Showing posts with label Nova Scotia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nova Scotia. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ontario Trails Council - national trails program looking for coordinator, trails an election item in Ontario

Ontario Trails asks Leaders and Candidates to Respond

As we head into the Ontario Provincial election we are often asked by our membership to make sure trail issues are valued by candidates. This year we crafted 9 questions that you may use with your own candidates.
OUTDOORS - There are over 80,000 km of trails in Ontario in 430 communities, these communities may not have an arena, a pool, a library or a church, but they have a trail. If elected, what types of improvements would your government continue to make in the outdoor development sector?
• ACTIVE LIVING - Active living is an issue, in both the health benefits from activity and the negative effects of inactivity. Ontario has over 2600 useable active living trails. How would you and your government work with the Ontario Trails Council to promote trail use?
• ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION - Ontario has gone to great lengths to develop the GTA Greenbelt, UNESCO Biospheres, the CyclingON Strategy, promote transportation alternatives through funding of increased GO and other mass transportation supports. Would you and your government work with the Ontario Trails Council to develop a layer of inter-connected trails to rails, trails to bus, trails to trains as advocated by individual trail uses, at the provincial level so that all Ontarians would value know of this inter-connectivity?
• PROVINCIAL MATCHING FUNDING - Ontario Trails Council Membership is made up of land management groups th
at work with volunteer groups to make trails, access to funds for trail development is sometimes difficult and programs often change. The Ontario Trails Council did this in 2009-10, and will again in 2014-16 with the federal announcement of funds in the last budget for the National Trails Coalition. Would your government create a dedicated trail infrastructure development fund that could be managed by voluntary sector leaders?
• POLICY COORDINATION - Since 2005 Ontario has had an Ontario Trails Strategy. With this came a planning process called the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee. This partnership won the Province's highest award for intergovernmental cooperation "The Amethyst Award" and developments, these developments include, trail safety by managing user conflict (motorized and nonmotorized harmony); a legislation review, and an award winning website for trails. If elected would you and your lead Ministry for trails make a commitment to ensure that the OTCC meets monthly to manage the affairs of trails?
• BUSINESS COSTS - There are issues with liability and operational costs for land owners, or groups that own or operate a trail. The costs of litigation and the process of litigation fail to bring case resolution since often cases are settled out of court. Would your government consider a fund to support the costs or trail litigation, (as they have in Nova Scotia), or the tort (such as the 2009 National Trails Act in the USA) – for trail groups, trail operators and land managers that promote the public good through trail activity?
• TRAIL JOBS - Nearly 1 million individuals use the Ontario Trail Website to plan or find a trail. We estimate trails to be a value between $2.5 - $4 billion dollars to the economy each year. We believe that this number is low. Many Regional Tourism Organizations promote outdoor activity, but have not defined the product range for trails. Would your government work with the OTC to ensure that each RTO promotes trails through a joint trail promotion program so that this trail economy could be expanded and developed throughout the whole of Ontario?
• PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - Waterfront development is of value to all. The OTC works with communities in Northern Ontario, Georgian Bay, promoted the development of the Windsor Riverfront Trail, Carolinian Canada, Waterfront Trail Rides, and the Trans Canada Trail. Recently we offered comment to the Ontario Place Revitalization plans. There are 100's of significant destinations and experiences people can enjoy on trails in Ontario. How would your government work to ensure the OTMPC and other government department’s engaged Ontario Trail leaders in developing destination marketing with world-class trail tourism products as a result?
• WORLD CLASS EVENTS - The Pan-Am Games are coming to Ontario in 2015. The Ontario Trails Council has worked with Hamilton, McMaster, the Trans Canada Trail, and other communities such as Thunder Bay, and the Pan-Am Path in Toronto to make the games a reality on trails. There are many benefits to communities through world-class events. At the OTC we often hear from Centurion, X-terra, Tough Mudder etc. but there is not enough variety for these event planners to use Ontario. - Do you see an opportunity going forward to promote more trail events in more places through OTC/Ontario/Private sector partnerships?

As you receive local responses please send your answers to the OTC and we'll keep a record of who said what. We did receive one response thus far - from Premier Kathleen Wynne. See her response here -

Also at OTC we are party neutral, these questions have been provided to all candidates and the leaders of the 4 main political parties. 

We Value Our Members - Mr. Jack De Wit, OTC President

Dear Members - I often get questioned what are the benefits of an OTC Membership?  Your financial support enables us to assist trail groups and do many more things in support of trails.

Next week the Ontario Trails Council will be a full participant in meetings of the Canadian Trails Federation in Ottawa. Our involvement there has resulted in much work with the National Trails Coalition, and in the direct securing of funding that we used to make trails in Ontario.

For example because your membership supports our involvement at that level I am pleased to provide you with the Job Ads for the position of National Coordinator for the Project.

As you can see your financial support may not return directly to your community, but with it, by keeping the OTC viable, we are able to preserve or develop trails somewhere in Ontario.

Sincerely, Jack De Wit, President.
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Friday, May 23, 2014

Ontario Trails News - news and activity, hiking, waking, biking, camping - information from all over Ontario's 2600 trails!

Ontario Trails asks Leaders and Candidates to Respond

As we head into the Ontario Provincial election we are often asked by our membership to make sure trail issues are valued by candidates. This year we crafted 9 questions that you may use with your own candidates.

We have forwarded these to the leaders of the 4 major parties.
OUTDOORS - There are over 80,000 km of trails in Ontario in 430 communities, these communities may not have an arena, a pool, a library or a church, but they have a trail. If elected, what types of improvements would your government continue to make in the outdoor development sector?
• ACTIVE LIVING - Active living is an issue, in both the health benefits from activity and the negative effects of inactivity. Ontario has over 2600 useable active living trails. How would you and your government work with the Ontario Trails Council to promote trail use?
• ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION - Ontario has gone to great lengths to develop the GTA Greenbelt, UNESCO Biospheres, the CyclingON Strategy, promote transportation alternatives through funding of increased GO and other mass transportation supports. Would you and your government work with the Ontario Trails Council to develop a layer of inter-connected trails to rails, trails to bus, trails to trains as advocated by individual trail uses, at the provincial level so that all Ontarians would value know of this inter-connectivity?
• PROVINCIAL MATCHING FUNDING - Ontario Trails Council Membership is made up of land management groups that work with volunteer groups to make trails, access to funds for trail development is sometimes difficult and programs often change. The Ontario Trails Council did this in 2009-10, and will again in 2014-16 with the federal announcement of funds in the last budget for the National Trails Coalition. Would your government create a dedicated trail infrastructure development fund that could be managed by voluntary sector leaders?
• POLICY COORDINATION - Since 2005 Ontario has had an Ontario Trails Strategy. With this came a planning process called the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee. This partnership won the Province's highest award for intergovernmental cooperation "The Amethyst Award" and developments, these developments include, trail safety by managing user conflict (motorized and nonmotorized harmony); a legislation review, and an award winning website for trails. If elected would you and your lead Ministry for trails make a commitment to ensure that the OTCC meets monthly to manage the affairs of trails?
• BUSINESS COSTS - There are issues with liability and operational costs for land owners, or groups that own or operate a trail. The costs of litigation and the process of litigation fail to bring case resolution since often cases are settled out of court. Would your government consider a fund to support the costs or trail litigation, (as they have in Nova Scotia), or the tort (such as the 2009 National Trails Act in the USA) – for trail groups, trail operators and land managers that promote the public good through trail activity?
• TRAIL JOBS - Nearly 1 million individuals use the Ontario Trail Website to plan or find a trail. We estimate trails to be a value between $2.5 - $4 billion dollars to the economy each year. We believe that this number is low. Many Regional Tourism Organizations promote outdoor activity, but have not defined the product range for trails. Would your government work with the OTC to ensure that each RTO promotes trails through a joint trail promotion program so that this trail economy could be expanded and developed throughout the whole of Ontario?
• PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - Waterfront development is of value to all. The OTC works with communities in Northern Ontario, Georgian Bay, promoted the development of the Windsor Riverfront Trail, Carolinian Canada, Waterfront Trail Rides, and the Trans Canada Trail. Recently we offered comment to the Ontario Place Revitalization plans. There are 100's of significant destinations and experiences people can enjoy on trails in Ontario. How would your government work to ensure the OTMPC and other government department’s engaged Ontario Trail leaders in developing destination marketing with world-class trail tourism products as a result?
• WORLD CLASS EVENTS - The Pan-Am Games are coming to Ontario in 2015. The Ontario Trails Council has worked with Hamilton, McMaster, the Trans Canada Trail, and other communities such as Thunder Bay, and the Pan-Am Path in Toronto to make the games a reality on trails. There are many benefits to communities through world-class events. At the OTC we often hear from Centurion, X-terra, Tough Mudder etc. but there is not enough variety for these event planners to use Ontario. - Do you see an opportunity going forward to promote more trail events in more places through OTC/Ontario/Private sector partnerships?

As you receive local responses please send your answers to the OTC and we'll keep a record of who said what. 

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Your Health -- Kids under 16? No ATVs.
Below are some ATV-related facts compiled and adapted from the Eastern OntarioHealth Unit, Safe Kids Canada and the Canadian Pediatric Society.
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Toronto Sun
No condos on Toronto's Ontario Place site, create 'urban park' if re-elected: Wynne
The redeveloped site would include bike and walking trails, an urban park completed in time for the 2015 Pan Am and Parapan Am Games, ...
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Premier Announces Ontario Place Revitalization
The Premier explained the Liberals would create an waterfront community and urban park, complete with playing fields, parks and hiking trails.
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 Algonquin College On-Line Trails Education


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hike, Bike, Camp or Explore Ontario Trails

The Ontario Trails Conference 2012 was recently held in Ingersoll. There were a number of presentations on trails in Ontario; some in the planning stages, some ...

YorkRegion Article: Ontario athletes named to para-cycling team
OTTAWA - Six Ontario athletes will be heading to London as part of the Canadian para-cyclingteam. With the games just 40 days away, a total of 13 athletes ...

Southwest Challenge Cycling Tour - Ontario
July 16/12 12:38 pm - Southwest Challenge Cycling Tour - Ontario. Posted by Editoress on 07/16/12. The non-profit London Centennial Wheelers, along with the ...

CBC Toronto's Matt Galloway » Cycling Celebrity | Canadian ...
Matt Galloway's ride to the CBC building on Front Street helps him wake up and feel energized for his morning at the microphone.

Community Meeting - Sterling & Dundas W ... - Toronto Cyclists Union
Considering the tragic death of Jenna Morrison at the corner of Sterling & Dundas St W last November, Cycle Toronto is encouraged to see the City of Toronto ...

Harper Government Supports War of 1812 Commemoration in Nova Scotia
Canada NewsWire (press release)
"The funding from Canadian Heritage has helped bring history to life, through a partnership with Parks Canada, to commemorate the bicentennial of the War of 1812. We have developed programming to educate our youth and citizens about the significance of ...
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The Government of Canada Honours Canadian Soldiers and Sailors Who ...
MarketWatch (press release)
The Government of Canada and the Canadian Forces are proud to commemorate the achievements of those early Canadian soldiers and sailors who fought in the War of 1812. As such, the 1812Canadian Heritage commemorative pin will be worn by all ...
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Cyclists get an 1812 welcome in Colborne
Northumberland News
The cyclists, on an eight-day, 730-kilometre cycling tour of the Ontario waterfront, passed through Northumberland on July 17 while travelling the stretch from Oshawa to Trenton. The ride started at Niagara-on-the-Lake on July 14 and finishes at the ...
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Female Canoe Racer Challenges IOC | Canoe Kayak Ontario
A British woman is launching a court challenge against organizers of the 2012 London Summer Olympic Games over the exclusion of women's canoe racing ...

Voyageur canoe tour a mixed media event
EMC St. Lawrence
Seven reporters representing the various local media enjoyed a Paddle Through History tour at the Jones Falls Lock on July 5 as they helped Parks Canada get the word out about this excursion, one of Ontario's true hidden treasures. Click to Enlarge ...
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Introduction to Kayaking - Southern Ontario near Toronto - Grand River
New to paddling? Start your kayaking experience safely with an intro lesson with one of our experienced Instructors. 1 hour from Toronto-call 1 888-292-1288.

Grand Valley Trails Association celebrates 40th ... - Ontario Farmer
On Saturday November 3 they will host the Hike Ontario Summit, a gathering of 29 trail associations from across the province who belong to the umbrella group, ...

Walking With A Camera: Toronto Photo Walks: Water Walk
Toronto Photo Walks: Water Walk. Slowly I am catching up. Oh so very slowly... The water walkwas Almost a month a go, back in the end of June. The heat was ...

Clear lanes and roadblocks | Toronto Today
A decade from now, Toronto's off-road bike trail system will be superior to the current one, according to the city's ambitious Bikeway Implementation Plan.

Blue Mountain Ontario Cup #3 | Ontario Cycling Association
By Greg
Blue Mountain was full of excitement and thrills this weekend for the 3rd Ontario Cup of the season brought to you by Tufrack. The gruelling natural based course tested all who dared it with the average completion time being well over 3 ...
Ontario Cycling Association

Time running out for Sudbury Fitness Challenge Mountain Bike Tour
There are races and distances for all abilities, including a children's race and an advanced courserace, featuring parts of the course used for the Ontario Cup event held two weeks ago. The eventwill also include awards, music, prizes and a barbecue put on ...
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Burlington part of Great Waterfront Trail Adventure
Cyclists from the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure stopped in Burlington Sunday ... Landing for the Burlington Butt Break, hosted by Burlington Tourism.

For cyclists, the scenery's great, the weather ...
Belleville Intelligencer
The peloton of amateur cyclists left Niagara-On-The-Lake last Saturday and will cycle 720 kilometres of Ontario's waterfront to South Glengarry near the Ontario-Quebec border this Saturday.
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Quotes from Velo-City, Part Four | Biking Toronto
Part 4- Increasing Cycling and Safety, Empowering the Future: Children and Cycling .... Cycle Toronto Concludes Bike Month 2012 with Official Bike Month Wrap ...

ATV bylaw meeting draws big crowd
EMC Kemptville
EMC News - North Grenville's ATV (all-terrain vehicle) bylaw is on a trail toward being ... "A number of municipalities throughout Ontario, primarily rural ...


    • Local Trail News 
    • Trail Education Program
    • Trail Heros
    • Trailhead Ontario
    • Activity and User Updates

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Trails Education Courses 2012

Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line 
Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice

Info about the Rouge National Park. Parks Canadaare looking for public input on the creation of the new Rouge Park:
Parks Canada has an online survey:

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park! - September 15, 2012 | Ontario ...
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would ...

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Harper Government Boosts Tourism by Investing in War of 1812 Commemorations ...
Bradenton Herald
By Canadian Heritage VANCOUVER, March 19, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ - Important commemorations for the 200 th anniversary of the War of 1812 will boost tourism and allow Canadians to celebrate their history, thanks to investments from the Government of ...
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Federal funds to boost events marking War of 1812
Diamond's Ka'nata Foundation is one of three Nova Scotia recipients of Canadian Heritage funds to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Environment Minister Peter Kent announced the funding Monday at the Halifax Citadel National ...
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War of 1812 commemoration takes shape
Ottawa Citizen
"Canada would not exist had the American invasion not been repelled during the War of 1812, and for that reason, the war is a defining chapter in our country's history," Heritage Minister James Moore said in a statement detailing the latest round of ...
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Raisin River Canoe Race Set For April 22
St. Andrews West - March 20, 2012 - The longest paddling event in Eastern Ontario will be taking place just north of Cornwall on April 22, 2012. An annual rite of spring in the region, the Raisin River Canoe Race will see hundreds of paddlers winding ...
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The W. Garfield Weston Foundation Supports Major Growth of Alternative Land ...
MarketWatch (press release)
ALUS projects are currently established in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island. "The Foundation is proud to continue its support of this very important conservationinitiative," said Eliza Mitchell, Director, The W. Garfield Weston ...
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Bike lane safety worries Thunder Bay residents
Still, Krupper said the city has hired an independent engineering firm — southernOntario firm MMM Group — to make sure it's on the right track. The consultants will evaluate the new bike lanes on Victoria Avenue and on Court Street. See all stories on this topic »

A Canadian exorcism of dog-mushing demons on Alaska's Iditarod Trail
Alaska Dispatch
He was the 49th musher to finish the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. ... The quiet man from Haliburton, Ontario, Canada, and the 10 Siberian huskies that ...

Great Trails - Great People - June 17-20, 2012

Oxford County Trails Tours – scheduled for Sunday afternoon, and Wednesday afternoon, the Oxford County Trails Council has put together a walking, cycling and water tour for delegate enjoyment. That way its not all just indoors but you get to enjoy and experience some of Oxford County’s finest trails! To book a spot contact Wayne Daub of the OCTC at

Join us for the Trailhead Ontario Opening! – Starting at 0900 sharp, we will be welcomed by the Warden of Oxford County, Don McKay. Don is supportive to the county on trails and is also a leading volunteer to the Oxford County Trails Council. So he has insight into both the politics of trails and the tribulations of volunteers.. Please join us to express our appreciation to OCTC and to Oxford County for being our Trailhead Ontario 2012 hosts!

Ontario Trails Strategy – this session is designed to provide the trails community, trail managers and volunteers with up to date information on the status of the 2007 Ontario Trails Strategy, and its relationship with the Recreational Framework, re-written in 2011. Trails are supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and they have the mandate for both implementation and support of recreation and trails. Our panel of Ministry staff will lead the way in detailing the policies and how they make them work at the provincial level!

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