Showing posts with label easements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easements. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2016

Ontario Trails News - easements are contracted documents, all other agreements aren't easements, and they are valid for trails, and only the landowner can decide of they want one.

Ontario Trails Council continues to engage on Bill 100 - send our letter to your MPP
  • The OTC remains committed to the passing of Bill 100
  • Our members are going to engage their members to work with landowners locally to correct the anxiety caused by misreporting of impacts
  • We gained greater insight into the working relationships some media have with the advocates against Bill 100
  • We have invited the Ontario Landowners Association to speak at Trailhead Ontario in Calabogie June 19-21, 2016
  • Ontario Federation of Agriculture has agreed to present at Trailhead Ontario June 19-21, 2016
  • The OTC Board passed a motion in support of trails safety, trespass deterrence, and in support of OFA. "The OTC supports the increase in trespass fines to a minimum penalty of 250.00." March 9, 2016.
  • The OTC had its Executive Director attend the House of Commons on March 24 to hear the debate on Bill 100
  • For a copy of the OTC letter go to: 
    23.3.16 OTC MPP Letter of Support Bill 100 - pdf
    For a copy of the letter you can use to send on your letterhead please go to: 
    23.3.16 MPP Generic Letter of Support Bill 100 - word
  • Next public meeting on lands April 9, 2016 - Orillia
  • OTC Meets Minister Coteau April 13, 2016
ontario trails and landowners poster

MTCS Talks Trails - Thanks!Ontario is home to some of the most historic and longest trails in Canada which provide affordable, accessible venues for many activities. Each year, millions of Ontarians and visitors from outside the province, expe-
rience Ontario’s urban, suburban, rural and remote land and water trails.

minister coteau newsletterIn May 2015 , Minister Coteau introduced the Supporting Ontario’s Trails Act in the legislature. If passed, this
legislation would help the trails community more effectively develop, operate and promote trails while en-
hancing the experience for all trail users.

The proposed act would strengthen Ontario’s trails system by enabling the government to:
 better manage trail activity and protect public land and property by modernizing stewardship, compliance and enforcement tools
 clarify land owner responsibilities for trails running  through their land
 strengthen the consequences of trespassing on private and agricultural land
 increase the amount that landowners could recover for damages caused by trespassers
 set out a mechanism for voluntary trail easements
 establish a voluntary trails classification system to provide trail users with the consistent information
they need to select the most appropriate trail
 recognize Ontario trails of distinction to increase trail awareness and local tourism.

On February 18, 2015, the act was tabled for second reading and will continue through the legislative process in the coming months.

Trails encourage explorers of all ages and abilities to visit our unique communities and support local econo-
mies. Did you know that in 2014, hiking was a source of close to $1.4 billion in economic benefit to our prov-
ince, also add in $259 million in total provincial taxes? This was all because of significant spending by Ontario

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trails Council introduces first in a series of landowner and Bill 100 educational posters

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trails Council introduces first in a series of landowner and Bill 100 educational posters

Download our Educational Poster on Bill 100 and Landowner Issues

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