Showing posts with label Executive director. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Executive director. Show all posts

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ontario Trails News - We support trails. We supported New Tecumseth. With a membership we can support you too!

OTC Supports New Tecumseth Trails
March 29, 2014
Mr. Ray Osmond
Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture
Municipality of New Tecumseth
10 Wellington Street East
Alliston, ON L9R 1A1

RE: Trails, Private Land Use and Completing the Trans Canada Trail in Ontario

Dear Mr. Osmond;

Thanks for the opportunity to comment on the issue of recreational trails and farmland in New Tecumseth.

Firstly, let me say that your efforts to complete trail and the section of the Trans Canada Trail on lands under your authorized management and control is something the Ontario Trails Council supports.

In Ontario, there are over 80,000 kilometers of trail, much of which is in southern Ontario where the majority of private land issues arise. Most of Ontario’s farmland is in central and southern Ontario and this makes up roughly 63% of Ontario’s trail inventory.

Thusly, the majority of trail in south west and central Ontario is near, or passes through some form of managed or private land ownership or commercial operation, that could include farming, logging, wetland protection or park.

In fact many trails, such as the Upper Grand Trailway have been supplied interpretive signage through OMAFRA grants to explain faming uses adjacent to the trail to promote agriculture appreciation. Hundreds of other trails operate harmoniously with farmers, such as the Chrysler Greenway in Essex and the Millennium Trail in Prince Edward County.

It is also, in our opinion, more than reasonable to state that the vast majority of this @26,000 kilometers of trail does not involve threat of closure or re-route requests on the part of local landowners or business owners. While there are situations where there may be trail use issues, they tend to be local in nature and remediated through public meeting, signage and effective ongoing trail wardenship and stewardship practices.

The OTC supported New Tecumseh trail development in 1999-2001 as the agent of the Trans Canada Trail in Ontario, and we believe that completing and providing additional trail capacity in New Tecumseth is of great public value. A public value that does not unreasonably impact on farming or private business operation, and which, when or if it does these issues can be usually be resolved without the dissolution of the current trail routing.

Our research shows that at that time of initial master plan and TCT development the public officials of New Tecumseth met with the public, local landowners, and local land-managers as a process of due diligence to implement the trail route in New Tecumseth.

Importantly, during this process you, and others in your office engaged the public, listened to concerns and resolved many land use agreements in the process. Many of these sessions involved local farmers and local agreements were reached with not only the farmers, but representatives of these farmers, such as the local Board of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.

We are also given to understand that during the fall on 2013 additional meetings were held at which time additional permissions and resolutions were discussed and agreed upon. These progressive discussions involved the go ahead to seek funds and complete routes.

At OTC, we expect that private land rights be respected. We expect users to expect and respect other users. We do not approve trespass, nor do we endorse trail users negatively impacting on any land use practice or negatively on the environment or eco-systems through which a trail may travel.

We do expect public consultation and negotiated settlement on the part of users, land managers, land owners, route planners, tourists, accessibility to be promoted, top quality amenities and rules and expectations provided through signage. Moreover, we really appreciate consultation with volunteer groups and trail non-profits that support local trail, when public consultation takes place.

At OTC we understand that the Municipality is seeking new information about issues that have come to light, bison and bison ranching impacts from trail use.

In our opinion, the Municipality of New Tecumseth has enacted a thought out and publicly consulted trail master plan development process; worked with the local business community to define issues and a pathway to issue resolution; learned about new issues in order to resolve these issues; involved local trail volunteers and trail management groups, and is not unduly impinging on the rights of concerned groups to continue business in conjunction with future trail traffic, users, wardens and stewards.

Based on your due process and diligence, we would recommend that New Tecumseth support the recommendations of staff as you work to complete the TCT trail.


Patrick Connor
Executive Director
Ontario Trails Council
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trails supports children's charter for Ontario's trails

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of October 24, 2013
EducationNewsUpdates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
OTC Supports Children's Charter

Press Release
October 24, 2013
Contact:  Patrick Connor
Ontario Trails Council

Ontario Trails Council supports the Ontario Children’s Outdoor Charter

The 170 members of Ontario’s trail association, the Ontario Trails Council (OTC) representing over 400 communities, 18 trail activities and 80,000 kilometers of trail supports the Ontario Children’s Outdoor Charter.

Announced by the province on October 17th, 2013 and developed by a coalition of agencies including the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Back to Nature Network, (Ontario Trails Council is a member), the intent of the Charter is to provide a framework that can be used by organizations and individuals to encourage and advocate for children to explore, discover, play, learn, and understand our environment.

“At OTC our members know that escalating rates of inactivity translate to increasing childhood and early adult obesity. Using a local trail, to walk, ride, or climb, with your child for 20 minutes a day is an easy, fun way to win the fight for your kid’s health,” says Patrick Connor, Executive Director of the Council.

As a charity the Ontario Trails Council has created an award winning websitevisited by nearly 1,000,000 people a year to find a trail to use near them.  The OTC also has a handheld map app that allows you to find a trail nearby, wherever you are in Ontario!

The Ontario Trails Council is pleased that Ontario is the first province in Canada to adopt such a charter.

For more information on Ontario’s trails visit the OTC website

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hiking, Cycling, Camping, Climbing!

Program Updates - Please register for the Trail Tour - Sunday at 3pm! E-mail Wayne
  • We understand the Assistant Deputy Minister for Ministry of Tourism Recreation and Sprot, Mr. Phil Malcolmson will be joining us for the full day June 19th. Welcome Mr. Malcolmson we look forward to working with you on the Ontario Trails Strategy
  • We welcome Mr. Louis Lavoie, from Parks Canada where his position is Manager, Vice President Office, External Relations and Visitor Experience. He will be joining us on June 18th.
  • We are pleased to announce that Mr. Bob Barnett of the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy will be providing his insights as part of the Rouge Valley Panel on the 19th.
  • OTC is pleased to acknowledge the participation of Mr. Jeff Bangs as part of the Trails Tourism Panel - Jeff brings years of networking and TTN Trail Business Plan expertise to the table.
  • Trailhead Ontario is grateful for the Participation of Explorer's Edge and RTO8 as additions to the Trails Tourism Panel. We look forward to the insights of both these areas as we work to craft a cohesive response to trails tourism in Ontario.
  • We are also pleased to welcome staff from the York Region Planing Department as they are talking about their new 100km road bike trail development.
Did you register for Trailhead Ontario yet? If not be sure to see all the great content through the following links





trailhead ontario Cathy Bingham and Wayne Daub, Oxford County Trails Committee - Your Trailhead Ontario 2012 Hosts -  invite you to view: Oxford County Trails

Oxford County on Facebook! Like us

Watch Trailhead Ontario for updates!

Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Ontario Trails Council Annual General Meeting - June 18th, 1200 Noon at Trailhead Ontario. We need 12 for quorum. Please be sure to attend. We are also seeking nominations from 6 candidates to our Board. For information call Patrick at 877-668-7245.

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