Let’s Talk Trails – December 8, Glen House Resort
Over 60 people attended the Let's Talk Trails forum funded in part by OTC through the Trails Tourism Integration Project.
Ontario Trals provided a program overview and provincial level update. We connected with RTO9 staff, DMO staff and DMP staff in order to integrate content on the OTC website.
Ontario Trals provided a program overview and provincial level update. We connected with RTO9 staff, DMO staff and DMP staff in order to integrate content on the OTC website.

Don Ross and Hilary Hone from FABR staff opening the day.

OTC works with the Biosphere to promote all types of trails, including infrastructure, trails crew employment, training and specialty infrastructures.

Emily Conger speaks about the Algonquin to Adirondack trails and the desire to support this significant international trail product in the region.
Information was shared on:
- Maps, mapping for use, and linear maps
- Product readiness surveys
- Use counts
- Species at Risk
- Balancing trails use and separating pout trails users by having products available
- Maintenance issues, grants suppliers, groups purchasing, all the trail networks
- Trail blazer program
- Through OTC get one company who builds websites, one co to handle the booking and branding it, build the website with standardized websites, crowd sourcing the information.
- Revitalization of Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve as the Regional Trails Council
- Discussion of the need for risk management program and training
- Minimum maintenance standard for sidewalks, get it applied to trails as a provincial standard.
Trailhead Hastings Announced
Trailhead Toronto - Nov. 24th, Session Presentations Available On-Line!
A BIG thank-you to all the people who so graciously contributed their time and expertise to make a contribution through presentation at Trailhead Toronto!
Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport announces Community Recreation Funding
Ontario is now accepting applications for the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund (OSRCF) 2017–18.
OSRCF is a grant program that supports the government’s vision to enable people in communities across Ontario to lead healthy, active lives. The fund increases opportunities for participation in sport and recreation, supports implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity and strengthens the community sport and recreation sector.
The deadline to apply for the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund 2017–18 is February 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Full details, including who’s eligible and how to apply, are available through Grants Ontario, the government’s one-window access to information about grants.
To contact the ministry, please email OSRCF@Ontario.ca.
Please feel free to share this notice with your members or other sport and recreation partners and providers in your area.
The deadline to apply for the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund 2017–18 is February 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Full details, including who’s eligible and how to apply, are available through Grants Ontario, the government’s one-window access to information about grants.
To contact the ministry, please email OSRCF@Ontario.ca.
Please feel free to share this notice with your members or other sport and recreation partners and providers in your area.
L’Ontario accepte maintenant les demandes au Fonds ontarien d’action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs (FOACSL) pour 2017-18.
Le FOACSL est un programme de subventions qui appuie la vision du gouvernement permettant aux gens dans des communautés partout en Ontario de mener une vie saine et active. Le Fonds augmente les possibilités de participation à des sports et des loisirs, soutient la mise en œuvre du savoir-faire physique comme fondement de l’activité physique et renforce le secteur du sport et des loisirs communautaires.
La date limite pour présenter une demande au Fonds ontarien d’action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs pour 2017-18 est le 1er février 2017 à 17 h HNE.
Des informations complètes, y compris sur l’admissibilité et comment présenter une demande, sont disponibles à Subventions Ontario, un guichet unique d’accès à l’information gouvernementale sur les subventions.
Pour contacter le ministère, veuillez envoyer un courriel à l’adresse OSRCF@Ontario.ca.
N’hésitez pas à partager cet annonce avec vos membres ou autres partenaires et prestataires en sport et loisirs de votre région.
Le FOACSL est un programme de subventions qui appuie la vision du gouvernement permettant aux gens dans des communautés partout en Ontario de mener une vie saine et active. Le Fonds augmente les possibilités de participation à des sports et des loisirs, soutient la mise en œuvre du savoir-faire physique comme fondement de l’activité physique et renforce le secteur du sport et des loisirs communautaires.
La date limite pour présenter une demande au Fonds ontarien d’action communautaire pour les sports et les loisirs pour 2017-18 est le 1er février 2017 à 17 h HNE.
Des informations complètes, y compris sur l’admissibilité et comment présenter une demande, sont disponibles à Subventions Ontario, un guichet unique d’accès à l’information gouvernementale sur les subventions.
Pour contacter le ministère, veuillez envoyer un courriel à l’adresse OSRCF@Ontario.ca.
N’hésitez pas à partager cet annonce avec vos membres ou autres partenaires et prestataires en sport et loisirs de votre région.
239 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!
OTC visited Prescott Russell and met with Council and the Economic Development Committee. There may be operating budget cuts in the near future but there is a desire to save the trail, although it may not be 72 continuous kilometers. Road links are being studied between nodes. While this is not preferred, we are pleased that the Prescott-Russell Economic Development Committee spoke with OTC and that we are working with the County to:
OTC visited Prescott Russell and met with Council and the Economic Development Committee. There may be operating budget cuts in the near future but there is a desire to save the trail, although it may not be 72 continuous kilometers. Road links are being studied between nodes. While this is not preferred, we are pleased that the Prescott-Russell Economic Development Committee spoke with OTC and that we are working with the County to:
- diversify the role of the Prescott Russell Trails Committee,
- seeking funds,
- engaging inter-provincial partners,
- that the Trail is highlighted as part of the CycleON list of trails through consultation
- had more counters to install
- is implementing the OTC Trail Counts Program
- OTC has found the trails committee, through partnership, free fundraising training in Ottawa
We encourage the people signing the petition to work with UCPR and OTC to find ways to re-negotiate the lease with Via so we can make the corridor multi-use, which would enable cost recovery, new funding for capital projects and engage more members of the community to utilize the trail in the future.
If you want to help please contact Louise Bissonette with Sentiers Prescott Russell! Merci.
If you want to help please contact Louise Bissonette with Sentiers Prescott Russell! Merci.
Location | Date |
Niagara Region RTO2 | December 14th |
Landsdowne RTO9 | December 8th |
Collingwood RTO7 | TBA |
During each session we will discuss:
- Current RTO+DMO Tourism Strategies
- Current Outdoor Activity Marketing
- Existing Trail Inventory
- Identify Gaps
- Consolidate Events
- Review Ontariotrails.ca Trails Marketing
- New Content Initiatives
- Share Data and Data Gathering Processes
- Review TTIP Action Plan Outlines
- Define Next Steps
Locations to be announced.
Cycling Consultations Completed

Thank you very much again for your interest and participation in the study to help identify Ontario’s Province-wide Cycling Network. We hope that the regional workshop session you attended was informative; providing you with:
- Background information on the study;
- Context on the intended outcomes;
- An overview of the process being used to identify the network; and
- An opportunity to be engaged in the study process.
The study team has consolidated the materials presented at the workshop sessions and uploaded them to DropBox. They can be accessed using the following link:
MTO Cycling Network Study Dropbox
*Please click on the proceed without signing up option at the bottom of the page if you do not already have an account
We have uploaded network concept mapping (route options and alternatives that could form part of the province-wide cycling network (priority routes) or link up to the province-wide cycling network (secondary routes)) for each of the MTO Regions. We are in the process of uploading maps illustrating the network concept in zoom in areas of the Upper Tier Municipalities. The zoom in maps will be uploaded to the site by first thing tomorrow morning. Please select the mapping that is most appropriate for your jurisdiction. We would also encourage you to review the workshop presentation. The presentation will give you the necessary context to better understand the information that we are asking you to review and comment on.
We will be accepting comments / questions / submissions to the regional workshop materials up until December 8th, 2016. More specifically, we are looking for the following comments to these maps:
- Route Alignment: focusing on the priority and secondary routes, provide comments on the location of the potential routes, whether what is being identified makes sense or if there are other alternatives that should be considered.
- Potential Level of Separation for Facility types: identification of a potential level of separation for a cycling facility type based on the hierarchy of options identified in Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18:
- Shared Facilities: On roads with low operating speed and low traffic volumes where the cyclists and motorist share the same space e.g. signed bicycle routes
- Designated Facilities: on roads with sufficient space and a higher operating speed and traffic volume where cyclists require a specific space to ride e.g. bike lanes
- Separated Facilities: on roads with a high operating speed and traffic volume where a physical separation is needed between the cyclists and motorist e.g. off-road trail or buffered bicycle lane or paved shoulder
- Destinations: cycling destination such as bicycle friendly businesses or tourism attractors
- Barriers: physical barriers which prevent or deter implementation of cycling facilities or the activity of cycling
We look forward to receiving your input and continuing the discussion and identification of the province-wide cycling network for Ontario.
#CycleON - MTO Province-wide Cycling Network Identification Study
On behalf of the Study Team
T: 905-882-7306
E: mtocyclingnetwork@mmm.ca