Ontario Trails Council - writes letters for you to use With Your MPP
The Ontario Trails Council continues to attend Landowners meetings to reinforce our positions on the Bill and correct the misrepresentations that keep appearing in the media regarding the Bill. We continue to meet to discuss Bill 100, and to get our message out to the public to defense Bill 100 and reduce closure of trails.

For a copy of the OTC letter go to:
23.3.16 OTC MPP Letter of Support Bill 100 - pdf
For a copy of the letter you can use to send on your letterhead please go to:
23.3.16 MPP Generic Letter of Support Bill 100 - word
Ontario Trails Council continues to engage on the Bill

For a copy of the OTC letter go to:
23.3.16 OTC MPP Letter of Support Bill 100 - pdf
For a copy of the letter you can use to send on your letterhead please go to:
23.3.16 MPP Generic Letter of Support Bill 100 - word
Ontario Trails Council continues to engage on the Bill
- The OTC remains committed to the passing of Bill 100
- Our members are going to engage their members to work with landowners locally to correct the anxiety caused by misreporting of impacts
- We gained greater insight into the working relationships some media have with the advocates against Bill 100
- A Public Bill 100 education plan is being developed.
- We have invited the Ontario Landowners Association and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to speak at Trailhead Ontario in Calabogie June 19-21, 2016
- the Ontario Federation of Agriculture has agreed to present at Trailhead Ontario in Calabogie June 19-21, 2016
- The OTC Board passed a motion in support of trails safety, trespass deterrence, and in support of OFA. "The OTC supports the increase in trespass fines to a minimum penalty of 250.00." March 9, 2016.
- The OTC had its Executive Director attend the House of Commons on March 24 to hear the debate on Bill 100
Update from the House Debate March 24, 2016
MPP Clark, Leeds and Grenville acknowledged the Parts of the Act are not so bad and that the government would be well served to take it to committee so that changes could be made.
MPP Clark referred to the OFSC letter from MIke Clewer (OTC Treasurer) requesting that the Ministry improve and clarify the Bill. The MPP also went on to extoll all the great trails in Leeds and Grenville, noting the Waterfront, St. Lawrence Parks, Limerick Forest, Frontenac Arch Biosphere, Brockville, Charleston Lake PP and North Grenville.
All of these but one are OTC members. All have received funding through OTC involvement in the Canadian Trails Federation and the National Trails Coalition.
MPP Clark spoke to the funds and improvements, and praised the increased activity on local trails as "notable" due to the funding. He did not understand that the OTC had a hand in this process. I called his office, at the suggestion of Wayne Terryberry, OTC VP; to encourage his movement towards Act improvements instead of withdrawal.
MPP Clark spoke to the House, using language similar to OTC, that we are concerned about the continued loss of trails, landowners relations and getting the trails back for next season. He also expressed his hope that the government would consult in the community and called for committee action. He expressed as I have since 2003 to all governments - "that trails can make for great government community relations;" (should government choose to work with and through the OTC in trail communities - PSC)
As we move forward members must tell their MPP's of our role, their awareness of our work will make getting trails back easier with landowners. They will understand us as a friend of all, making investments in as many communities as we can.
OTC encourages you to attend upcoming Public Meetings - the only way we can get the media to focus on the positive impacts of Bill 100 reduce the negative press is if we attend these meetings and express the benefits of the Act.
Apr 9th Simcoe County Meeting - http://goo.gl/Mgprkb
Please use our handouts and press releases to enable your information kit.
Ontario Trails Council Responds to The Pembroke Observer March 13, 2016
March 23, 2016
Letter to the Editor - Pembroke Observer
The Ontario Trails Council has asked the Ontario Landowners Association to cease or retract misinformation regarding Bill 100, that they continue to circulate through public meeting and the media, as recently as you reported on March 13, 2016
We also would ask the media to cease and desist as the information they are provided is being misunderstood. We called and e-mailed the Observer and were informed the Observer has in fact reported on both sides of the issue.
While we wish to maintain a cordial relationship with the media, a search of your site shows only 4 articles all reporting the misinterpretations and confused statements that continue to scare landowners unnecessarily.
Several respected groups, the Minister of Tourism Culture and Sport, community organizations involving farmers to hikers, and even MPP Randy Hillier (founder of the Ontario Landowners Association) and our organization, wants the closure of trails to stop. We respect landowners and we want to preserve 50 years of friendly relations amongst us.
Bill 100 only needs some tweaks and clarifications and this can be done by the OLA, and other groups, working through or with the OTC.
The OTC is looking to get additional support for other landowner agreements, recognized in the Bill.
At Ontario Trails Council we are working with Ministry Staff, and through committee, to bring to the Bill changes that will work for trails and landowners. At OTC we are moving forward through communication with the government to secure a positive outcome for all.
Despite published clarifications on the part of the Ontario Trails Council and the government, some people and their media partners continue to do damage to trails. Please review our input and work with us to change the Act for the better.
OTC Press Release
If you have any questions about Bill 100 please contact the Ontario Trails Council, 613-396-3226 or email us at: execdir@ontariotrails.ca
We are here to help everybody have a better understanding of trails, trail use and management practice.
Please read our paper on Bill 100 – it's available here -http://goo.gl/yzlO0X
Ontario Trails Council Educational Posters


Ontario Trails Council contacts Media, distributes content to members and third parties
At Ontario Trails Council we've done more on Bill 100 this week. We've been on the phone with trail groups, landowners, the media and government officials. We've worked to clarify the issue, we were contacted on the weekend before the story broke big and we think we helped reduce the loss of trail through our effort. Please support this by:
- Contact your MP and ask them to support Bill 100
- Contact your Regional Trails Committee and ask them to support Bill 100
- Send the OTC Press Release to area trail and landowners to clarify the issue
- Most importantly - understand what the landowners concerns are and listen to them. If we respond as good neighbours they will understand trail folks are good folks
- Talk to other trail users and tell them - don't trespass, respect private property - that saves trails!
- We will supply a letter you can send to your MPP - circulated
- Answer our Petition on Support of Bill 100 - next week