Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ontario Trails Council - the number 1 source for trails information in Ontario!

It is difficult to synthesize into one conversation all the work the OTC does, everyday on behalf of trails in Ontario, any OTC Board member would be happy to talk to you further about why they support OTC, and why you would benefit from our work.

OTC membership is made up of volunteer groups, departments or staff of planning, economic development, regional tourism, health unit, roads, user federations, trail committees, individuals. 

Some of our other innovative work includes:

We have on-line trail education through Algonquin College, and offer 14 other in class education courses, on a rotating schedule.

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Weekly Newsletter Trailwise
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Social Media impressions beyond 6M a year - Facebook

Over 1 Million unique visitors to the OTC website and blog in 2012
= 4.41 Million trips planned.
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Our provincial trails conference - Trailhead Ontario
AGM - one member one vote
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Trail Count Program - trail use and monitoring system
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Trail Marketing - variety of media

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Our mobile app voted one of 12 Must Have for Living in Rural Ontario by

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Ontario Trail Projects - this page details our work in 32 areas of Ontario.

Ontario Trails Council liaise with the province, and through membership input we conduct a variety of surveys and create reports that guide decision makers at all levels - these include:
And more.

We can get you to a significant trails audience.

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RANKING from ComScoreComScore is a leading analytics organization that provides industry standard rankings used by many companies to assess their performance and investments in the digital world; many agency planners only go off ComScore numbers in their media buying initiatives.

There are a couple of other trail sites as well, but our media wholesaler - Suite 66 - wasn't able to locate another one big enough to be reported in ComScore. 

For the month of September 2012, Canadian stats: 65,764 UVs (Unique Views) / 187,035 PVs (Page Views. OTC also has 142,476 unique pageviews) = 329,511

ComScore reports the following for comparison:
Major Outdoor Canadian Site:  50,440 UV’s / 249,000 PV’s (OTC 20% more!)
Major Geographic Site National:  41,000 UV’s / 114,000 PV’s (OTC 60% more!)

Thanks for your consideration.

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