Friday, July 22, 2016

Ontario Trails News - subscribe to our newsletter Trailwise - join all the discussion about Ontario's trails and trails activity!

Ontario Trillium Funding Announces Capital Grant Stream - register by July 29th!

Dear Friends of OTF,

I'm happy to share that the honourable Eleanor McMahon, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport has officially launched the Ontario150 Community Capital Program today as part of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the province's place in Canada in 2017.

This new program is a one-time $25 million program of the Government of Ontario that is administered by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and will award one-year grants that range from $5,000 to $500,000 to support local capital needs.

More precisely, this program will strengthen communities by repairing, renovating and retrofitting existing infrastructure to better address the diverse needs of Ontario communities while fostering economic growth.

The application deadline for the Ontario150 Community Capital Program isSeptember 14, 2016 at 5 p.m. ET.

Organizations that are already registered with OTF and verified as eligible to apply for OTF funding will automatically be eligible to apply for the Ontario150 Community Capital Program.

Organizations that would normally be eligible for OTF funding but are not registered yet can register with OTF now.

Beginning July 18, 2016, applications will be available through the registrants' portal in order to submit an application by the September 14, 2016 deadline.

Please visit to learn more about the program, read the application guide, access our calendar of outreach activities as well as the application form questions before the online application system goes live on July 18.

OTF is proud to have been chosen by the Government of Ontario to deliver this key program to mark a major milestone in the history and fabric of our province.

Chers partenaires de la FTO,

Je suis heureuse d'annoncer que l'honorable Eleanor McMahon, ministre du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport a officiellement lancé le programme Ontario 150 - Immobilisations communautaires aujourd'hui pour célébrer en 2017, le 150eanniversaire du statut de notre province au sein du Canada.

Le programme Ontario150 - Immobilisations communautaires est un nouveau programme de 25 millions de dollars ponctuel du gouvernement de l'Ontario qui est administré par la Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario (FTO) et qui va octroyer des subventions d'un an allant de 5 000 $ à 500 000 $ pour appuyer les besoins d'immobilisations locaux.

Plus précisément, ce programme renforcera les collectivités en réparant, rénovant et modernisant les infrastructures existantes afin de mieux répondre aux divers besoins des collectivités de l'Ontario, tout en favorisant la croissance économique.

La date limite de soumission d'une demande de subvention au programme Ontario150 - Immobilisations communautaires est le 14 septembre 2016, à 17 h HE.

Les organismes qui sont déjà inscrits à la FTO, et dont l'admissibilité à soumettre des demandes de subvention de la FTO a été vérifiée, sont automatiquement admissibles à soumettre une demande de subvention au programme Ontario150 - Immobilisations communautaires.

Les organismes qui sont normalement admissibles à recevoir du financement de la FTO mais qui ne sont pas encore inscrits peuvent s'inscrire à la FTO maintenant.

À compter du 18 juillet 2016, les formulaires de demandes de subvention seront disponibles aux organismes admissibles, directement dans leur portail, pour qu'ils puissent faire une de demande de subvention avant la date limite du14 septembre 2016.

Veuillez visiter pour en apprendre davantage sur le programme, lire le guide des demandeurs, accéder à notre calendrier des séances d'information et aux questions des formulaires de demande avant que le système de demandes en ligne soit ouvert le 18 juillet.

La FTO est fière d'avoir été choisie par le gouvernement de l'Ontario pour administrer ce programme clé qui marque une page importante dans l'histoire de notre province.


Andrea Cohen Barrack
CEO, Ontario Trillium Foundation
Chef de la direction, Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario 


Government Looking for Feedbackcommentary wanted on government environmental registry

OTC Member Benefits!

ontario trails logoMembership is just the beginning! We thank you for becoming a member, here are some of the benefits that are now yours -
Great Benefits!
Access to insurance, trail insurance and other services from CAPRI.
Advocacy Information
Your voice in Toronto, in your town and city, and in Ottawa, representing you on issues that matter to you. Trail Legislation, Landowner Rights, Best Practices, Funding and Grant Programs.
Latest Information for Having Your Best Trail
OTC members can access the latest information to learn more about healthy living, trail planning, trail protection and managing your trail. OTC members get access to E-newsletter and programs like the Trillium Trail Network.
Community Events & Services
Get involved with one of our 200+ members across Ontario and join the many volunteers making a difference in your community. We'll promote and list your contribution at no charge.
Planning and Development
We'll get your community to support you! We'll get your community leaders to fund you. If we don't we'll assist in writing grants (for a fee) to get you the money you need to develop the trails you want.
Trail Management Services
We'll help you develop a Regional Trails Council, Incorporate, we provide governance guidance and education to staff and volunteer. We'll help you define projects, secure funds, and we'll bring other knowledge experts in to assist you!
"Trailhead" Brand Conferences and Meetings
We'll help you plan, invite, secure and present, on your trails! Use the power of our network to bring experts to your community, where your leaders can learn about latest practices, trail successes and opportunities. - From 40-140 people, we bring media and marketing of your work home to you! Investment Required, OTC Earnings and Return on Revenue Offered.
PLUS! Award-winning WEBSITE Marketing
The Ontario Trails Council lists you, your trails, and your latest events, news about your work. Our award winning website gets people to Ontario Trails better than just stand alone!
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