Showing posts with label Canadian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hike, Bike, Ride or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Canadian Cyclist - Clinic with Zach Bell in Ontario
Canadian Cyclist Online. The source for Canadian cycling news and information including mountainbike and road bike tours, adventure biking features, ...

Physicians turn to exercise prescriptions to prevent and treat chronic condition
Toronto Star
It holds regular forums on the topic and runs free guided nature walks for 90 minutes on Sunday afternoons as a way to introduce families to its 27-kilometre network oftrails. Ottawa's recent pledge to make giant Rouge Park in east-end Toronto into ...
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Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Grand paddling
Guelph Mercury
When they paddle by, they think of deceased club founder Eric Thomlinson who pointed out ...Saugeen, Beaver or French Rivers; on rivers outside Ontario.

Norwood District High School video wins Historica-Dominion Institute's Make ...
Peterborough Examiner
Students at Norwood District High School and East Northumberland Secondary School in Brighton have been selected as winners of the Historica-Dominion Institute's War of 1812 heritage contest. Norwood District High School video wins Historica-Dominion ...
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We have an event execution team with an excellent track record, every single event to date has been a huge success for the both parties, in fact we are returning to a number of our 2010 and 2011 venues this year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, my number is 718-285-7861. I have attached a couple useful documents introducing Tough Mudder and the benefits of hosting our event. Contact John Curran, Venue Scout.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Ontario Trails - Paddle, Bike, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Life lesson for a party guy ski ace
Ottawa Citizen
There's a dynasty brewing at the Nakkertok Nordic Cross-Country Ski Club. For the third straight year, Nakkertok has won the club aggregate point title at the Canadian cross-country skichampionships. With a team of 52 skiers and 20 support staff for ...
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It's the Climb
University at Buffalo The Spectrum
By WESTON SHAPIRO Members of UB's Rock Climbing Club travel across the country to ... “I went and participated in the Summer Sweatfest in Ontario and I ...

Assess & Address Climate Change Impacts - Conservation Ontario
Conservation Authority Climate Change Adaptation Workshops (2010 & 2011). Findings, presentations and recommendations for Conservation Authorities ...

Canadian Cyclist - Spring on the Trail 2012 - Ontario
Canadian Cyclist Online. The source for Canadian cycling news and information including mountainbike and road bike tours, adventure biking features, ...

Bike racing comes to Ontario - Argus Observer: Sports
Bike racing is coming to Ontario Saturday and Sunday as USA Cycling presents the Tour ofOntario. This three stage bike race will begin Saturday morning at 9 ...

Parks Beyond Borders: Global National Park News

National Parks Traveler
... trails are already popular with hikers, bikers and runners. The existing Rouge Park runs from from rolling hills at the glacial Oak Ridges Moraine north of Toronto, to the wetlands and sandy beach where the Rouge River empties into Lake Ontario.
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Purchase Calabogie Season Pass Before April 10 For Big Savings
Calabogie Peaks is one of eastern Ontario's top winter resort. Photo courtesy of Calabogie Peaks. Calabogie, eastern Ontario's largest snowsports resort, is currently conducting its 2012/13 season pass sale, and through April 9 you can save up to $200...

Trail Education Courses - 
23 Sessions and Counting

We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Canoe and kayak club: Sports Briefs
The Barrie Examiner
His goal was simple: To raise money and support for the cancer society by kayaking Canada's biggest lakes. For more information on our club and events...

Birchbark Revival
CANOE & KAYAK (blog)
By Conor Mihell New York City natives Adam Wicks-Arshack and John Zinser were boatbuilding neophytes before September 2008, when they paddled into the wilderness of northern Ontario in onecanoe and came out a month later with two.
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Change text size for the story
Thorold News
The War of 1812 Bicentennial Committee has looked to the federal government in hopes of receiving $150000 from the Department of Canadian Heritage's 1812 Commemoration Fund—an initiative to foster awareness and understanding among Canadians of the ...
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Provincial budget sparks a variety of reactions
Kawartha Media Group
Ms Scott said the recent cancellation of revenue sharing between the horse racing industry and the OLG slots at racetracks is a perfect example of decisions that have a profound effect in her riding. She said the horse racing industry, and all of the ...
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          'Walkable' city linked to health benefits

Toronto Star
But a significant number indicated they would be willing to trade off square footage and a bigger backyard for the convenience of walking to the local store or library. InToronto, 74 per cent of those surveyed said they preferred living in a walkable ...
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Sue Holloway Fitness Park - Ottawa, Ontario - Fitness Trails on ...
The Sue Holloway Fitnes Park is located next to Mooney's Bay Park in Ottawa, Ontario.

Toronto – “a strong latent demand for more walkable neighborhoods ...
The map above shows Toronto's walkability, with the lighter portions indicating greater walkability ('utilitarian walkability” being how easy it is to walk to do ...

Big Brothers Big Sisters plan second annual Kemptville Ribfest ...
EMC Kemptville
"What's better than dads, ribs, boats, ATVs, good music and maybe some beer on ... thanks to anOntario Trillium Foundation grant. They have match programs ...
Ontario Trails Education Program - Book Now
Trail Education Courses - 
23 Sessions and Counting

We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Towards a Provincial Cycling Strategy - in 2011 the Ontario Ministry of Transportation initiated a cycling data collection project.  The intent of the project was to gather best practice information from both within the province and around the world on the various considerations that need to be taken into account should Ontario wish to develop a provincial cycling route network.  The project also collected data on bicycle route networks across the province, such as selected municipal and tourism focused routes, in order to get a better understanding of where people are currently cycling for recreational purposes. In this session the ministry will discuss some of the best practices learned through the completion of this project.

Ontario Trails Council AGM – a working luncheon that will process the annual business of the OTC.  Join the Ontario Trails Council today! Have a vote. Make your input count.

Provincial – National Trails Panel – We welcome the Hon. Michael Chan (invited) to open our session Once again the OTC appreciates the support of the Canadian Trails Federation and The National Trails Coalition as they report on their efforts nationally in Ottawa, and across all 13 territories and provinces as they work to implement, improve and provide funding for trail development. A must-see section for groups that are project ready, require a few more dollars to get that project off the ground, or for folks who are just interested in how other provinces do trails! In 2011 Ontario informed BC about Active transportation.  Come and expose your work on the national scene – others can learn from your experience.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Harper Government Boosts Tourism by Investing in War of 1812 Commemorations ...
Bradenton Herald
By Canadian Heritage VANCOUVER, March 19, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ - Important commemorations for the 200 th anniversary of the War of 1812 will boost tourism and allow Canadians to celebrate their history, thanks to investments from the Government of ...
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Federal funds to boost events marking War of 1812
Diamond's Ka'nata Foundation is one of three Nova Scotia recipients of Canadian Heritage funds to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Environment Minister Peter Kent announced the funding Monday at the Halifax Citadel National ...
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War of 1812 commemoration takes shape
Ottawa Citizen
"Canada would not exist had the American invasion not been repelled during the War of 1812, and for that reason, the war is a defining chapter in our country's history," Heritage Minister James Moore said in a statement detailing the latest round of ...
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Raisin River Canoe Race Set For April 22
St. Andrews West - March 20, 2012 - The longest paddling event in Eastern Ontario will be taking place just north of Cornwall on April 22, 2012. An annual rite of spring in the region, the Raisin River Canoe Race will see hundreds of paddlers winding ...
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The W. Garfield Weston Foundation Supports Major Growth of Alternative Land ...
MarketWatch (press release)
ALUS projects are currently established in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island. "The Foundation is proud to continue its support of this very important conservationinitiative," said Eliza Mitchell, Director, The W. Garfield Weston ...
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Bike lane safety worries Thunder Bay residents
Still, Krupper said the city has hired an independent engineering firm — southernOntario firm MMM Group — to make sure it's on the right track. The consultants will evaluate the new bike lanes on Victoria Avenue and on Court Street. See all stories on this topic »

A Canadian exorcism of dog-mushing demons on Alaska's Iditarod Trail
Alaska Dispatch
He was the 49th musher to finish the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. ... The quiet man from Haliburton, Ontario, Canada, and the 10 Siberian huskies that ...

Great Trails - Great People - June 17-20, 2012

Oxford County Trails Tours – scheduled for Sunday afternoon, and Wednesday afternoon, the Oxford County Trails Council has put together a walking, cycling and water tour for delegate enjoyment. That way its not all just indoors but you get to enjoy and experience some of Oxford County’s finest trails! To book a spot contact Wayne Daub of the OCTC at

Join us for the Trailhead Ontario Opening! – Starting at 0900 sharp, we will be welcomed by the Warden of Oxford County, Don McKay. Don is supportive to the county on trails and is also a leading volunteer to the Oxford County Trails Council. So he has insight into both the politics of trails and the tribulations of volunteers.. Please join us to express our appreciation to OCTC and to Oxford County for being our Trailhead Ontario 2012 hosts!

Ontario Trails Strategy – this session is designed to provide the trails community, trail managers and volunteers with up to date information on the status of the 2007 Ontario Trails Strategy, and its relationship with the Recreational Framework, re-written in 2011. Trails are supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and they have the mandate for both implementation and support of recreation and trails. Our panel of Ministry staff will lead the way in detailing the policies and how they make them work at the provincial level!

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