more productive the rest of the day.
4. Help nurture creativityBetween our iPhones, laptops and tablets we’re continuously plugged in. However, spending time away from battery-operated devices and in nature has been linked to a 50 percent increase in creativity, something scientists refer to as attentional restoration theory.
Bottom line: If you’re heading into a green space this long weekend, be sure to leave yourself unplugged for optimal health benefits.
5. Sleep more soundlyIf you find yourself doing everything right and still tossing and turning at night, head outdoors for a walk down your favourite nature trail.
Researchers found that forest walking improved actual sleep time, immobile minutes, self-rated depth of sleep and sleep quality. And for even better results, according to the study, you should aim to have this walk later in the day versus earlier.
Bottom line: With the longer summer days I recommend taking advantage of an after-dinner walk not just to influence your waistline, but also your bedtime.
6. Get green at homeIf you live in the city and you can only escape on the weekends, there are many benefits to adding a little greenery around the house and the office. According toresearchers at Kansas State University, adding plants to hospital rooms speeds recovery rates of surgical patients. Compared to patients in rooms without plants, patients in rooms with plants request less pain medication, have lower blood pressure, experience less stress, and are released from the hospital sooner.
Bottom line: Feeling stressed at work? Add a potted plant and you will find yourselffeeling healthier and taking less time off to battle the seasonal cold.
         Submitted by Peter Ochal via Sherri Ochal. Thanks guys. 


The Toronto Bruce Trail Club runs an extensive hiking program, numbering in excess of 300 hikes each year. The hikes are described in the club's newsletter, "Footnotes", which is published quarterly and distributed to its members.  
All Club endorsed hikes are lead by hike leaders who are trained and certified by the Toronto Bruce Trail Club.
On all hikes, the hike leader will be collecting a voluntary donation to the Escarpment Fund. The suggested amount is $1.


Local wineries honour war of 1812
Windsor Star
The STOWAWAY 1812 wines are considered limited edition collector's items. ... It's called the Coastal Trails: Sails to See Tall Ships Festival in Windsor, ...

Celebrate Canada Day with Fort York walking tour
A Fort York Historic District Walking Tour titled 'Building a Great Canadian City: Early Lakefront Development in Toronto' will explore the evolution and history of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Fort York historic site area from the early British ...
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Trail Counts - Are you being Counted?

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hike, Bike, Ride or Climb Ontario Trails

ATV pilot meets resistance
A public meeting on whether the town should grant the Algonquin West ATV Club, ... from the District of Muskoka and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.

The War of 1812 explodes on TV: Film explores fiery turning point of the war
The field investigation near today's Fort York heritage site, led by Toronto archaeologist Ron Williamson, ultimately yielded several discoveries that shed new light on the events that took place 199 years ago — about a century before the Halifax ...
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Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Ontario Trails Council Annual General Meeting - June 18th, 1200 Noon at Trailhead Ontario. We need 12 for quorum. Please be sure to attend. We are also seeking nominations from 6 candidates to our Board. For information call Patrick at 877-668-7245.

Harper Government Invests in War of 1812 Exhibition in Ontario
Canada NewsWire (press release)
... activities and learn more about the War of 1812. Support for the exhibition was announced today by Ben Lobb, Member of Parliament (Huron-Bruce), on behalf of the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages.
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Canada NewsWire (press release)
TORONTO, June 8, 2012 /CNW/ - In 21 communities across Canada, thousands of Canadians will be joining forces on Sunday, June 10th for The Arthritis Society's Walk to Fight Arthritis, presented by the makers of TYLENOL®. Funds raised will be invested in ...
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Parks and Recreation Ontario is pleased to launch the 2012 June is Recreation and Parks Month Campaign. This year's theme is Hike it or Bike it! It celebrates the abundance of walking, hiking and cycling trails across Ontario. 

Help to spread the word and keep Ontarian's active this summer.

If you would like more information, please email us at:

Five Men With Drive walk for crime victims
Sault Star
Dan Rossi and four friends left Vancouver, BC, April 22 on Freedom Walk, a Journey for Justice. They arrived in Sault Ste. Marie Thursday, on Day 47 of their journey, which will end in Toronto later this month. The Five Men With Drive charity effort is ...
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Membership TypesOntario Equestrian Federation
To ensure all horse/pony owners, riders/drivers and other participants have proper insurance coverage To be an active. ... Ontario Equestrian Foundation · About ...

Lakeshore grad embarks on portage trek across southern Ontario
Lakeshore grad embarks on portage trek across southern Ontario. Former Lakeshore Collegiate student Andrew Metcalfe is embarking on a 40 day portage across southern Ontario in his pinkcanoe to raise funds for breast cancer research.
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1st annual toronto custom bicycle show and rally | Cycle Toronto
Come and join us for a weekend of custom bicycles and crusing saturday the 23rd crusing through the beaches anf then on sunday over to the island for a bike ...

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Fort York « Toronto Neighbourhood Walks Project
Fort York is an unusual neighbourhood, as a large portion of the neighbourhood is the Fort York National Historic Site, a City of Toronto operated museum.

Green Job: Bicycle Mechanics Instructors (2), Bikechain, Toronto ...
Green/Environmental Job in OntarioBicycle Mechanics Instructors (2), Bikechain , Toronto,Ontario, Canada. On Canada's Eco-Job Board, ...

Take the Lane: Road cycling in Ontario to get a makeover
But a recent posting from Alan Medcalf suggests that the Ministry of Transportation consulted with the Ontario Trails Council about cycling infrastructure that ...

Mandatory helmets for cyclists new rule of the road?
Winnipeg Free Press
THE Manitoba government may soon make it illegal for cyclists to ride without a helmet. ... Ontarioand Alberta require protection for people under 18, ...

Bigfoot Sightings in Canada
Snowshoe Magazine
The company, which is located in Waterloo, Ontario, bills itself as a “budget-conscious” supplier ofsnowshoes and sundry other winter gear.

Food and Nutrition - Ontario Trails Council
Food and Nutrition. This program will be of practical use and interest to anyone working in the outdoors on trails or any other projects. It will provide a foundation ...

Great People - Great Trails - June 17-19, 2012

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Six hot spots for Kingston trail runners
Our Kingston
I should have mentioned that a park pass is required at Little Cat (daily or annual), but it also gets you into Gould Lake too. A park pass is also required at Frontenac Park. The annual or seasonal pass is good at any Ontario Provincial Park. ...
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 City of Toronto presents urban design awards
Daily Commercial News
Two awards of excellence were given: One to The Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge at Strachan Avenue and the other to the city's Avenue and Mid-Rise Buildings study. Honourable mentions went to the OCAD Univeristy Capital Master Plan and the ...
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Merritt building a wake of success in adaptive rowing
Thomas Merritt, an adaptive rowing coach with the Sudbury Canoe Club, ... He arrived in northern Ontario with an established background in rowing, ...

Inuit seal hunter in a kayak armed with a harp...Image via WikipediaKayaks on Lake Ontario | Stock Photo |
Download a royalty-free stock photo of Kayaks on Lake Ontario by Gord Horne( copyright) from

Protecting the Great Lakes The Ontario Way | The Ontario Way ...
Ontario now has the toughest standards in North America for water quality ... waterfront bike rides in Toronto or cross-country skiing with my mom over the ice on ...

Liberals cutting off access to the North: PCs  
The Sudbury Star - Rita Poliakov - 1 hour ago "Dalton McGuinty has made it harder for people to enjoy the trails. We'll introduce Ontario to the Yours to Discover Act. We will allow local government to ...

Hike Ontario Summit - Coureurs de Bois Voyageur Trail Outdoors ...
Arrangements for the Hike Ontario Summit MeetingSept 30-Oct 2, are progressing well and we anticipate a successful meeting will ensue.

Upcoming Community Events
1.   Call for Artists - Juried Exhibition - Brockville - Entry Deadline 14 Oct. NEW!

2.   The Frontenac Challenge! - Frontenac Provincial Park - Sep & Oct. NEW!
3.   Alchemy in Colour Exhibition - Brockville - 15 Sep. through 26 Oct. NEW!
4.   Paddle the Arch Rideau Tour - Upper Brewers to Jones Falls - 24 Sep. NEW!
5.   Paddle the Arch Fall Tour Series - Frontenac Arch Region - NEW!
6.   Pedal for Paws Bike Ride - Brockville - Saturday 24 Sep. NEW!
7.   Family Fish Fry - Gananoque - Saturday 24 Sep. NEW!
8.   TIFAA Arts Show and Sale - Malloytown Landing - 16-25 Sep. NEW!

Helmets or squashed pumpkins
Northumberland News
All winter long snowmobiles travelled down Burnbrae Road at far greater speeds then any ATV I've seen going. Burnbrae Road is part of the E-108 Ontario ...

Hike Haliburton, Ontario – September 23, 24 & 25 2011
Join the folks in the Haliburton Highlands for the 9th Annual Hike Haliburton Festival. Explore the natural and cultural heritage of the Highlands or just ...

Watson betters the beast
Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin
An Outdoor Concert in the afternoon featured the award winning Sam Roberts Band ... While the majority of riders in this event came from across Ontario, ...

Contest winners spend 'fantastic' days on local cycling routes
Northumberland Today
The routes, provided through Northumberland Tourism, included cycling past Lake Ontario, or along its shores, past orchards and with views of grand old homes, she said. The pair, who live in the High Park area of Toronto where Thorsten bikes to work ...
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September 30th is the last day to submit November, December and January
events for our winter issue. Do not miss the opportunity to promote your
event to thousands of active Canadians in print, online and through our
iPhone App! It takes about 30 seconds to submit your event and it's TOTALLY FREE!
Submit your event at:  

Please find information regarding the upcoming Active Communities Summit to be held on Monday, October 3, 2011 from 7:30 am - 2:00 pm.  The cost of the summit is $30.00 per person and includes a heart healthy breakfast and "Lunch 'n' Learn' sponsored by the County of Essex.  In order to register for the event by Friday, September 16, 2011, please click on the link below:
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